CompilerParameters.TempFiles Özellik
Bazı bilgiler ürünün ön sürümüyle ilgilidir ve sürüm öncesinde önemli değişiklikler yapılmış olabilir. Burada verilen bilgilerle ilgili olarak Microsoft açık veya zımni hiçbir garanti vermez.
Geçici dosyaları içeren koleksiyonu alır veya ayarlar.
property System::CodeDom::Compiler::TempFileCollection ^ TempFiles { System::CodeDom::Compiler::TempFileCollection ^ get(); void set(System::CodeDom::Compiler::TempFileCollection ^ value); };
public System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection TempFiles { get; set; }
member this.TempFiles : System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection with get, set
Public Property TempFiles As TempFileCollection
Özellik Değeri
Geçici dosyaları içeren bir koleksiyon.
Aşağıdaki örnekte, çeşitli derleyici ayarlarını ve seçeneklerini belirtmek için kullanma CompilerParameters gösterilmektedir. Bu kod örneği, sınıfı için CompilerParameters sağlanan daha büyük bir örneğin parçasıdır.
static bool CompileCode( CodeDomProvider^ provider,
String^ sourceFile,
String^ exeFile )
CompilerParameters^ cp = gcnew CompilerParameters;
if ( !cp)
return false;
// Generate an executable instead of
// a class library.
cp->GenerateExecutable = true;
// Set the assembly file name to generate.
cp->OutputAssembly = exeFile;
// Generate debug information.
cp->IncludeDebugInformation = true;
// Add an assembly reference.
cp->ReferencedAssemblies->Add( "System.dll" );
// Save the assembly as a physical file.
cp->GenerateInMemory = false;
// Set the level at which the compiler
// should start displaying warnings.
cp->WarningLevel = 3;
// Set whether to treat all warnings as errors.
cp->TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
// Set compiler argument to optimize output.
cp->CompilerOptions = "/optimize";
// Set a temporary files collection.
// The TempFileCollection stores the temporary files
// generated during a build in the current directory,
// and does not delete them after compilation.
cp->TempFiles = gcnew TempFileCollection( ".",true );
if ( provider->Supports( GeneratorSupport::EntryPointMethod ) )
// Specify the class that contains
// the main method of the executable.
cp->MainClass = "Samples.Class1";
if ( Directory::Exists( "Resources" ) )
if ( provider->Supports( GeneratorSupport::Resources ) )
// Set the embedded resource file of the assembly.
// This is useful for culture-neutral resources,
// or default (fallback) resources.
cp->EmbeddedResources->Add( "Resources\\Default.resources" );
// Set the linked resource reference files of the assembly.
// These resources are included in separate assembly files,
// typically localized for a specific language and culture.
cp->LinkedResources->Add( "Resources\\nb-no.resources" );
// Invoke compilation.
CompilerResults^ cr = provider->CompileAssemblyFromFile( cp, sourceFile );
if ( cr->Errors->Count > 0 )
// Display compilation errors.
Console::WriteLine( "Errors building {0} into {1}",
sourceFile, cr->PathToAssembly );
for each ( CompilerError^ ce in cr->Errors )
Console::WriteLine( " {0}", ce->ToString() );
Console::WriteLine( "Source {0} built into {1} successfully.",
sourceFile, cr->PathToAssembly );
// Return the results of compilation.
if ( cr->Errors->Count > 0 )
return false;
return true;
public static bool CompileCode(CodeDomProvider provider,
String sourceFile,
String exeFile)
CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
// Generate an executable instead of
// a class library.
cp.GenerateExecutable = true;
// Set the assembly file name to generate.
cp.OutputAssembly = exeFile;
// Generate debug information.
cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
// Add an assembly reference.
cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add( "System.dll" );
// Save the assembly as a physical file.
cp.GenerateInMemory = false;
// Set the level at which the compiler
// should start displaying warnings.
cp.WarningLevel = 3;
// Set whether to treat all warnings as errors.
cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
// Set compiler argument to optimize output.
cp.CompilerOptions = "/optimize";
// Set a temporary files collection.
// The TempFileCollection stores the temporary files
// generated during a build in the current directory,
// and does not delete them after compilation.
cp.TempFiles = new TempFileCollection(".", true);
if (provider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.EntryPointMethod))
// Specify the class that contains
// the main method of the executable.
cp.MainClass = "Samples.Class1";
if (Directory.Exists("Resources"))
if (provider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.Resources))
// Set the embedded resource file of the assembly.
// This is useful for culture-neutral resources,
// or default (fallback) resources.
// Set the linked resource reference files of the assembly.
// These resources are included in separate assembly files,
// typically localized for a specific language and culture.
// Invoke compilation.
CompilerResults cr = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(cp, sourceFile);
if(cr.Errors.Count > 0)
// Display compilation errors.
Console.WriteLine("Errors building {0} into {1}",
sourceFile, cr.PathToAssembly);
foreach(CompilerError ce in cr.Errors)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", ce.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Source {0} built into {1} successfully.",
sourceFile, cr.PathToAssembly);
Console.WriteLine("{0} temporary files created during the compilation.",
// Return the results of compilation.
if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
return false;
return true;
Public Shared Function CompileCode(ByVal provider As CodeDomProvider, _
ByVal sourceFile As String, ByVal exeFile As String) As Boolean
Dim cp As New CompilerParameters()
' Generate an executable instead of
' a class library.
cp.GenerateExecutable = True
' Set the assembly file name to generate.
cp.OutputAssembly = exeFile
' Generate debug information.
cp.IncludeDebugInformation = True
' Add an assembly reference.
' Save the assembly as a physical file.
cp.GenerateInMemory = False
' Set the level at which the compiler
' should start displaying warnings.
cp.WarningLevel = 3
' Set whether to treat all warnings as errors.
cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = False
' Set compiler argument to optimize output.
cp.CompilerOptions = "/optimize"
' Set a temporary files collection.
' The TempFileCollection stores the temporary files
' generated during a build in the current directory,
' and does not delete them after compilation.
cp.TempFiles = New TempFileCollection(".", True)
If provider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.EntryPointMethod) Then
' Specify the class that contains
' the main method of the executable.
cp.MainClass = "Samples.Class1"
End If
If Directory.Exists("Resources") Then
If provider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.Resources) Then
' Set the embedded resource file of the assembly.
' This is useful for culture-neutral resources,
' or default (fallback) resources.
' Set the linked resource reference files of the assembly.
' These resources are included in separate assembly files,
' typically localized for a specific language and culture.
End If
End If
' Invoke compilation.
Dim cr As CompilerResults = _
provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(cp, sourceFile)
If cr.Errors.Count > 0 Then
' Display compilation errors.
Console.WriteLine("Errors building {0} into {1}", _
sourceFile, cr.PathToAssembly)
Dim ce As CompilerError
For Each ce In cr.Errors
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", ce.ToString())
Next ce
Console.WriteLine("Source {0} built into {1} successfully.", _
sourceFile, cr.PathToAssembly)
Console.WriteLine("{0} temporary files created during the compilation.", _
End If
' Return the results of compilation.
If cr.Errors.Count > 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function 'CompileCode
Koleksiyondaki geçici dosyalar, koleksiyondaki özelliğin değerine KeepFiles göre derleyici etkinliği tamamlandıktan sonra korunur veya silinir.
KeepFiles Koleksiyon oluşturucu kullanılarak oluşturulursa TempFileCollection(String, Boolean)keepFiles
parametresi olarak ayarlanırsa özelliği ayarlanırtrue
Bu sınıf, bir bağlantı talebi ve tüm üyeler için geçerli olan sınıf düzeyinde devralma talebi içerir. Hemen SecurityException çağıranın veya türetilen sınıfın tam güven izni olmadığında bir oluşturulur. Güvenlik talepleri hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için bkz. Bağlantı Talepleri ve Devralma Talepleri.