EncryptedReference.GetXml Yöntem
Bazı bilgiler ürünün ön sürümüyle ilgilidir ve sürüm öncesinde önemli değişiklikler yapılmış olabilir. Burada verilen bilgilerle ilgili olarak Microsoft açık veya zımni hiçbir garanti vermez.
Bir EncryptedReference nesnenin XML gösterimini döndürür.
virtual System::Xml::XmlElement ^ GetXml();
public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement GetXml ();
abstract member GetXml : unit -> System.Xml.XmlElement
override this.GetXml : unit -> System.Xml.XmlElement
Public Overridable Function GetXml () As XmlElement
XmlElement XML şifrelemesindeki öğesinin <EncryptedReference>
değerlerini temsil eden bir nesne.
Özel durumlar
ReferenceType özelliğidirnull
Aşağıdaki örnek, xml değerlerini konsola yazmak için sınıfındaki yöntemini CipherReference kullanırGetXml.
#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::IO;
/// This sample used the GetXml method in the CipherReference class to
/// write the XML values for the CipherReference to the console.
int main()
//Create a URI string.
String^ uri = "http://www.woodgrovebank.com/document.xml";
// Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
// URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
Transform^ base64 = gcnew XmlDsigBase64Transform;
//Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
TransformChain^ tc = gcnew TransformChain;
tc->Add( base64 );
//Create <CipherReference> information.
CipherReference ^ reference = gcnew CipherReference( uri,tc );
// Write the CipherReference value to the console.
Console::WriteLine( "Cipher Reference data: {0}", reference->GetXml()->OuterXml );
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
/// This sample used the GetXml method in the CipherReference class to
/// write the XML values for the CipherReference to the console.
namespace CipherReference2
class CipherReference2
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create a URI string.
String uri = "http://www.woodgrovebank.com/document.xml";
// Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
// URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
Transform base64 = new XmlDsigBase64Transform();
//Create a transform chain and add the transform to it.
TransformChain tc = new TransformChain();
//Create <CipherReference> information.
CipherReference reference = new CipherReference(uri, tc);
// Write the CipherReference value to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Cipher Reference data: {0}", reference.GetXml().OuterXml);
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
' This sample used the GetXml method in the CipherReference class
' to write the value of CipherReference to the console.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Create a URI string.
Dim uri As String = "http://www.woodgrovebank.com/document.xml"
' Create a Base64 transform. The input content retrieved from the
' URI should be Base64-decoded before other processing.
Dim base64 As Transform = New XmlDsigBase64Transform
Dim tc As New TransformChain
' Create <CipherReference> information.
Dim reference As CipherReference = New CipherReference(uri, tc)
' Write the XML for the CipherReference to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Cipher Reference: {0}", reference.GetXml().OuterXml)
End Sub
End Module
Bir nesnede EncryptedReference bulunan XML bilgilerini çıkarmak için bu yöntemi kullanabilirsiniz.