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Manage mail flow rules in Exchange Online

In Exchange Online organizations or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, you can use Exchange mail flow rules (also known as transport rules) to look for specific conditions on messages that pass through your organization and take action on them.

This article shows you how to create, copy, adjust the order, enable or disable, delete, import or export rules, and monitor rule usage.


To ensure that your rules work the way you expect, ensure that you thoroughly test each rule and interactions between rules.

What do you need to know before you begin?


Having problems? Ask for help in the Exchange forums. Visit the forums at Exchange Online or Exchange Online Protection.

Create a mail flow rule

You can create a mail flow rule in the EAC or in PowerShell. In the EAC, you can also create a mail flow rule by copying an existing rule.


After you create or copy a mail flow rule, it might take 30 minutes or more for the new rule to be applied to emails.

Use the EAC to create a mail flow rule

The EAC allows you to create mail flow rules by selecting a template or starting from scratch.

  1. In the new EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use

  2. On the Rules page, create the rule by using one of the following options:

    • To create a rule from a template, select Add a rule Add Icon. and select a template from the drop-down list.
    • To create a new rule from scratch, select Add a rule Add Icon. > Create a new rule.

    The new rule wizard opens.

  3. On the Set rule conditions page, enter a unique name for the rule in the Name box, and then select the conditions, exceptions, and actions for the rule:

    • Apply this rule if...: Select a condition from the list.

      • Some conditions require other values. For example, if you select The sender is..., you also need to specify a sender address. If you're adding a word or phrase, trailing spaces aren't allowed.
      • To add more conditions, select Add condition Add Icon. and then repeat this step.
      • Select Delete condition Delete icon. to remove the condition.
      • To apply to all messages in the organization, select the Apply to all messages condition.
    • Do the following...: Select an action from the list.

      • Some actions require other values. For example, if you select Forward the message for approval to..., you need to select a recipient in your organization.
      • To add more actions, select Add action Add Icon. and then repeat this step.
      • Select Delete action Delete icon. to remove the action.
    • Except if...: Use this setting to specify any exceptions to the rule. The available exceptions are identical to the available conditions.

      • Some exceptions require other values. For example, if you select The sender is..., you also need to specify a sender address. If you're adding a word or phrase, trailing spaces aren't allowed.
      • To add more exceptions, select Add exception Add Icon. and then repeat this step.
      • Select Delete exception Delete icon. to remove the exception.

    When you're finished on the Set rule conditions page, select Next.

  4. On the Set rule settings page, configure the following settings:

    • Rule mode: Select one of the following values:

      • Enforce: Turn on the rule and start processing messages immediately. All actions on the rule are taken.
      • Test with Policy Tips: Turn on the rule, and any Policy Tip actions ( Notify the sender with a Policy Tip) are sent, but no actions related to message delivery are taken.
      • Test without Policy Tips: Only the Generate incident report action is enforced. No actions related to message delivery are taken.
    • Severity: Select a severity level for this rule. Rule matches are grouped by severity level in activity reports. Severity level is just a filter to make the reports easier to use. The severity level has no impact on the priority that the rule is processed in.

      • Not specified
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
      • Not audit: Rule matches don't appear in rule reports.
    • Activate this rule on and Deactivate this rule on: Use these settings to turn the rule on and off for a specific time period. If you create the rule before Activate this rule on date, the rule is enabled but it isn't processed. After the Deactivate this rule on date, the rule remains enabled but it isn't processed.

    • Stop processing more rules: Use this setting to prevent additional rules from being applied to the message after this rule. If a message is processed by this rule, no subsequent rules are processed for that message.

    • Defer the message if rule processing doesn't complete: Specify how the message should be handled if rule processing can't finish. By default, the rule is ignored and processing of the message by other rules continues. If you select this option, the message is resubmitted for processing.

    • Match sender address in message: Specify which email address is evaluated by conditions or exceptions that inspect the sender's email address:

      • Header: Only the message headers are examined.
      • Envelope: Only the SMTP message envelope is examined.
      • Header or envelope: Both the message headers and SMTP message envelope are examined.
    • Comments: Add an optional comment to the rule.

    When you're finished on the Set rule settings page, select Next.

  5. On the Review and finish page, verify the settings. Select Back or use the Edit rule conditions or Edit rule settings links to modify the settings.

    When you're finished on the Review and finish page, select Finish.

  6. On the confirmation page, select Done.

Use Exchange Online PowerShell to create a mail flow rule

The following example creates a new mail flow rule that prepends the text External message to Sales DG: to the Subject line of external messages that are sent to the Sales Department distribution group:

New-TransportRule -Name "Mark messages from the Internet to Sales DG" -FromScope NotInOrganization -SentTo "Sales Department" -PrependSubject "External message to Sales DG:"

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see New-TransportRule.


The parameters and action used in the previous example are for illustration only. Review all the available mail flow rule conditions and actions to determine which ones meet your requirements.

Use the EAC to copy a mail flow rule

  1. In the new EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use

  2. On the Rules page, select the rule by selecting the radio button that appears next to the Status value, and then select the Duplicate Copy Icon. action that appears.

  3. In the Make a copy of "<Rule Name>" flyout that opens, the values on the Conditions and Settings tabs are filled in with the settings of the copied rule. The default name is Copy of <Rule Name>. You can change any of the rule settings. The available settings are identical to creating a new rule as explained in the Use the EAC to create a mail flow rule section.

  4. When you finished editing the settings of the rule, select Make copy at the bottom of the flyout.

  5. In the confirmation flyout that opens, select Duplicate.

  6. In the success flyout that opens, select Close X.

How do you know that you've successfully created a mail flow rule?

To verify that you've successfully created a mail flow rule, do either of the following steps:

  • On the Rules page in the EAC at, verify that the mail flow rule you created or copied is listed.

  • In Exchange Online PowerShell, replace <New Rule Name> with the name of the rule that you created or copied and run the following command:

    Get-TransportRule -Identity "<New Rule Name>""

View or modify a mail flow rule


After you modify a mail flow rule, it might take 30 minutes or more for the updated rule to be applied to emails.

Use the EAC to view or modify a mail flow rule

  1. In the new EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use
  2. On the Rules page, select a rule from the list by clicking anywhere in the row other than the round checkbox next to the name.
  3. In the details flyout that opens you can see the existing settings and make changes by selecting Edit rule conditions and Edit rule settings at the top of the flyout. The available settings are identical to creating a new rule as explained in the Use the EAC to create a mail flow rule section.

Use Exchange Online PowerShell to view or modify a mail flow rule

The following example returns a summary list of all mail flow rules in the organization:


To view the detailed information about a specific mail flow rule, provide the unique identifier for the rule (for example, Name, DistinguishedName, or GUID). It's helpful to send the output to the Format-List cmdlet to format the properties.

The following example returns all the properties of the specified mail flow rule:

Get-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of marketing" | Format-List

The following example adds an exception to the existing rule named "Sender is a member of marketing" so that it doesn't apply to messages sent by the user Kelly Rollin:

Set-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of marketing" -ExceptIfFrom "Kelly Rollin"

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-TransportRule.

How do you know that you've successfully modified a mail flow rule?

To verify that you've successfully modified a mail flow rule, do either of the following steps:

  • On the Rules page in the EAC at, select the rule that you modified by clicking anywhere in the row other than the radio button next to the Status value. In the details flyout that opens, confirm the settings.

  • In Exchange Online PowerShell, replace <Rule Name> with the name of the rule that you modified and run the following command:

    Get-TransportRule -Identity "<Rule Name>" | Format-List Name,ExceptIfFrom

Set the priority of a mail flow rule

On the Rules page in the EAC, mail flow rules are shown in the order that they're processed. The rule at the top of the list has the Priority value 0 and is processed first.

Use the EAC to set the priority of a rule

  1. In the EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use
  2. On the Rules page, select a rule by selecting the radio button next to the Status value, and then select the Move up or Move down actions to move the rule up or down the list.

Use Exchange Online PowerShell to set the priority of a rule

The following example sets the priority of the specified mail flow rule to 2:

Set-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of Marketing" -Priority "2"

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-TransportRule.

How do you know that you've successfully set the priority of a mail flow rule

To verify that you've successfully set the priority of a mail flow rule, do either of the following steps:

Enable or disable a mail flow rule

By default, the status of mail flow rule is disabled when you create them using EAC. This is done so that you can review the rule one more time before finally enabling it. You can enable the rule after the rule creation is complete.

Use the EAC to enable or disable a mail flow rule

  1. In the EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use
  2. On the Rules page, select the rule by clicking anywhere in the row other than the radio button next to the name. The Status value of the rule is Enabled or Disabled.
  3. In the details flyout that opens, use the toggle in the Enable or disable rule section near the top of the flyout to enable or disable the rule.

Use Exchange Online PowerShell to enable or disable a mail flow rule

The following example disables the specified mail flow rule:

Disable-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of marketing"

The following example enables the specified mail flow rule:

Enable-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of marketing"

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Disable-TransportRule and Enable-TransportRule.

How do you know you've successfully enabled or disabled a mail flow rule?

To verify that you've successfully enabled or disabled a mail flow rule, do either of the following steps:

  • On the Rules page in the EAC at, verify the value in the Status column.

  • In Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following command to return a list of all rules in your organization along with their status values:

    Get-TransportRule | Format-Table Name,State

Remove a mail flow rule

Use the EAC to remove a mail flow rule

  1. In the EAC at, go to Mail flow > Rules. Or, to go directly to the Rules page, use
  2. On the Rules page, select the rule by selecting the radio button next to the Status value, and then select the Delete Delete icon. action that appears.
  3. In the confirmation flyout that opens, select Confirm.

Use Exchange Online PowerShell to remove a mail flow rule

The following example removes the specified mail flow rule:

Remove-TransportRule -Identity "Sender is a member of marketing"

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Remove-TransportRule.

How do you know that you've successfully removed a mail flow rule?

To verify that you've successfully removed the mail flow rule, do either of the following steps:

  • On the Rules page of the EAC at, verify that the rule you removed is no longer listed.

  • In Exchange Online PowerShell, run the following command and verify that the rule you removed is no longer listed:


Monitor rule usage

You can check the number of times each rule is matched by using Exchange Transport Rule report in the EAC. For a rule to be included in the report, a rule can't have the Severity value Not audit (all other values are OK). You can view the report online, or download report data to a .csv file.


While most data is in the report within 24 hours, some data may take as long as 5 days to appear.

  1. In the EAC at, go to Reports > Mail flow. Or, to go directly to the Mail flow reports page, use
  2. On the Mail flow reports page, find and select Exchange Transport Rule report.

For details about the report, see Exchange transport rule report in the new Exchange admin center in Exchange Online.

Import or export a mail flow rule collection in Exchange Online

Use the Export-TransportRuleCollection cmdlet in Exchange Online PowerShell to export all of the mail flow rules in the organization to an XML file. For more information, see Export-TransportRuleCollection.

The Import-TransportRuleCollection cmdlet will be deprecated from Exchange Online PowerShell. To manually import a mail flow rules collection XML file in Exchange Online PowerShell, do the following steps:

  1. Back up all existing mail flow rules using the Export-TransportRuleCollection cmdlet (the next step removes all existing mail flow rules, just like the Import-TransportRuleCollection cmdlet did). For example:

    $file = Export-TransportRuleCollection
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('C:\MailFlowRuleCollections\BackupRuleCollection.xml', $file.FileData)
  2. Remove all existing mail flow rules in the organization by running the following command:

    Get-TransportRule | foreach {Remove-TransportRule $_.Guid -Confirm:$false}
  3. Copy the following text into Notepad:

    if ((Get-TransportRule).Count -ne 0)
       Write-Host "Please remove your current mail flow rules first."
    [xml]$xml = Get-Content "C:\MailFlowRuleCollections\RuleCollectionToImport.xml"
    $rulesToImport = $xml.SelectNodes("//rules/rule")
    if ($rulesToImport.Count -eq 0)
        Write-Host "There are no mail flow rules to be imported."
    Write-Host "Importing $($rulesToImport.Count) mail flow rules."
    $index = 0
    foreach ($rule in $rulesToImport)
        Write-Host "Importing rule '$($rule.Name)' $index/$($rulesToImport.Count)."
        Invoke-Expression $($rule.version.commandBlock.InnerText) | Out-Null
  4. Update the following line with the path and filename of the mail flow rule XML collection that you want to import:

    [xml]$xml = Get-Content "C:\MailFlowRuleCollections\RuleCollectionToImport.xml"
  5. Save the file as .ps1 in a location that's easy for you to find (for example, C:\Data\Import-Rules.ps1).

  6. In PowerShell, use the following syntax to run the script:

    & "<Path to script file>\<FileName>.ps1"

    For example:

    & "C:\Data\Import-Rules.ps1"

Need more help?

Mail flow rules (transport rules) in Exchange Online

Mail flow rule conditions and exceptions (predicates) in Exchange Online

Mail flow rule actions in Exchange Online

Journal, transport, and inbox rule limits