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Microsoft.Azure.Management.Insights.Models Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleProfile

Autoscale profile.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSetting

A setting that contains all of the configuration for the automatic scaling of a resource.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSettingCreateOrUpdateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create or Update autoscale setting operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSettingGetResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSettingListResponse

The List Autoscale settings operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSettingResource

The autoscale setting resource.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutoscaleSettingResourceCollection

Represents a collection of autoscale setting resources.

System_CAPS_pubclass BasicConfiguration

Shared basic configuration elements.

System_CAPS_pubclass CrashDumps

Enable collection of crash dumps.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateOrUpdateStorageConfigurationParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create or Update storage configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiagnosticInfrastructureLogs

Enable collection of logs generated by the agent. The diagnostic infrastructure logs are useful for troubleshooting the diagnostics system itself.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration

Basic diagnostics configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiagnosticSettings

Represents the settings for agents to collect diagnostics information.

System_CAPS_pubclass Directories

Represents an absolute directory path.

System_CAPS_pubclass DirectoryAbsolute

The absolute path to the directory to monitor.

System_CAPS_pubclass DirectoryConfiguration

Enable the collection of the contents of a directory, IIS failed access request logs and/or IIS logs.

System_CAPS_pubclass DirectoryLocal

The path relative to a local resource to monitor.

System_CAPS_pubclass DirectoryPath

A directory path definition.

System_CAPS_pubclass EtwEventConfiguration

Represents the configuration for collecting ETW events.

System_CAPS_pubclass EtwProvider

Configures collection of events generated from .NET System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.

System_CAPS_pubclass EtwProviders

Represents the configuration for ETW providers by category.

System_CAPS_pubclass Incident

An alert incident indicates the activation status of an alert rule.

System_CAPS_pubclass IncidentGetResponse

The Get Incident operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass IncidentListResponse

The List incidents operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocalizedString

Represents the display name in a specific locale.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationThresholdRuleCondition

A rule condition based on a certain number of locations failing.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementEventAggregationCondition

A management event aggregation condition.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementEventRuleCondition

A management event rule condition.

System_CAPS_pubclass MetricAggregation

Represents an metric aggregation.

System_CAPS_pubclass Metrics

Represents a metric collection configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass MetricTrigger

The trigger that results in a scaling action.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringConfigurationCreateOrUpdateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create or Update monitoring configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringConfigurationCreateOrUpdateResponse

The create or update monitoring setting response. It's marked as empty. We only pass it to ensure json error handling.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringConfigurationGetResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass PerformanceCounterConfiguration

Enable the collection of Performance Counters.

System_CAPS_pubclass PerformanceCounters

Represents a collection or performance counters and their shared configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass PublicConfiguration

Public configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass PublicMonitoringConfiguration

Represents the public monitoring configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass Recurrence

The repeating times at which this profile begins. This element is not used if the FixedDate element is used.

System_CAPS_pubclass RecurrentSchedule

The scheduling constraints for when the profile begins.

System_CAPS_pubclass Rule

An alert rule.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleAction

The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleCondition

The condition that results in the alert rule being activated.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleCreateOrUpdateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create or Update Rule operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleDataSource

The resource from which the rule collects its data.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleEmailAction

Specifies the action to send email when the rule condition is evaluated.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleGetResponse

The Get Rule operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleListResponse

The List Rules operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleManagementEventClaimsDataSource

The claims for a rule management event data source.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleManagementEventDataSource

A rule management event data source.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleMetricDataSource

A rule metric data source.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleResource

The alert rule resource.

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleResourceCollection

Represents a collection of alert rule resources.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScaleAction

The parameters for the scaling action.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScaleCapacity

The number of instances that can be used during this profile.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScaleRule

A rule that provide the triggers and parameters for the scaling action.

System_CAPS_pubclass StorageConfiguration

The public diagnostics settings for Storage account services.

System_CAPS_pubclass StorageConfigurationGetResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass StorageLoggingConfiguration

The properties for logging. This allows specifying the operations to be logged and their retention.

System_CAPS_pubclass StorageMetricAggregation

Represents an metric aggregation.

System_CAPS_pubclass StorageMetricConfiguration

Represents a metric collection configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass ThresholdRuleCondition

A rule condition based on a metric crossing a threshold.

System_CAPS_pubclass TimeWindow

A specific date for the profile. This element is not used if the Recurrence element is used.

System_CAPS_pubclass WindowsEventLog

represents a windows event log collection configuration.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum ComparisonOperationType

System_CAPS_pubenum ConditionOperator

System_CAPS_pubenum CrashDumpType

System_CAPS_pubenum LogLevel

System_CAPS_pubenum MetricStatisticType

System_CAPS_pubenum RecurrenceFrequency

System_CAPS_pubenum ScaleDirection

System_CAPS_pubenum ScaleType

System_CAPS_pubenum StorageMetricLevel

System_CAPS_pubenum TimeAggregationOperator

System_CAPS_pubenum TimeAggregationType

System_CAPS_pubenum Units

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