XName 对象的预先原子化 (LINQ to XML)
提高 LINQ to XML 中的性能的一种方法是预原子化 XName 对象。 预原子化是指在通过使用 XName 和 XElement 的构造函数创建 XML 树之前,先将字符串分配给 XAttribute 对象。 然后传递初始化的 XName 对象,而不是将字符串传递给构造函数(此过程将使用从字符串到 XName 的隐式转换)。
当创建其中重复出现某些名称的大型 XML 树时,这样可以提高性能。 为此,请在构造 XML 树之前声明和初始化 XName 对象,然后使用 XName 对象,而不是指定元素和属性名称的字符串。 当创建大量具有相同名称的元素或属性时,此技术可以显著提高性能。
XName Root = "Root";
XName Data = "Data";
XName ID = "ID";
XElement root = new XElement(Root,
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "1"),
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "2"),
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "3"),
Dim root1 As XName = "Root"
Dim data As XName = "Data"
Dim id As XName = "ID"
Dim root2 As New XElement(root1, New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "1"), "4,100,000"),
New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "2"), "3,700,000"),
New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "3"), "1,150,000"))
<Data ID="1">4,100,000</Data>
<Data ID="2">3,700,000</Data>
<Data ID="3">1,150,000</Data>
下面的示例针对命名空间中的 XML 文档演示了相同技术:
XNamespace aw = "http://www.adventure-works.com";
XName Root = aw + "Root";
XName Data = aw + "Data";
XName ID = "ID";
XElement root = new XElement(Root,
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "aw", aw),
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "1"),
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "2"),
new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, "3"),
Dim aw As XNamespace = "http://www.adventure-works.com"
Dim root1 As XName = aw + "Root"
Dim data As XName = aw + "Data"
Dim id As XName = "ID"
Dim root2 As New XElement(root1, New XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "aw", aw),
New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "1"), "4,100,000"),
New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "2"), "3,700,000"),
New XElement(data, New XAttribute(id, "3"), "1,150,000"))
<aw:Root xmlns:aw="http://www.adventure-works.com">
<aw:Data ID="1">4,100,000</aw:Data>
<aw:Data ID="2">3,700,000</aw:Data>
<aw:Data ID="3">1,150,000</aw:Data>
下面的示例更类似于实际中可能遇到的情况。 在此示例中,元素的内容由查询提供:
XName Root = "Root";
XName Data = "Data";
XName ID = "ID";
DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
XElement root = new XElement(Root,
from i in System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(1, 100000)
select new XElement(Data,
new XAttribute(ID, i),
i * 5)
DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Time to construct:{0}", t2 - t1);
Dim root1 As XName = "Root"
Dim data As XName = "Data"
Dim id As XName = "ID"
Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew()
Dim root2 As New XElement(root1, From i In Enumerable.Range(1, 100000)
Select New XElement(data, New XAttribute(ID, i), i * 5))
Console.WriteLine($"Time to construct: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds")
DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
XElement root = new XElement("Root",
from i in System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(1, 100000)
select new XElement("Data",
new XAttribute("ID", i),
i * 5)
DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Time to construct:{0}", t2 - t1);
Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew()
Dim root As New XElement("Root", From i In Enumerable.Range(1, 100000)
Select New XElement("Data", New XAttribute("ID", i), i * 5))
Console.WriteLine($"Time to construct: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds")