StylusUpData.VerifyPacketData Method

StylusUpData.VerifyPacketData Method

Verifies the packet data for the StylusUpData object. This class supports the RealTimeStylus infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


Visual Basic .NET Overrides Protected Sub VerifyPacketData( _
ByVal packetPropertyCount As Integer, _
ByVal packetData() As Integer _
C# protected override void VerifyPacketData(
int packetPropertyCount,
int[] packetData
Managed C++ protected: void VerifyPacketData(
int *packetPropertyCount,
int *packetData __gc[]


packetPropertyCount System.Int32.
packetData System.Int32[].


ArgumentException Leave Site:
ArgumentException Leave Site:
ArgumentNullException Leave Site: PacketData cannot be null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Leave Site: PacketData is empty.