JobHistoryFilter Object

后续版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 将删除该功能。请避免在新的开发工作中使用该功能,并着手修改当前还在使用该功能的应用程序。

The JobServer object exposes a JobHistoryFilter object. The JobHistoryFilter object does not represent a Microsoft SQL Server component. It is used to control JobServer object methods. If used as a parameter to the EnumJobHistory method, a JobHistoryFilter object constrains the output of the method. If used with the PurgeJobHistory method, the JobHistoryFilter object restricts the scope of the method.

显示当前对象的 SQL-DMO 对象模型


EndRunDate Property

OldestFirst Property

EndRunTime Property

OutcomeTypes Property

JobID Property

SQLMessageID Property

JobName Property

SQLSeverity Property

MinimumRetries Property

StartRunDate Property

MinimumRunDuration Property

StartRunTime Property



EnumJobHistory Method
PurgeJobHistory Method


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