ReInitialize Method

后续版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 将删除该功能。请避免在新的开发工作中使用该功能,并着手修改当前还在使用该功能的应用程序。

The ReInitialize method marks a subscription for reinitialization.




  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT ReInitialize();


Use the ReInitialize method only when the SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) object references a transactional or merge replication subscription.

After using ReInitialize, it may be necessary to update the initial snapshot of the publication. For subscriptions to transactional replication publications configured for automatic synchronization (the PublicationAttributes property of the referencing TransPublication object returns SQLDMOPubAttrib_ImmediateSync), the initial snapshot of the publication must be updated. For all other publication types, it is strongly suggested that the application force an update of the initial snapshot.

Reinitializing a subscription by using the ReInitialize method requires appropriate privilege. The Microsoft SQL Server login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the fixed server role sysadmin or fixed database role db_owner in the database referenced by the subscribed-to publication.


