
在 SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 中,默认约束由 Default 对象表示。

Default 对象的 TextBody 属性用于设置要插入的值。此值可以是常量,也可以是返回常量值的 Transact-SQL 语句,例如 GETDATE()。不能通过使用 Alter 方法修改 TextBody 属性。相反,必须删除并重新创建 Default 对象。


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在 Visual Basic 中创建、更改和删除默认值

此代码示例演示如何创建一个简单文本形式的默认值和另一个 Transact-SQL 语句形式的默认值。必须使用 BindToColumn 方法将默认值附加到列,然后使用 UnbindFromColumn 方法将其分离。

'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks2008R2 database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks2008R2")
'Define a Default object variable by supplying the parent database and the default name 
'in the constructor.
Dim def As [Default]
def = New [Default](db, "Test_Default2")
'Set the TextHeader and TextBody properties that define the default.
def.TextHeader = "CREATE DEFAULT [Test_Default2] AS"
def.TextBody = "GetDate()"
'Create the default on the instance of SQL Server.
'Declare a Column object variable and reference a column in the AdventureWorks2008R2 database.
Dim col As Column
col = db.Tables("SpecialOffer", "Sales").Columns("StartDate")
'Bind the default to the column.
def.BindToColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales")
'Unbind the default from the column and remove it from the database.
def.UnbindFromColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales")

在 Visual C# 中创建、更改和删除默认值

此代码示例演示如何创建一个简单文本形式的默认值和另一个 Transact-SQL 语句形式的默认值。必须使用 BindToColumn 方法将默认值附加到列,然后使用 UnbindFromColumn 方法将其分离。

          Server srv = new Server();

            //Reference the AdventureWorks2008R2 database. 
            Database  db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2008R2"];

            //Define a Default object variable by supplying the parent database and the default name 
            //in the constructor. 
            Default def = new Default(db, "Test_Default2");

            //Set the TextHeader and TextBody properties that define the default. 
            def.TextHeader = "CREATE DEFAULT [Test_Default2] AS";
            def.TextBody = "GetDate()";

            //Create the default on the instance of SQL Server. 
            //Bind the default to a column in a table in AdventureWorks2008R2
            def.BindToColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales");

            //Unbind the default from the column and remove it from the database. 
            def.UnbindFromColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales");

在 PowerShell 中创建、更改和删除默认值

此代码示例演示如何创建一个简单文本形式的默认值和另一个 Transact-SQL 语句形式的默认值。必须使用 BindToColumn 方法将默认值附加到列,然后使用 UnbindFromColumn 方法将其分离。

# Set the path context to the local, default instance of SQL Server and get a reference to AdventureWorks2008R2
CD \sql\localhost\default\databases
$db = get-item Adventureworks2008R2

#Define a Default object variable by supplying the parent database and the default name in the constructor.
$def = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Default `
-argumentlist $db, "Test_Default2"

#Set the TextHeader and TextBody properties that define the default. 
$def.TextHeader = "CREATE DEFAULT [Test_Default2] AS"
$def.TextBody = "GetDate()"

#Create the default on the instance of SQL Server. 

#Bind the default to the column. 
$def.BindToColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales")
#Unbind the default from the column and remove it from the database. 
$def.UnbindFromColumn("SpecialOffer", "StartDate", "Sales")

