将 Restart Manager 与辅助安装程序配合使用

以下过程介绍如何将 Restart Manager 与主安装程序和辅助安装程序配合使用。


将 Restart Manager 与主安装程序和辅助安装程序配合使用

  1. 主安装程序调用 RmStartSession 函数来启动 Restart Manager 会话并获取会话句柄和密钥。

  2. 主安装程序启动或联系辅助安装程序,并为其提供在上一步中获取的会话密钥。

  3. 辅助安装程序使用会话密钥调用 RmJoinSession 函数以加入 Restart Manager 会话。 仅当两个安装程序在同一用户上下文中运行时,辅助安装程序才能加入由主安装程序启动的会话。

  4. 主安装程序和辅助安装程序调用 RmRegisterResources 函数来注册资源。 重启管理器只能使用已注册的资源来确定必须关闭和重启哪些应用程序和服务。 所有可能受安装影响的资源都应注册到会话。 可以通过文件名、服务短名称或 RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS 结构来标识资源。

  5. 主安装程序调用 RmGetList 函数以获取 RM_PROCESS_INFO 结构的数组,这些结构列出了必须关闭和重启的所有应用程序和服务。

    如果 RmGetList 函数返回的 lpdwRebootReason 参数的值为非零值,则重启管理器无法通过关闭应用程序或服务来释放已注册的资源。 在这种情况下,需要关闭系统并重启才能继续安装。 主安装程序应提示用户执行操作、停止程序或服务,或计划系统关闭并重启。

    如果 RmGetList 函数返回的 lpdwRebootReason 参数的值为零,则安装程序应调用 RmShutdown 函数。 这会关闭使用已注册资源的服务和应用程序。 然后,主安装程序和辅助安装程序应执行完成安装所需的系统修改。 最后,主安装程序应调用 RmRestart 函数,以便重启管理器可以重启它已关闭且已注册重启的应用程序。

  6. 主安装程序和辅助安装程序调用 RmEndSession 函数以关闭 Restart Manager 会话。

以下代码片段演示了启动和使用 Restart Manager 会话的主安装程序的示例。 该示例需要 Windows 7 或 Windows Server 2008 R2。 在 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008 上,计算器应用程序将关闭,但不会重启。 此示例演示主安装程序如何使用 Restart Manager 关闭并重启进程。 该示例假定在启动重启管理器会话之前,计算器已在运行。

#include <windows.h>
#include <restartmanager.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "rstrtmgr.lib")

int _cdecl wmain()
    DWORD dwErrCode         = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    DWORD dwSessionHandle   = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Invalid handle value

    // CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY: Character count of the  
    // Text-Encoded session key,defined in RestartManager.h
    // Number of calc files to be registered.
    DWORD dwFiles           = 2;   

    // NOTE:We register two calc executable files. 
    // The second one is for the redirection of 32 bit calc on 
    // 64 bit machines. Even if you are using a 32 bit machine,  
    // you don't need to comment out the second line. 
    LPCWSTR rgsFiles[]      = 

    UINT nRetry             = 0; 
    UINT nAffectedApps      = 0;
    UINT nProcInfoNeeded    = 0;
    RM_REBOOT_REASON dwRebootReasons    = RmRebootReasonNone;
    RM_PROCESS_INFO *rgAffectedApps     = NULL;
    // Start a Restart Manager Session
    dwErrCode = RmStartSession(&dwSessionHandle, 0, sessKey);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Register items with Restart Manager
    // NOTE: we only register two calc executable files 
    // in this sample. You can register files, processes 
    // (in the form of process ID), and services (in the   
    // form of service short names) with Restart Manager.
    dwErrCode = RmRegisterResources(dwSessionHandle,
                                    rgsFiles,       // Files
                                    NULL,           // Processes
                                    NULL);          // Services 
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Obtain the list of affected applications/services.
    // NOTE: Restart Manager returns the results into the  
    // buffer allocated by the caller. The first call to 
    // RmGetList() will return the size of the buffer  
    // (i.e. nProcInfoNeeded) the caller needs to allocate. 
    // The caller then needs to allocate the buffer  
    // (i.e. rgAffectedApps) and make another RmGetList() 
    // call to ask Restart Manager to write the results 
    // into the buffer. However, since Restart Manager 
    // refreshes the list every time RmGetList()is called, 
    // it is possible that the size returned by the first 
    // RmGetList()call is not sufficient to hold the results  
    // discovered by the second RmGetList() call. Therefore, 
    // it is recommended that the caller follows the 
    // following practice to handle this race condition:
    //    Use a loop to call RmGetList() in case the buffer 
    //    allocated according to the size returned in previous 
    //    call is not enough.      
    // In this example, we use a do-while loop trying to make 
    // 3 RmGetList() calls (including the first attempt to get 
    // buffer size) and if we still cannot succeed, we give up. 
        dwErrCode = RmGetList(dwSessionHandle,
                              (LPDWORD) &dwRebootReasons);
        if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrCode)
            // RmGetList() succeeded

        if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwErrCode)
            // RmGetList() failed, with errors 
            // other than ERROR_MORE_DATA
            goto RM_CLEANUP;

        // RmGetList() is asking for more data
        nAffectedApps = nProcInfoNeeded;
        if (NULL != rgAffectedApps)
            delete []rgAffectedApps;
            rgAffectedApps = NULL;

        rgAffectedApps = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[nAffectedApps];
    } while ((ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwErrCode) && (nRetry ++ < 3));

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    if (RmRebootReasonNone != dwRebootReasons)
        // Restart Manager cannot mitigate a reboot. 
        // We goes to the clean up. The caller may want   
        // to add additional code to handle this scenario.
        goto RM_CLEANUP;
    // Now rgAffectedApps contains the affected applications 
    // and services. The number of applications and services
    // returned is nAffectedApps. The result of RmGetList can 
    // be interpreted by the user to determine subsequent  
    // action (e.g. ask user's permission to shutdown).
    // Shut down all running instances of affected 
    // applications and services.
    dwErrCode = RmShutdown(dwSessionHandle, 0, NULL);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // An installer can now replace or update
    // the calc executable file.

    // Restart applications and services, after the 
    // files have been replaced or updated.
    dwErrCode = RmRestart(dwSessionHandle, 0, NULL);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    if (NULL != rgAffectedApps)
        delete [] rgAffectedApps;
        rgAffectedApps = NULL;

    if (0xFFFFFFFF != dwSessionHandle)
        // Clean up the Restart Manager session.
        dwSessionHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return 0;

以下代码片段演示了将辅助安装程序加入现有 Restart Manager 会话的示例。 该示例需要 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008。 辅助安装程序从主安装程序获取会话密钥,并使用此密钥加入会话。

#include <windows.h>
#include <restartmanager.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "rstrtmgr.lib")

int _cdecl wmain()
    DWORD dwErrCode         = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    DWORD dwSessionHandle   = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Invalid handle value

    // CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY: Character count of the 
    // Text-Encoded session key, defined in RestartManager.h
    // Number of files to be registered.
    DWORD dwFiles           = 1;   
    // We register oleaut32.dll with Restart Manager.
    LPCWSTR rgsFiles[]      = 

    // Secondary installer needs to obtain the session key from  
    // the primary installer and uses it to join the session.

    // We assume the session key obtained is stored in sessKey
    dwErrCode = RmJoinSession(&dwSessionHandle, sessKey);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Register items with Restart Manager
    // NOTE: In Vista, the subordinate is only allowed to 
    // register resources and cannot perform any other 
    // getlist, shutdown, restart or filter operations.
    dwErrCode = RmRegisterResources(dwSessionHandle,
                                    rgsFiles,     // Files
                                    NULL,         // Processes
                                    NULL);        // Services 
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;


    if (0xFFFFFFFF != dwSessionHandle)
        // The subordinate leaves the conductor's session 
        // by calling RmEndSession(). The session itself 
        // won't be destroyed until the primary installer 
        // calls RmEndSession()
        dwSessionHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return 0;