
Azure: Quick and Easy way to create a Dreamspark Web App and MySQL, using the Azure Marketplace

Previous Blog

Well in a previous blog I talked about connecting your MySQL database with your Web App, but that was the hard way!  I noticed that you can use the Azure Marketplace to quickly build your Web App and MySQL database.  I am not sure why I didn’t notice this before, but it is quick and easy!

  1. Got this idea from:
  2. Get Dreamspark at: https://www.dreamspark.com/Product/Product.aspx?productid=99
  3. Azure portal


This article will only show you how to implement a web app + MySql using the Marketplace.  Usually you need to have a credit card to use the MarketPlace, but for the Web App + MySql you do not need a credit card!

So to use this fast and easy approach to building a Web App and MySql database do the following:

Create a New Web App + MySql from Marketplace

In the portal click on the New button in the upper right hand of the portal

  •  image
Use the Marketplace

Click on the Marketplace on the Create blade

  • Use the Search bar of the MarketPlace type Web App + MySql
    • image
Use the “MarketPlace” to generate your Web App + MySql

Click on the Web App + MySQL, click on the “Create” button at the bottom of the page and fill in the information, I will let you figure out all of that stuff.

Fill in the “Configure required settings”

Fill in the “configure required settings”information and then click Ok

  • URL: Must be unique, adding numbers after a desired name works.
  • Create a new AppService plan, which is used so that you can share features across your various apps
  • Click OK
    • image
Select or create your MySql database

Select the database or create a new one, you only get one database, the image below indicates that I have selected the existing MySql database, click create and you have completed the web app + MySql.


The instructions in this blog has shown you how to easily create an empty Web App and empty MySql database.  These can be used by Visual Studio to create a Web App, Web Job and connect to the MySql database.  You can use PHP or other tools to work with the Dreamspark Azure offering.