
VS 2010 Ships!

I am happy to say that VS 2010 is generally available starting today! Go to the Visual Studio home page for information.

As you are probably aware, we put a huge investment in our testing products into this release. I outlined the new features with my post Elevating the Role of the Tester with Visual Studio 2010. The Visual Studio Team Test blog is a great place to keep up with these features, as is our fantastic online documentation rooted here: Testing the Application.

For those of you doing performance testing, my team has been working very hard these past two years to deliver a boat load of new features to you in this release. Early customer feedback shows that these features will dramatically improve your productivity. Here is a list of links to blog posts and documentation on what’s new in VS 2010 for performance testers.

What’s new in VS 2010

What's New for Web Performance and Load Testing

Product Transitions from VS 2008 to VS 2010 for Load Testing

Introducing the Microsoft Visual Studio Load Test Virtual User Pack 2010

Elevating the Role of the Tester with Visual Studio 2010

Web Test Debugging

Web Test Authoring and Debugging Techniques for Visual Studio 2010

Debugging a Web Test with VS 2010


Walkthrough: Correlating Dynamic Parameters

Web Test Recorder

How to: Create a Recorder Plug-In

Adding Your Own Web Test Recorder Plugin to Make Record/Playback “Just Work”

Web Test Recorder Plug-in

Convert Comments entered in Web Test Recorder into Transactions

Extensible recorder plugins for modifying recorded web tests

How to: View Recording Log in Web Performance Test Playback

VSTS 2010 Feature: View Recording Log in Web Test Playback Window

New Tools Options for the Recorder

More Recorder Enhancements in VS 2010

VSTS 2010 Feature: File Upload record/playback just works

Web Test Editor

How to: Set Request Details in a Web Performance Test

Request Details Editor

Find/Replace in Web Test Editor

Adding Loop and Branch Logic to Web Requests in Web Performance Tests

Branching and Looping in Declarative Web Tests

Looping and Branching in Web Tests

Request Body Plugins

How to: Create a Custom HTTP Body Editor for the Web Performance Test Editor

How to: Use Reporting Names to Easily Identify Requests in a Web Performance Test

Web Test Result Viewer

How to: Create a Visual Studio Add-In for the Web Performance Test Results Viewer

Extensible Web test result viewer plugins

Tracking viewstate using a webtest playback add-in

Result Viewer Plugins

How to: Resolve Web Performance Test Playback Issues Caused by Dynamic Parameters

How to: Jump to Web Request from the Web Performance Test Playback

How to: Add an Extraction Rule from the Web Performance Test Playback

API for Processing Web Test Results

Enhancements for Web Test Playback UI

Load Test Modeling

VSTS 2010 Feature: Sequential Test Mix

VSTS 2010 Feature: More flexible load modeling via new options on Load Test Scenarios

Configuring Test Iterations in a Load Test Scenario

How to: Delay the Start Time of a Scenario Using the Load Test Editor

Multiple Loadtest Plug-ins

Creating and Using Custom Plug-ins for Load and Web Performance Tests

Load Test Analysis

Using The Virtual User Activity Chart to Understand the VS Load Engine

Load test virtual user activity visualization

Modifying Load Test Logging Settings

Saving Test Logs during a load test

How to: Specify if Test Failures are Saved to Test Logs Using the Load Test Editor

Deep integration with the ASP.NET profiler

Deep integration with dynaTrace

How to: Configure Event Log Collection Using Test Settings

Create a Simple Data Collector to Integrate Data into Load Test Analyzer (Tables View)

Integrate Data Collector Data into Load Test Analyzer (Tables View)

Performance Reporting

Performance Reporting in Excel

Reporting Load Tests Results for Comparison or Trend Analysis


VS 2010 Test Agent and Test Controller Troubleshooting Guide

VSTS 2010 Feature: Silent Installation of Controller and Agent

Process Model Changes in VS 2010

How to: Specify 64-Bit Process Using Test Settings

Network Emulation

How to: Configure Network Emulation Using Test Settings

Introducing True Network Emulation in Visual Studio 2010

Stand-Alone Network Emulation and CodePlex

Specifying Virtual Network Types in a Load Test Scenario
