
Manage Hyper-V Server 2012 from Windows 8 and 8.1 in Workgroup

wh2012 I came across an annoying issue somewhat a few weeks ago when I thought to remotely manager my Server 2012 Hyper-V Server from my Windows 8 Desktop as oppose to using Remote Desktop. I don’t have my Hyper-V Host on a Domain and so it was somewhat troublesome if I am honest with you.

I have now managed to do this and so thought i would post up how i accomplished this here in case anyone else had the same problem.

Ensure that you can resolve your Hyper-V host via Name and so to do this just add it into your HOSTS file which is located in C:WindowsSystem32Driversetc and just add the server name and IP Address.

Hop on to your Hyper-V 2012 Server and Open an Elevated PowerShell Console and run the following Command:

Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "*"

Note: this may not be the most secure way of doing this as it opens up a lot of things on the firewall, but the command that should of worked according to other sources on the internet could not be found.


Once you have done this, jump back on to your Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 desktop computer, and we need to go ahead and add your Hyper-V Administrator credentials into the Local Credential Store. To do this open an Elevated Command Prompt and run the following command:

cmdkey /add:<servername> /user:administrator /pass:<insertpassword>

If you do not want to type in your password, then leave it blank after /pass: and it will ask you to type this in afterwards.


This will now allow you to connect to your hyper-v server but you still won’t see any Virtual Machines listed, so you need to do one last thing. Launch “dcomcnfg.exe” and then expand the ‘Component Services’ node, ‘Computers’ node and then right click on ‘My Computer’ and select properties.

Under the ‘COM Security’ tab, select ‘Edit Limits’ under Access Permissions. For “ANNONYMOUS LOGIN” tick the box to allow Remote Access.


and that’s it, once you have done that then you will now be able to remotely manage your Hyper-V Virtual Machines from Windows 8 or 8.1




- I could not find much regarding this when, since posting it up! i have now actually found more people that have also blogged about this so I’m sorry for the duplicate! :-) but maybe it will help people who may not have seen the others! and for my own future reference anyhow!