
Windows 8 Student Holiday App Challenge

I know the majority of the folks who follow my blog are IT Professionals, but I also know there are some who are developers or who have kids in college that are aspiring developers. For that reason, I am writing this post to inform people that Microsoft is holding a promotion to encourage students to write a Windows 8 App during the holidays (between now and January 20, 2013) and get a $100 gift card for doing so.

It’s simple and straight forward.

1. Download the software and resources you need by going to: aka.ms/w8holidayapp 

2. Build your App. You can find sample code, videos and other helpful information here aka.ms/mswestgenapp

3. Publish your App and then submit the information at bit.ly/XAoYqp

The terms and conditions can be found here: https://sdrv.ms/YE5PoQ 

Harold Wong