
J#/C#/VB Express SKU prevent use of MS Word - Issue made us work hard

Hi all,

Last week one J# user  (Mike Ward of Eurostep) reported that after installing J# express from this link he was not able to work on any Office tools at all. He could install and work on J# express successfully but as soon as he tried to open Word he got following dialog…



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On canceling it he got …

J# error

We were really scared on being reported this issue as this is something which we had never imagined in our remotest thoughts. Visual J# preventing use of MS Word!!!


This issue was good enough to give us sleepless nights so I instantly got in touch with Mike. I asked him about his machine configuration, Office version and many more questions and tried to repro it in our lab but no luck at all. We thought that it was some corner issue and something went wrong during installation. So I requested Mike to Install J# express again (he had uninstalled it as he was not able to use Office tools) and see if he hits it again. To my worst fears, he could hit it againL. But this time he gave us one more clue. He killed Word after getting these dialogs and reopened again. While reopening he got following dialog…


MS Word Yes/No


This clue was good enough to lead us to the real reason behind this strange behavior. Actually he had installed a third part addin for word which converts word documents to pdf format.

This addin was reading following registry key while loading …




The LastUsedSource value of this key points to the temporary location of vjssetup.msi, which was valid at the time of installation. After installation vjssetup.msi is deleted from that location. So when addin tries to run this file, dialogs reported by Mike pop up.

I wanted to assure that this was J# express issue or not so I…

1. Installed C# express. Opened word. Got the same dialog. This time addin tried to read C# express installer key from [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\].

2. Installed VB express. Opened word. Got the same dialog. This time addin tried to read VB express installer key from [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\].

3. Deleted these keys. Opened word. I didn’t get the dialogs. Hurrah! Both express and word worked fine.

We are still investigating this issue and trying to find out that who is buggy here. We or Addin.

Meanwhile if you also hit this issue then please apply the workaround – Delete the registry keysJ. I will post here the real cause behind this issue once we are done with our investigations, and I will like to use this platform to thank Mike Ward for reporting this issue and keeping extreme patience and helping us to dig it down. Thanks Mike!!!

Have a great coding Experience with our Express SKUS !!!