
Nathan Brixius

Announcing Solver Foundation 2.0

I'm pleased to announce the release of Solver Foundation 2.0, available at solverfoundation.com....

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 10/08/2009

Solver Foundation 2.0 Preview: Second Order Conic Programming

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about one of our big features for Solver Foundation 2.0: stochastic...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 10/02/2009

Using the Solver Foundation Interior Point Solver

I've had a few requests on this topic, so I thought I would give a simple example of how to write...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 09/24/2009

Solver Foundation 2.0 Preview: F# ODSL

Lengning Liu has written a great post that highlights another exciting Solver Foundation 2.0 area: a...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 09/14/2009

Nash equilibria and 4th down, continued

This post has moved. Click here to read it.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 09/12/2009

Dynamic programming, Nash equilibria, and going for it on 4th down

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Author: Nate Brixius Date: 09/08/2009

Solver Foundation 2.0 Preview: Simulation and Stochastic Programming

I'm back from ISMP and helping to put the finishing touches on Solver Foundation 2.0. In our first...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 09/03/2009

Int'l Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Day 2

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Author: Nate Brixius Date: 08/27/2009

Int'l Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Day 1

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Author: Nate Brixius Date: 08/26/2009

Quadratic Assignment Problems: solution enumeration

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 07/27/2009

Quadratic Assignment Problems: strong and weak branching

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 07/19/2009

Quadratic assignment problems: branching

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 07/12/2009

Solver Foundation LINQ to SQL example

Erwin, a modeling consultant and top Solver Foundation user, encountered some problems trying to do...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 06/02/2009

Solver Foundation TSP Part II: Directives, Solver Plugins, Model Libraries

Here is my as-promised "part 2" to my traveling salesman sample. My goal is not to try and do any...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 05/07/2009

Creating parameterized Solver Foundation models using LINQ to SQL

On the Solver Foundation MSDN forum there was a question about how to read model data from a DB and...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 05/05/2009

Solving traveling salesman problems using Solver Foundation

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/27/2009

Modeling a production planning problem using Solver Foundation

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/24/2009

Solver Foundation at INFORMS Practice Conference

A few of us on the Solver Foundation team will be presenting at the INFORMS Practice Conference in...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/22/2009

Solver Foundation 1.2 released!

I am pleased to announce that Solver Foundation v1.2 is live on solverfoundation.com! Our goal in...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/18/2009

Ctrl+Tab works in Visual Studio, too.

I have been brushing up on keyboard shortcuts ever since I installed the Windows 7 beta on my...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/02/2009

Resource constrained scheduling; OML tutorials

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/31/2009

Simple matrix, vector, permutation utilities

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/25/2009

Branch-and-bound algorithms for QAP

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/23/2009

Yesterday I introduced a simple OML model for computing project schedules. The model has the...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/06/2009

Project Scheduling using Solver Foundation

I'd like to work through a few examples of how to model real problems using Solver Foundation. If...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/05/2009

TechFest wrap-up

Whew - an exciting and tiring week is over. We had hundreds of employees stop by our TechFest booth...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 02/28/2009

Solver Foundation at TechFest: my "pitch"

Another busy day - we spoke with literally hundreds of Microsoft employees about Solver Foundation...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 02/25/2009

Solver Foundation at TechFest: Day 1

TechFest Day 1 was a blast. Tuesday is the "public day" where the press, partners, and academics are...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 02/24/2009

Microsoft Solver Foundation at TechFest 2009

Microsoft TechFest 2009 kicks off next week here in Redmond, and I am pleased to be representing...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 02/20/2009

Microsoft Solver Foundation version 1.1 released

Microsoft Solver Foundation version 1.1 has been released and the Express version can be downloaded...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 02/18/2009

Solver Foundation used to schedule Microsoft Tech Days '09

Pascal Belaud of Microsoft France recently used Microsoft Solver Foundation to schedule the big...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 01/21/2009

Two way data binding using LINQ and Solver Foundation Services

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 12/19/2008

Command Line Tools for Solver Foundation

Microsoft Solver Foundation provides several tools for modeling and solving optimization problems....

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 12/14/2008

Announcing Microsoft Solver Foundation

I'm pleased to announce the availability of the first version of Microsoft Solver Foundation! Simply...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 11/14/2008

Coding Guidelines and Beautiful Code

For a team meeting I was asked to supply one slide's worth of C# coding guidelines. Here are the...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 10/17/2008

Quadratic Assignment Problems: branch and bound

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 05/03/2008

Quadratic Assignment Problems, Part I

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 04/28/2008

How to fix bugs (and influence people)

I have moved my blog. For an updated version of this post, click here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 01/04/2008

How to stop ModalPopupExtender flickering

If you use the AJAX Control Toolkit's ModalPopupExtender you may have run into flicker issues. Thank...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 08/31/2007

Linear assignment problems, part III

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 08/09/2007

Linear assignment problems, part II

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 08/09/2007

What makes a good software developer

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 07/23/2007

Linear assignment problems, part I

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 07/02/2007

Why writing software is like moving

Thanks for visiting! I'm in the process of moving my blog, and I am starting with my most popular...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 06/19/2007

Management advice from Satchel Paige

Thanks for visiting! I have moved my blog. An updated version of this post can be found here.

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 03/23/2007

Change the world or go home?

I really like Hugh McLeod's blog. I can't decide whether I like this post or the cartoon above it...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 01/17/2007

Testing Columns in a Project DataSet

Larry Duff of the Project team wrote a very nice article describing how to test column values when...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 01/08/2007

Web services patterns and practices

I noticed this link when I booted Visual Studio the other day and I recommend it:...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 12/13/2006

The Nutcracker Suite played on a bicycle

You should check this out if you haven't already:...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 12/05/2006

How to generate a GUID in 250K easy steps

A friend on my previous team wrote a tool to generate GUID values where the first two bytes are...

Author: Nate Brixius Date: 12/04/2006

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