
Issues building the OData Explorer sources

When we put out the sources for the OData Explorer on the OData.org site , we broke something in the sources which prevent them from building on your machine.
We will be updating  the  sources on the OData SDK link quickly once the work week begins .
In the meantime , here are the four issues that need to be fixed for the sources to build on your machine

Issue #1 : The dependency on the Silverlight toolkit is not present in the readme.htm file.

Solution : We will be updating the htm file to reflect this change , in the meantime You can download the
                November release of the Silverlight toolkit here.

Issue #2 : The OData Explorer project will not build because of an error during compilation :
Specifically, the error is : “The name 'ErrorTextBox' does not exist in the current context” in the ErrorWindow.xaml.cs file.

Solution :   In the ErrorWindow.xaml page , change the name of the textbox “txtUserMessage” to “ErrorTextBox” and rebuild.

Issue #3 : Xap packaging will fail when building the ODataExplorer project
“Error 6 Xap packaging failed. Could not find file 'ReadMe.txt' “

Solution : When packaging the explorer sources we moved the readme to the root of the source tree and didnt update the item reference in the project.
                Remove the reference to the Readme.txt file by right-clicking the “readme.txt”  icon in the ODataExplorer project  and selecting “Exclude From Project”

Issue #4 : The ODataExplorer Project will not build because of an error in the web.config file.
“Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. “

Solution : For now , Delete the “web.config” file from the ODataExplorerHost project .

Again ,I would like to apologize to anyone who ran into these issues and spent time trying to figure out what went wrong with the sources.

Special thanks to Darrel Miller on twitter for working through some of these issues and giving us frank feedback.

We will make sure that the sources on the project are updated as soon as possible and I will update this blog post to reflect the same.