
Hide the Drill through Action URL Link when Exported to Excel

Reporting services 2008 (and later Version) gives more flexibility by adding few fine things which will make a BI developer like me like the Product even more.
SSRS 2008 2008 (and later Version) Provides Globals! Render.FormatName which decides what can be achieved to the Data Region (Table, matrix, Chart, Gauge, etc...) when Rendered in different formats.

A Report Contains a Drill through Action on a matrix when clicked has to render a New Report Deployed in the Report server.
When the Report was Exported to Excel its shows the Action in the below format as a Hyperlink which should be Hidden as it doesn’t look good aesthetically.

Before when it was exported to Excel

To Over Come this issue:
Add the Expression as described below

After the Expression has been added and exported to Excel

Voila Amingo ! You can use the same Logic to Hide the Entire Table and other Cool stuffs !