
How to move whole OU subtree bringing GPO and GPO link from source forest to destination forest

During a Forest and Domain consolidation project I had a challenge to migrate users e computers between Forests.

I had the need to maintain the same GPO and the same structure of OU.

I dug the net and could not find anything that I could meet, I had to assemble various scripts, but even so I would not have satisfied my need.

I wrote a powershell script that apply to this scenario.

I'm still working on it, but I decided to share and hope to get some feedback for improving it or correct some bugs.

This script  on target forest, create same source OU subtree, copy and link same source GPO on relative copied OU.

WMIFilter is not migrated in this script version.


  • Tested with Windows 2012 R2 (target) and Windows 2008 R2 (source)
  • RSAT
  • GPMC console
  • Tested with bidirectional Trust

These are the parameters:

  • BaseSourceDN: DN of source OU subtree you want move
  • BaseTargetDN: DN of targetOU where you want move in
  • SourceDomain: source domain name
  • TargetDomainController: target domain controller server name
  • prefix: (optional) prefix name for target GPO

# Sample .\move_OU1.ps1 -BaseSourceDN "OU=users,DC=contoso,DC=local" -BaseTargetDN "OU=users,OU=home,DC=adatum,DC=local" -SourceDomain "contoso.local" -TargetDomainController dc01.adatum.local -prefix "Contoso-"








function CopyGPO








if(($gPLinks -ne $null) -or ($gPLinks -ne ''))



for ($i=$gPlink.count-2;$i -gt 0;$i=$i-2)






"1" {$EnableStatus = 'No'; $EnforceStatus = 'No'}

"2" {$EnableStatus = 'Yes'; $EnforceStatus = 'Yes'}

"3" {$EnableStatus = 'No'; $EnforceStatus = 'Yes'}

"0" {$EnableStatus = 'Yes'; $EnforceStatus = 'No'}








Write-Host "Try to copy GPO $GPO_Name" -ForegroundColor Green

Copy-GPO -SourceName "$GPO_Name" -SourceDomain "$SourceDomain" -TargetName "$Prefix$GPO_Name" -TargetDomainController "$TargetDomainController" -ErrorAction Stop

$cGPOApply=$oGPO.psbase.objectsecurity.access |?{$_.ActivedirectoryRights -eq 'ExtendedRight'}

Set-GPPermission -Name "$Prefix$GPO_Name" -TargetName "Authenticated Users" -PermissionLevel None -TargetType Group -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

foreach($GPOApply in $cGPOApply)



Set-GPPermission -Name "$Prefix$GPO_Name" -TargetName "$SecurityFiltering" -PermissionLevel GpoApply -Server "$TargetDomainController" -TargetType Group -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


if ($Prefix -eq '')


Write-Host "$GPO_Name copied" -ForegroundColor Green




Write-Host "$GPO_Name copied and renamed in $Prefix$GPO_Name" -ForegroundColor Green



catch [exception]


write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red





Write-Host "Try to create link for GPO:$Prefix$GPO_Name on OU:$OUTargetUrl" -ForegroundColor Green

New-GPLink -Name "$Prefix$GPO_Name" -Target $OUTargetUrl -Server "$TargetDomainController" -LinkEnabled $EnableStatus -Enforced $EnforceStatus -ErrorAction Stop

Write-Host "Link for GPO:$Prefix$GPO_Name on OU:$OUTargetUrl created" -ForegroundColor Green


catch [Exception]{

write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red






function CreateOU


param ([string]$SourceDN,







Write-Host "Try to create OU=$RDN,$TargetDN" -ForegroundColor Green

New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $RDN -Path $TargetDN

Write-Host "OU=$RDN,$TargetDN created" -ForegroundColor Green


# Check if Blocked Inheritance is true

if($gPOption -eq 1){


Write-Host "Try to set Block Inheritance true" -ForegroundColor Green

Set-GPInheritance -IsBlocked Yes -Target "OU=$RDN,$TargetDN" # Block Inheritance

Write-Host "Block Inheritance is true" -ForegroundColor Green



catch [Exception]{

write-host $_.Exception.ServerErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red




CopyGPO $SourceDomain $TargetDomainController $SourceDN $NewTargetDN

$cOUs=$oSourceOU.Children | Where-Object{$_.schemaclassname -eq "OrganizationalUnit"}

if (($cOUs -ne '') -and ($cOUs.count -ne 0))


foreach($ChildOU in $cOUs)




CreateOU $NewSourceDN $NewTargetDN





if(($BaseSourceDN -eq '') -or (!$BaseSourceDN) -or ($BaseTargetDN -eq '') -or (!$BaseTargetDN) -or

($SourceDomain -eq '') -or (!$SourceDomain) -or ($TargetDomainController -eq '') -or (!$TargetDomainController))


Write-Host "Incomplete parameters" -ForegroundColor Blue

Write-Host "Use this sintax:" -ForegroundColor Blue

Write-Host ".\move-ou.ps1 -BaseSourceDN ""OU=users,DC=contoso,DC=local"" -BaseTargetDN ""OU=users,OU=home,DC=adatum,DC=local"" -SourceDomain ""contoso.local"" -TargetDomainController ""dc01.adatum.local""" -ForegroundColor Blue




CreateOU $BaseSourceDN $BaseTargetDN
