
TechEd Australia and New Zealand – 25 Visual Studio 2008 IDE Tips

Thanks for coming to today’s session! As I’ve said (or about to say), don’t take notes! Here are all the tips for you. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

0. Know your Keybindings! All these are in the General Development Settings.


1. How to behold the power of incremental search


Command: Edit.IncrementalSearch

Shortcut: Ctrl+i

2. Ctrl+F3 to search for currently-selected word


Command: Edit.FindNextStatement

3. F3 to search for last thing you searched for


Command: Edit.FindNext

4. Customize what files to find in


Find In Files – Look in – Choose Search Folders

5. You can use a reg hack for customizing search results


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Find String Find=$f$e($l,$c):$t\r\n


6. How not to accidentally copy a blank line


Tools – Options – Text Editor – All Languages – General, Uncheck Apply cut or copy to blank lines

7. How to cycle through the Clipboard ring


Command: Edit.CycleClipboardRing

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+v

8. How to use box/column selection in the editor


Command: Edit.LineUpColumnExtend, Edit.LineDownColumnExtend, Edit.CharRightColumnExtend, Edit.CharLeftColumnExtend

Shortcut: Shift+Alt+Arrow

9. You can copy a file’s full path / open windows explorer from the file tab channel


Command: File.CopyFullPath

10. Drag and drop code onto the toolbox’s general tab


11. You can use Ctrl+. to show a smart tag


Command: View.ShowSmartTag

12. You can insert a snippet by pressing Tab Tab


Type in snippet shortcut, then press Tab Tab


13. You can create temp or throw away projects


Tools – Options – Projects and Solutions – General, uncheck Save new projects when created

14. Change text editor font size via keyboard (Accessibility macros)


Command: Macros.Samples.Accessibility.DecreaseTextEditorFontSize

Command: Macros.Samples.Accessibility.IncreaseTextEditorFontSize

15. How to open a file without any UI


Ctrl+/ (or whatever Tools.GoToCommandLine is bound to)

alias fo file.openfile

fo <filename>

16. Guidelines in the editor registry key hack


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Text Editor  String RBG(128,0,0) 5, 20

17. You can create a macro for your import/export settings – see https://blog.jeffhandley.com/archive/2009/03/31/vs-profiles.aspx


18. How to not show the start page (or have the last loaded solution open)


Tools – Options – Environment – Startup, At Startup

19. File tab channel registry hack


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 key, you can create a DWORD UseMRUDocOrdering = 1

20. How to show Misc Files Project to keep your files around


tools – options – environment – documents, show miscellaneous files in Solution Explorer

21. Edit project file from within IDE (unload project)

Unload project, edit project, reload project


22. You can use tracepoints to log stuff in your code


Right-click in indicator margin, select breakpoints, select Insert Tracepoint

23. How to get the find source dialog back


Solution Properties, under Common Properties – Debug Source Files, Delete Do no look for these source files edit box contents

24. You can disable the exception assistant


Tools – Options – Debugging – General, uncheck Enable the Exception Assistant

25. You can use the XML Visualizer


Drop down the little down arrow on the data tip or in the watch window.


  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    Awesome Sara, Wathing this presentation @ Tech Ed now,Cheers

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    Thanks Sara, your session was one of the best of the whole conference. Two of those tips (Tracepoints and the XML view) are going to save me hours.

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    Thanks all! I'm glad you enjoyed the talk! It's unfortunately we had such a small room. I had no control over the logistics. =( Please fill out an eval if you liked the session. We take the evals very seriously! Thanks! -sara

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2009
    Great post! I read it on: http://thatstoday.com/article/695901/teched-australia--25-visual-studio-2008-ide-tips

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2009
    What this highlights is Microsoft and software interfaces in general have a long way to go in terms of interacting with humans. It is great to know some of the more obscure keyboard shortcuts to accomplish tasks in Visual Studio but it would be even better if the User Interface (UI) could move towards making these commands more obvious. Some commands would even become irrelevant if the UI could be more in-tune with the developers actions.

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2009
    Thanks !! I couldn't fit in the room at tech.ed. So great to see this here. Incremental search is very cool.

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2009
    Thanks a bunch Sara!!! I've been trying to find that MRU tip for a while now. Ever since I installed Windows 7 on my notebook! It's been a nightmare working without it. I honestly don't know how I ever got by before I found your tips. Need to look online so I can buy the book =)

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2009
    Thank u Sara, You are so kind for us!