
Get the Big Picture of Microsoft Azure

Have you ever wondered if there's a simple overview of the Azure platform and its services? There is, in fact a pretty nice one! The Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture offers a categorized overview of Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure Big Picture

What I personally really like about the interactive Big Picture are the links to further information of the listed Azure services. Here's an example for Azure DevTest Labs:

Azure DevTest Labs

On the bottom of the selected box you'll find links to resources like overview information, pricing details and documentation of the Azure service. That's really cool if you're working with many different parts of the - admittedly huge - Azure platform. This is how it looks like and behaves:

Microsoft Azure Big Picture

Go try it out yourself! You can find the Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture under https://azureplatform.azurewebsites.net/. And guess what: the Big Picture is hosted on Microsoft Azure ;-)

Sebastian Klenk
Technical Evangelist at Microsoft Germany

P.S.: Follow me on Twitter and drop me a note, I'm tweeting as @seklenk.

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