Be our Small Basic TechNet Guru of 2016 and become renowned in community and professional circles!
A new year! A new start for the TechNet Guru Awards 2016!
2015 Guru was soooo last year! 2016 Guru is where it's @ my friends!
This is when you make your mark on history and stamp your authority on your favoured technology!
This is when they shall know your name and come to appreciate your depth and breadth of knowledge!
This is... the Year of You!
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something you had to solve for your own day's work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
More about TechNet Guru Awards
Thanks in advance!
- Ninja Ed & the awesome...
January 08, 2016
2015 Guru was soooo last year!Anonymous
January 08, 2016
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 09, 2016
gravity FF demo: PSC605 move mouse to show force field press rightmousebutton to show gridfieldAnonymous
January 09, 2016
Tryhest, very cool! Great job on these!Anonymous
January 09, 2016
vectorizer explainer:DGT536 explains the vectorization by wrapping circle around object. also under 100 lines!))Anonymous
January 09, 2016
small update vectorizer: LRD731 u can uncomment the commented lines in order to appy different rule general rule is move to center until black point spottedAnonymous
January 10, 2016
shader: WPP801 displays light n shadows from near distance lightsourceAnonymous
January 10, 2016
These are great ones!Anonymous
January 10, 2016
solar shades on skyscrapers:GJW044Anonymous
January 11, 2016
Nice. Love the solar shades idea!Anonymous
January 11, 2016
Tryhest, you should take one of your programs and write it up as a sample on TNWiki, and explain how to build it. =^) Here are some examples of that: Thanks!Anonymous
January 12, 2016
caleidoscope pic maker:LCQ176Anonymous
January 12, 2016
colormixer: WTS128Anonymous
January 12, 2016
Great color mixer!