
Small Basic Featured Programs - Multi-Colored Spirals

In the June Challenges, LitDev included a great Graphics Challenge:

Graphics Challenge:

  • Draw a multi-coloured spiral


And the challenge began!

Coding Cat started us off on June 1st:

I love the graphics challenge. It turns out I wrote a double spiral program as one of my first forays into Small Basic. :-)

Import code: QSP181 Spiral01 Spiral02

The thickness of the line, and angle of the turns are chosen at random at the start of each spiral.

Next came a version from Pappa Lapub:

Another spiral, ID: WNV073 (However, LitDev's image looks better)


Then LitDev entered the fray:

Couldn't resist having a go, KCK850 .

This later reminded Mr. Monkeyboy of yarn and a slide ruler:

I did something similar with yarn and cardboard and elmers glue in the 7th grade. Won the art class art project "challenge". Back then a PC was an abacus or slide rule.

Slide rule image. I believe the Smithsonian Institution has some of these.

NaochanON joined the party:

Graphics Challenges

This is a Ferma's spiral  QSF666    

And all those contributions were on June 1st!

Then, on June 2nd, YLed contributed a spiral:

Beautiful !!!

could not resist... me too, so

i took the litdev spiral version and added some modifications:


But YLed was not done:

ANIMATED version, of a PULSE SPIRAL, litdev spiral modification 2

that's fun !!!


Next came Tryhest:

nice wrk nao))

a small update: infinite rotating hypnotic spiral: QSF666-0

and changing color version also: QSF666-1

NaochanON responded:

Tryhest   nice!

but I feel faint!!

Then YLed unleashed the rainbow:

now litdev KCK850 with a full rainbow colors:


Yled also returned with a Turtle-tastic version of a rainbow spiral:

the       R A I N B O W    S P I R A L

Here is MY version of the spiral challenge :  PROGRAM :  PND589

it's a very Small code,

with the Turtle: ( takes 1-2 minutes to draw )

And all that was on the second day of June! Next spiral was on June 11th...

Nonki Takahashi joined the spiral smackdown:

This is another rainbow spiral: BDX376.

Screen shot of a program Spiral 0.11

So there you go! That's a whole lot of June Spirals! And guess what! That was only part of the June challenges thread! Read the whole thing here:



Have a day! Not just any day... have a small and basic one!

- Ninja Ed


  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2016
    Fantastic spiralgreat conclusion !!!
  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2016
    Hi Edyou gonna hit 500,000 points in SeptemberGreat contribution to the Small Basic and Microsoft Worldcheers !!!
    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2016
      You don't think I'll hit 500K points in August? =^)Thanks!
      • Anonymous
        July 20, 2016
        Hi Ed, yes you'r right, in August, you have an average of 7000 pnts /month so 500,000-493000=7000today July 20th, so August 20th we will celebrate you'r 500,000 points WOW ! imagine, at my rate ( 200 points a month it will take me 208 years to reach that sky ! At the speed you go, you will reach the 1k points in 2021. !!!!
        • Anonymous
          July 29, 2016
          Only 3.5K more to go. =^)
  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2016
    small update to nonki's last spiral: BDX376-0
  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2016
    Another spiral: VST105
    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2016
      blue tornado: DNG059
    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2016
      gr8 work nonki))faster update: VST105-0
      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2016
        candies: PND589-0
      • Anonymous
        July 29, 2016
        These are great updates! Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2016
    My spiral shape animated: HQT172 you can change to random colour.
  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2016
    I have created the spiral of prime numbers here http://smallbasic.com/program/?XHS673
  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2016
    Antonio, nice spirals. I modified the last one not to use XMath object: XHS673-0.