
Self Extracting Zip File . . .try it . . .use it . . .iExpress from your local Run command

Want to create a self-extracting zip file. No need to buy some expensive piece of 3rd party software, use the one Microsoft gave you when you bought your OS. This mini-app is an easy tool to learn to use and I hope you, like me, learn to love its simplistic and yet agile nature.

Brief walkthrough:

Start by opening your run command, and type iExpress (Start > Run > iExpress) this will open a small window giving you two options.

"Create new Self Extraction Directive file" or "Open existing Self Extraction Directive file" the second option gives you a browse button to find an existing package (.SED)so you can add or subtract components from the .exe.

 In this example we will select "Create new . . ." then click "Next >" you will find three different options here that will give you a short description of what they do at the bottom in a dialog box. Let us select the "Extract files only" option and click "Next >". Type in the name that you want the package description to say in our case "Isaac's Pictures" then click "Next >".

In our next option it gives us two choices "No Prompt." or "Prompt user with:" we use this option to confirm to the user that they will be decompressing the package and placing it in a destination of their choosing. In our case I have chosen to prompt the user with "Extract Isaac's Pictures?" they will receive a dialog box with a Yes or No option. Click "Next >" this next dialog box allows you to manufacture or use an existing license agreement, giving you the ability to limit liability and such, if necessary . . . we have elected to select the "Do not display a license."

The next box gives you the "Add" and "Remove" buttons which allows you to add either a single or multiple files to this executable. Once you have completed with entering the contents of the package click "Next >".

 The "Show Window" options gives you the ability to install/extract your folder/application and run it in any option you choose, from hidden to maximum window. It is entirely up to you how you want your installation/extraction to be perceived by the consumer of your .exe. The Finish message is a nice ending especially when you have chosen to hide your installation progress; this gives you the ability to enter a custom display message other than "Installation Complete". I use the custom finish button as a special touch when sending photos or documents to family members.

The last option asks you where you would like your files to be placed in the consumers directories, it also gives you options to hide the extraction status bar and whether or not you want to store Long File names inside the package. I selected the location C:\users\public\desktop and unchecked both boxes for hidden and long file names.

Then you have the option of saving your configuration settings as a “.SED” file which gives you the ability to edit the current configuration and add/subtract files later. I don’t usually do this unless I know we will be using the exact configuration again.

Now we click create package, this will create the “.exe” that you can send out to consumers or friends/family.


  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2010
    Tip of the century.All my troubles seem so far away.You are my guru.

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2013
    But Where It Will Be Extracted. What Will Be Location Of That File. Notify me @ :   'divyamsolanki9@gmail.com'

  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2014
    Thanks for saving my day...

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2014
    I got a Error - creating cabinet file, pls help.

  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2014
    @MZM - Try starting iexpress.exe as admin(right click on iexpress.exe, choose "Run as administrator").