Copy-History – Copy a Previous Command to the Clipboard
It’s great that I can see my history with Get-History, but what if I want to edit it? I can hit up-arrow to find it, but that doesn’t work if I copy-and-paste functions into my PowerShell window as I write/test the function? In that case, I have to hit up-arrow through each line that I pasted. Not fun.
Also, if you’re like me, your one-liners sometimes include foreach-loops and if-branches on top of an oil refinery’s worth of pipelines. These easily exceed the PowerShell window width, so copying that command will include a bunch of unwanted linefeeds.
Here’s a way to stuff the command into my clipboard. Alt+Space, E, P will paste it into the window, but it’s also handy to paste into IM windows or emails.
function Copy-History
param ( [int]$Id = (Get-History -Count 1).Id );
$history = Get-History -Id $Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable getHistoryError;
if ($getHistoryError)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): $($getHistoryError.Exception.Message)";
} # if ($getHistoryError) ...
$history.CommandLine | clip.exe;
} # if ($getHistoryError) ... else
} # Copy-History
New-Alias -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue chy Copy-History;