Azure 監視器活頁簿適用的 Resource Manager 範本範例
本文包含 Azure Resource Manager 範本範例,可用來在 Azure 監視器中建立活頁簿。 每個範例都包含範本檔案和參數檔案,且附有要提供給範本的範例值。
如需 Azure 監視器的可用範例清單,以及在 Azure 訂用帳戶中的部署指引,請參閱 Azure Resource Manager 範例。
活頁簿可能很複雜,因此一般的策略是在 Azure 入口網站中建立活頁簿,然後產生 Resource Manager 範本。 如需有關此方法的詳細資料,請參閱用於部署活頁簿的 Azure Resource Manager 範本。
@description('The unique guid for this workbook instance.')
param workbookId string = newGuid()
@description('The location of the resource.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('The friendly name for the workbook that is used in the Gallery or Saved List. Needs to be unique in the scope of the resource group and source.')
param workbookDisplayName string = 'My Workbook'
@description('The gallery that the workbook will been shown under. Supported values include workbook, `tsg`, Azure Monitor, etc.')
param workbookType string = 'tsg'
@description('The id of resource instance to which the workbook will be associated.')
param workbookSourceId string = '<insert-your-resource-id-here>'
resource workbook 'Microsoft.Insights/workbooks@2018-06-17-preview' = {
name: workbookId
location: location
kind: 'shared'
properties: {
displayName: workbookDisplayName
serializedData: '{"version":"Notebook/1.0","items":[{"type":1,"content":"{\\"json\\":\\"Hello World!\\"}","conditionalVisibility":null}],"isLocked":false}'
version: '1.0'
sourceId: workbookSourceId
category: workbookType
output workbookId string =
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workbookDisplayName": {
"value": "Sample Hello World workbook"
"workbookType": {
"value": "workbook"
"workbookSourceId": {
"value": "Azure Monitor"