Use Azure role-based access control with the de-identification service
Microsoft Entra ID authorizes access rights to secured resources through Azure role-based access control (RBAC). The de-identification service defines a set of built-in roles that encompass common sets of permissions used to access de-identification functionality.
Microsoft Entra ID uses the concept of a security principal, which can be a user, a group, an application service principal, or a managed identity for Azure resources.
When an Azure role is assigned to a Microsoft Entra ID security principal over a specific scope, Azure grants access to that scope for that security principal. For more information about scopes, see Understand scope for Azure RBAC.
The de-identification service has the following built-in roles available:
DeID Data Owner
Full access to de-identification functionality.
DeID Real-time Data User
Execute requests against de-identification API endpoints.
DeID Batch Owner
Create and manage de-identification batch jobs.
DeID Batch Reader
Read-only access to de-identification batch jobs.
Assign a built-in role
Keep in mind the following points about Azure role assignments with the de-identification service:
When you create a de-identification service, you aren't automatically assigned permissions to access data via Microsoft Entra ID. You need to explicitly assign yourself an applicable Azure role. You can assign it at the level of your subscription, resource group, or de-identification service.
When roles are assigned, it can take up to 10 minutes for changes to take effect.
When the de-identification service is locked with an Azure Resource Manager read-only lock, the lock prevents the assignment of Azure roles that are scoped to the de-identification service.
When Azure deny assignments have been applied, your access might be blocked even if you have a role assignment. For more information, see Understand Azure deny assignments.
You can use different tools to assign built-in roles. Select the tab that applies for details.
To use the de-identification service, with Microsoft Entra ID credentials, a security principal must be assigned one of the built-in roles. To learn how to assign these roles to a security principal, follow the steps in Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal.
To assign an Azure role to a security principal with PowerShell, call the New-AzRoleAssignment command. In order to run the command, you must have a role that includes Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions assigned to you at the corresponding scope or higher.
The format of the command can differ based on the scope of the assignment, but ObjectId and RoleDefinitionName are required parameters. While the Scope parameter is optional, you should set it to retain the principle of least privilege. By limiting roles and scopes, you limit the resources that are at risk if the security principal is ever compromised.
The scope for a de-identification service is in the form /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>
The example assigns the DeID Data Owner built-in role to a user, scoped to a specific de-identification service. Make sure to replace the placeholder values
in angle brackets <> with your own values:
-SignInName <Email> `
-RoleDefinitionName "DeID Data Owner" `
-Scope "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>"
A successful response should look like:
RoleAssignmentId : /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/<Role Assignment ID>
Scope : /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>
DisplayName : Mark Patrick
SignInName :
RoleDefinitionName : DeID Data Owner
RoleDefinitionId : <Role Definition ID>
ObjectId : <Object ID>
ObjectType : User
CanDelegate : False
To assign an Azure role to a security principal with Azure CLI, use the az role assignment create command. In order to run the command, you must have a role that includes Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions assigned to you at the corresponding scope or higher.
The format of the command can differ based on the type of security principal, but role and scope are required parameters.
The scope for a de-identification service is in the form /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>
The following example assigns the DeID Data Owner built-in role to a user, scoped to a specific de-identification service. Make sure to replace the placeholder values in angle brackets <> with your own values:
az role assignment create \
--assignee <Email> \
--role "DeID Data Owner" \
--scope "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/deidServices/<De-identification Service Name>"