適用於 SAP 應用程式資料連接器代理程式 systemconfig.ini
檔案參考的 Microsoft Sentinel 解決方案
systemconfig.ini檔案是舊版檔案,用來設定 2023 年 6 月 22 日之前版本中 SAP 應用程式數據連接器代理程式Microsoft Sentinel 的行為。 本文說明組態檔每個區段中可用的選項。
本文中的內容適用於您的 SAP BASIS 小組。 如果您已從入口網站使用建議的部署程式,本文並不相關。 如果您已從命令行安裝較新版本的代理程式,請改用 Microsoft Sentinel 解決方案進行 SAP 應用程式 systemconfig.json
檔案參考 。
Systemconfig 組態檔區段
下表描述檔案中的每個 systemconfig.ini
區段名稱 | 描述 |
ABAP 中央實例 | 本節會定義要連線之 SAP 實例的一般選項。 |
ABAP 數據表選取器 | 本節定義從 ABAP 系統擷取哪些使用者主要數據記錄。 |
Azure 認證 | 本節會定義連線至 Azure Log Analytics 的認證。 |
連接器組態 | 本節會定義其他連接器選項。 |
檔案擷取 ABAP | 本節會定義使用 SAPControl 介面從 ABAP 伺服器擷取的記錄和認證。 |
檔案擷取 JAVA | 本節會定義使用 SAPControl 介面從 JAVA 伺服器擷取的記錄和認證。 |
記錄啟用狀態 | 本節會定義從 ABAP 擷取哪些記錄。 |
秘密來源 | 本節會定義認證儲存的位置。 |
ABAP 中央實例
[ABAP Central Instance]
# Authentication type - username/password authentication, or X.509 authentication
# FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the ABAP server
# FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the Message server
# Port number, or service name (from /etc/services) of the message server
group=<logon group>
# Logon group of the message server
sysnr=<Instance number>
# Instance number of the ABAP server
# System ID of the ABAP server
client=<Client Number>
# Client number of the ABAP server
# Username to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED
# Password to use to connect to ABAP server. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED
snc_lib=<path to libsapcrypto>
# Full path, to the libsapcrypto.so
# Used when SNC is in use
# !!! Note: the path must be valid within the container!!!
snc_partnername=<distinguished name of the server certificate>
# p: -prefixed valid SAP server SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of SAP server PSE
# Used when SNC is in use
snc_qop=<SNC protection level>
# More information available at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19509-01/820-5064/ggrpj/index.html
# Used when SNC is in use
snc_myname=<distinguished name of the client certificate>
# p: -prefixed valid client SNC name, which is equal to Distinguished Name(DN) of client PSE
# Used when SNC is in use
x509cert=<server certificate>
# Base64 encoded server certificate value in a single line (with leading ----BEGIN-CERTIFICATE--- and trailing ----END-CERTIFICATE---- removed)
ABAP 數據表選取器
[ABAP Table Selector]
# Specify True or False to configure whether table should be collected from the SAP system
AGR_TCODES_FULL = <True/False>
USR01_FULL = <True/False>
USR02_FULL = <True/False>
USR02_INCREMENTAL = <True/False>
AGR_1251_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_USERS_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_PROF_FULL = <True/False>
UST04_FULL = <True/False>
USR21_FULL = <True/False>
ADR6_FULL = <True/False>
ADCP_FULL = <True/False>
USR05_FULL = <True/False>
USGRP_USER_FULL = <True/False>
USER_ADDR_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_DEFINE_FULL = <True/False>
PAHI_FULL = <True/False>
AGR_AGRS_FULL = <True/False>
USRSTAMP_FULL = <True/False>
SNCSYSACL_FULL = <True/False> (Preview)
USRACL_FULL = <True/False> (Preview)
Azure 認證
[Azure Credentials]
loganalyticswsid=<workspace ID>
# Log Analytics workspace ID. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED
# Log Analytics workspace primary or secondary key. Used only when secrets setting in Secrets Source section is set to DOCKER_FIXED
extractuseremail = <True/False>
apiretry = <True/False>
auditlogforcexal = <True/False>
auditlogforcelegacyfiles = <True/False>
azure_resource_id = <Azure _ResourceId>
# Used to force a specific resource group for the SAP tables in Log Analytics, useful for applying RBAC on SAP data
# example - /subscriptions/1234568-qwer-qwer-qwer-123456789/resourcegroups/RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME
# for more information - https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-standard-columns#_resourceid.
timechunk = <value>
# Default timechunk value is 60 (minutes). For certain tables, the data connector retrieves data from the ABAP server using timechunks (collecting all events that occurred within a certain timestamp). On busy systems this may result in large datasets, so to reduce memory and CPU utilization footprint, consider configuring to a smaller value.
檔案擷取 ABAP
[File Extraction ABAP]
osuser = <SAPControl username>
# Username to use to authenticate to SAPControl
ospasswd = <SAPControl password>
# Password to use to authenticate to SAPControl
appserver = <server>
#SAPControl server hostname/fqdn/IP address
instance = <instance>
#SAPControl instance name
abapseverity = <severity>
# 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error
abaptz = <timezone>
# example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12
檔案擷取 JAVA
[File Extraction JAVA]
javaosuser = <username>
# Username to use to authenticate to JAVA server
javaospasswd = <password>
# Password to use to authenticate to JAVA server
javaappserver = <server>
#JAVA server hostname/fqdn/IP address
javainstance = <instance number>
#JAVA instance number
javaseverity = <severity>
# 0 = All logs ; 1 = Warning ; 2 = Error
javatz = <timezone>
# example - For OS Timezone = NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) use abaptz = GMT+12
[Logs Activation Status]
# The following logs are retrieved using RFC interface
# Specify True or False to configure whether log should be collected using the mentioned interface
ABAPAuditLog = <True/False>
ABAPJobLog = <True/False>
ABAPSpoolLog = <True/False>
ABAPSpoolOutputLog = <True/False>
ABAPChangeDocsLog = <True/False>
ABAPAppLog = <True/False>
ABAPWorkflowLog = <True/False>
ABAPCRLog = <True/False>
ABAPTableDataLog = <True/False>
# The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
ABAPFilesLogs = <True/False>
SysLog = <True/False>
ICM = <True/False>
WP = <True/False>
GW = <True/False>
# The following logs are retrieved using SAP Control interface and OS Login
JAVAFilesLogs = <True/False>
# Storage location of SAP credentials and Log Analytics workspace ID and key
# AZURE_KEY_VAULT - store in an Azure Key Vault. Requires keyvault option and intprefix option
# DOCKER_FIXED - store in systemconfig.ini file. Requires user, passwd, loganalyticswsid and publickey options
# Azure Keyvault name, in case secrets = AZURE_KEY_VAULT
# intprefix - Prefix for variables created in Azure Key Vault