SendPortGroups (BizTalk Server 範例)
SendPortGroups 範例示範如何使用 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM 系統管理類別來列舉和管理傳送埠群組。
您必須擁有BizTalk Server系統管理許可權,才能使用此範例中的系統管理物件。
Windows PowerShell腳本需要Windows PowerShell執行原則,才能允許腳本執行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Execution_Policies。
此範例示範如何使用Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM命名空間中的BtsCatalogExplorer和SendPortGroup類別來管理BizTalk Server環境中的傳送埠群組。 此範例是以 Microsoft Visual C# 撰寫。 本主題也包含Windows PowerShell範例腳本。 此範例示範下列作業:
使用 BtsCatalogExplorer 類別連線到 BizTalk 管理資料庫。
範例中有其他函式,但不會在 Visual C# 版本中執行。 PowerShell 範例腳本會示範一些額外的函式。 其他函式示範下列功能:
將傳送埠新增至新建立的傳送埠群組, (PowerShell 範例中涵蓋) 。
從 PowerShell 範例) 涵蓋的傳送埠群組中刪除傳送埠 (。
這個範例位於下列 SDK 位置:
檔案 | Description |
SendPortGroups.cs | 此範例中示範之作業的 Visual C# 原始程式檔。 |
SendPortGroups.sln、SendPortGroups.csproj、SendPortGroups.suo | 此範例的方案和專案檔。 |
在 Visual Studio 中,開啟解決方案檔案 SendPortGroups.sln。
在 方案總管中,按兩下SendPortGroups.cs以開啟範例程式碼。
在 函式CreateSendPortGroup
中尋找 。 您必須變更伺服器規格,以正確指向裝載 BizTalk 管理資料庫的 SQL Server。 您也可以使用句點 (.) 連線到本機 SQL Server。 例如:root.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;database=BizTalkMgmtDb;server=.";
針對下列函式重複步驟 3:
儲存 SendPortGroups.cs。
在主功能表上,按一下 [ 建置],然後按一下 [ 建置方案]。
執行檔案 SendPortGroups.exe。
Windows PowerShell 指令碼範例
下列Windows PowerShell腳本片段可用來示範ExplorerOM類別的相同功能:
Function CreateSendPortGroup($Catalog, $strName)
#=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#
trap { "Exception encountered:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();exit; }
#=== Create a new send port group and set its name ===#
$NewSendPortGroup = $Catalog.AddNewSendPortGroup()
$NewSendPortGroup.Name = $strName
#=== Persist new ports to the BizTalk Management database ===#
Write-Host Adding "`"$($NewSendPortGroup.Name)`"..."
Write-Host "`r`nCreateSendPortGroup() completed."
Function DeleteSendPortGroup($Catalog,$strName)
#=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#
trap { "Exception encountered DeleteSendPortGroup:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();}
#=== Delete this sample's new send ports by name ===#
$NewSendPortGroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strName]
#=== Persist changes to the BizTalk Management database ===#
Write-Host "Deleting `"$strName`"..."
Write-Host "DeleteSendPortGroup() completed."
Function EnumerateSendPortGroups($Catalog)
#=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#
trap { "Exception encountered During Enumeration:`r`n"; $_; "`r`n"}
#=== Display all send port groups by name ===#
$count = 1
foreach ($group in $catalog.SendPortGroups)
Write-Host "$count. $($group.Name)"
Write-Host "`r`nEnumerateSendPortGroups() completed."
Function PromptForSendPort($Catalog)
#=== Provide a list of the send ports for the user to make a selection ===#
Write-Host "Here is a list of send ports:`r`n"
$count = 1
foreach($sendport in $Catalog.SendPorts)
Write-Host ($Count). ($Sendport.Name)
Write-Host "`r`nChoose a port to add to the group by ordinal (ex. 1,2, etc): " -nonewline
$selection = read-host
$selection = $Catalog.SendPorts[([int]$selection)-1]
Write-Host $Selection.Name selected.
return $Selection.Name
Function AddSendPortToSendPortGroup($Catalog,$strPortName,$strGroupName)
#=== Add the user's selected send port to the group ===#
#=== Presently, we have to use WMI from PowerShell ===#
#=== This is because the methods on the collections ===#
#=== are marked internal. So unfortunately the ===#
#=== following very straightforward code won't work. ===#
# $sendportgroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strName]
# $sendportgroup.SendPorts.Add($Catalog.SendPorts[$strPortName])
# $catalog.SaveChanges();
#=== Get the WMI send port group representation to look up DB and server. ===#
#=== Expecting only one to match the query in this example. ===#
$WQL = "select * from MSBTS_SendPortGroup where Name='" + $strGroupName + "'"
$groupset = gwmi -query ($WQL) -namespace "root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer"
#=== Create a new MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort instance to map the port to the group ===#
$group2port = [WMICLASS]"root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer:MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort"
$newPortEntry = [WMI] $group2port.psbase.CreateInstance()
$newPortEntry.MgmtDbServerOverride = $groupset.MgmtDbServerOverride
$newPortEntry.MgmtDbNameOverride = $groupset.MgmtDbNameOverride
$newPortEntry.SendPortGroupName = $groupset.Name
$newPortEntry.SendPortName = $strPortName
Write-Host "Adding $strPortName to $($groupset.Name)"
#=== Persist changes to the BizTalk Management database ===#
#=== POWERSHELL V1 BUG WORKAROUND =============================#
#=== First method call on a non-cimv2 WMI object can fail. ===#
#=== The workaround in PowerShell V1 is to call GetType() ===#
#=== as the first method. ===#
trap {}
#=== POWERSHELL V1 BUG WORKAROUND =============================#
[void] $newPortEntry.Put()
#=== Since we used WMI to update the BizTalk Management database, ===#
#=== refresh our BtsExplorerCatalog to have an updated DB view. ===#
Write-Host "AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() completed."
Function DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup($Catalog, $strPortName, $strGroupName)
#=== Presently, we have to use WMI from PowerShell ===#
#=== This is because the methods on the collections ===#
#=== are marked internal. So unfortunately the ===#
#=== following very straightforward code won't work. ===#
# $sendportgroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strGroupName]
# $sendportgroup.SendPorts.Remove($Catalog.SendPorts[$strPortName])
# $catalog.SaveChanges();
#=== Get the WMI send port to group instance and delete it. ===#
#=== Expecting only one to match the query in this example. ===#
$WQL = "select * from MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort where " +
"SendPortName='" + $strPortName + "' and " +
"SendPortGroupName='" + $strGroupName + "'"
$groupset = gwmi -query ($WQL) -namespace "root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer"
write-host "Removing $strPortName from $strGroupName..."
#=== Since we used WMI to update the BizTalk Management database, ===#
#=== refresh our BtsExplorerCatalog to have an updated DB view. ===#
Write-Host "DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() completed."
#=== Main Script Body ===#
#=== Make sure the ExplorerOM assembly is loaded ===#
[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM")
#=== Connect to the BizTalk Management database ===#
$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
$Catalog.ConnectionString = "DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;SERVER=."
#=== Exercise the CreateSendPortGroup function to create a new send port group ===#
$SendPortGroupName = "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"
Write-Host "`r`n============================="
Write-Host "=== CreateSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=============================`r`n"
CreateSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortGroupName
#=== Enumerate all send port groups to view the new one ===#
Write-Host "`r`n================================="
Write-Host "=== EnumerateSendPortGroups() ==="
Write-Host "=================================`r`n"
EnumerateSendPortGroups $Catalog
#=== Add a send port to the group ===#
Write-Host "`r`n===================================="
Write-Host "=== AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "====================================`r`n"
$SendPortName = PromptForSendPort($Catalog)
AddSendPortToSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortName $SendPortGroupName
#=== Remove the send port from the group ===#
Write-Host "`r`n========================================="
Write-Host "=== DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=========================================`r`n"
DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortName $SendPortGroupName
#=== Delete the group ===#
Write-Host "`r`n============================="
Write-Host "=== DeleteSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=============================`r`n"
DeleteSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortGroupName
以下是執行Windows PowerShell腳本範例的預期輸出。
PS C:\> .\sendportgroups.ps1
=== CreateSendPortGroup() ===
Adding "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"...
CreateSendPortGroup() completed.
=== EnumerateSendPortGroups() ===
1. PowerShell Sample Send Port Group
EnumerateSendPortGroups() completed.
=== AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() ===
Here is a list of send ports:
1 . ResendPort
2 . HelloWorldSendPort
3 . ToCustomerSendPort
4 . CBRUSSendPort
5 . CBRCANSendPort
6 . SendportCANOrders
Choose a port to add to the group by ordinal (ex. 1,2, etc): 2
HelloWorldSendPort selected.
Adding HelloWorldSendPort to PowerShell Sample Send Port Group
AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() completed.
=== DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() ===
Removing HelloWorldSendPort from PowerShell Sample Send Port Group...
DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() completed.
=== DeleteSendPortGroup() ===
Deleting "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"...
DeleteSendPortGroup() completed.