
編譯器錯誤 C3538

在宣告子清單中 'auto' 必須永遠推算為相同型別



  1. 確定清單中的所有 auto 宣告推算為相同類型。


下列陳述式會產生 C3538。 每個陳述式宣告了多個變數,但所使用的每個 auto 關鍵字未推算為相同類型。

// C3538.cpp
// Compile with /Zc:auto
// C3538 expected
int main()
// Variable x1 is a pointer to char, but y1 is a double.
   auto * x1 = "a", y1 = 3.14;
// Variable c is a char and c1 is char*, but c2, and c3 are pointers to pointers.
   auto c = 'a', *c1 = &c, * c2 = &c1, * c3 = &c2;
// Variable x2 is an int, but y2 is a double and z is a char.
   auto x2(1), y2(0.0), z = 'a';
// Variable a is a pointer to int, but b is a pointer to double.
   auto *a = new auto(1), *b = new auto(2.0);
   return 0;


auto 關鍵字