
物件和集合初始設定式 (C# 程式設計手冊)

C# 可讓您具現化物件或集合,並以單一陳述式執行成員指派。


物件初始設定式可讓您在建立期間將值指派給物件的任何可存取欄位或屬性,而不用叫用後面接著幾行指派陳述式的建構函式。 物件初始設定式語法可讓您為建構函式指定引數或省略引數 (以及括號語法)。 下列範例將示範如何使用有具名型別 Cat 的物件初始設定式,以及如何叫用無參數建構函式。 請注意,在類別中使用 Cat 自動實作的屬性。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 自動實作的屬性

public class Cat
    // Automatically implemented properties.
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }

    public Cat()

    public Cat(string name)
        this.Name = name;
Cat cat = new Cat { Age = 10, Name = "Fluffy" };
Cat sameCat = new Cat("Fluffy"){ Age = 10 };


物件初始設定式除了指派欄位和屬性之外,還可以設定索引子。 請考慮此基本 Matrix 類別:

public class Matrix
    private double[,] storage = new double[3, 3];

    public double this[int row, int column]
        // The embedded array will throw out of range exceptions as appropriate.
        get { return storage[row, column]; }
        set { storage[row, column] = value; }


var identity = new Matrix
    [0, 0] = 1.0,
    [0, 1] = 0.0,
    [0, 2] = 0.0,

    [1, 0] = 0.0,
    [1, 1] = 1.0,
    [1, 2] = 0.0,

    [2, 0] = 0.0,
    [2, 1] = 0.0,
    [2, 2] = 1.0,

任何包含可存取 setter 的可存取索引子都可作為物件初始設定式中的其中一個運算式,不論引數的數目或類型為何。 指派左側是由索引引數組成,運算式右側是其值。 例如,如果 IndexersExample 具有適當的索引子,則下列初始設定式都是有效的:

var thing = new IndexersExample
    name = "object one",
    [1] = '1',
    [2] = '4',
    [3] = '9',
    Size = Math.PI,
    ['C',4] = "Middle C"

若要編譯上述程式碼,IndexersExample 類型必須具有下列成員:

public string name;
public double Size { set { ... }; }
public char this[int i] { set { ... }; }
public string this[char c, int i] { set { ... }; }


雖然物件初始設定式可以用於任何內容,但是在 LINQ 查詢運算式中特別有用。 查詢運算式經常使用匿名型別,此型別只能使用物件初始設定式初始化,如下列宣告所示。

var pet = new { Age = 10, Name = "Fluffy" };

匿名型別可讓 LINQ 查詢運算式中的 select 子句將原始序列的物件轉換為其值和圖形可能與原始物件不同的物件。 您可能只想要儲存序列中每個物件的部分資訊。 在下列範例中,假設產品物件 (p) 包含許多欄位和方法,而您只想要建立包含產品名稱和單價的物件序列。

var productInfos =
    from p in products
    select new { p.ProductName, p.UnitPrice };

執行此查詢時,productInfos 變數會包含可以在 foreach 陳述式中存取的物件序列,如下列範例所示:

foreach(var p in productInfos){...}

新的匿名型別中的每個物件都有兩個公用屬性,這兩個屬性會接收與原始物件中的屬性或欄位相同的名稱。 您也可以在建立匿名類型時重新命名欄位,下列範例會將 UnitPrice 欄位重新命名為 Price

select new {p.ProductName, Price = p.UnitPrice};

具有 required 修飾元的物件初始設定式

您可以使用 required 關鍵詞來強制呼叫端使用物件初始設定式來設定屬性或欄位的值。 必要屬性不需要設定為建構函式參數。 編譯器可確保所有呼叫端都會初始化這些值。

public class Pet
    public required int Age;
    public string Name;

// `Age` field is necessary to be initialized.
// You don't need to initialize `Name` property
var pet = new Pet() { Age = 10};

// Compiler error:
// Error CS9035 Required member 'Pet.Age' must be set in the object initializer or attribute constructor.
// var pet = new Pet();


具有 init 存取子的物件初始設定式

確定沒有人變更設計的物件可以使用 init 存取子來限制。 這有助於限制屬性值的設定。

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; init; }

// The `LastName` property can be set only during initialization. It CAN'T be modified afterwards.
// The `FirstName` property can be modified after initialization.
var pet = new Person() { FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Doe"};

// You can assign the FirstName property to a different value.
pet.FirstName = "Jane";

// Compiler error:
// Error CS8852  Init - only property or indexer 'Person.LastName' can only be assigned in an object initializer,
//               or on 'this' or 'base' in an instance constructor or an 'init' accessor.
// pet.LastName = "Kowalski";

必要 init-only 屬性支援不可變的結構,同時允許類型使用者的自然語法。



public class HowToClassTypedInitializer
    public class EmbeddedClassTypeA
        public int I { get; set; }
        public bool B { get; set; }
        public string S { get; set; }
        public EmbeddedClassTypeB ClassB { get; set; }

        public override string ToString() => $"{I}|{B}|{S}|||{ClassB}";

        public EmbeddedClassTypeA()
            Console.WriteLine($"Entering EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor. Values are: {this}");
            I = 3;
            B = true;
            S = "abc";
            ClassB = new() { BB = true, BI = 43 };
            Console.WriteLine($"Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor. Values are: {this})");

    public class EmbeddedClassTypeB
        public int BI { get; set; }
        public bool BB { get; set; }
        public string BS { get; set; }

        public override string ToString() => $"{BI}|{BB}|{BS}";

        public EmbeddedClassTypeB()
            Console.WriteLine($"Entering EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor. Values are: {this}");
            BI = 23;
            BB = false;
            BS = "BBBabc";
            Console.WriteLine($"Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor. Values are: {this})");

    public static void Main()
        var a = new EmbeddedClassTypeA
            I = 103,
            B = false,
            ClassB = { BI = 100003 }
        Console.WriteLine($"After initializing EmbeddedClassTypeA: {a}");

        var a2 = new EmbeddedClassTypeA
            I = 103,
            B = false,
            ClassB = new() { BI = 100003 } //New instance
        Console.WriteLine($"After initializing EmbeddedClassTypeA a2: {a2}");

    // Output:
    //Entering EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor Values are: 0|False||||
    //Entering EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 0|False|
    //Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 23|False|BBBabc)
    //Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor Values are: 3|True|abc|||43|True|BBBabc)
    //After initializing EmbeddedClassTypeA: 103|False|abc|||100003|True|BBBabc
    //Entering EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor Values are: 0|False||||
    //Entering EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 0|False|
    //Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 23|False|BBBabc)
    //Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeA constructor Values are: 3|True|abc|||43|True|BBBabc)
    //Entering EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 0|False|
    //Exiting EmbeddedClassTypeB constructor Values are: 23|False|BBBabc)
    //After initializing EmbeddedClassTypeA a2: 103|False|abc|||100003|False|BBBabc

下列範例示範針對 ClassB,初始化程序如何涉及更新特定值,同時保留原始執行個體的其他值。 初始設定式會重複使用目前的執行個體:ClassB 的值會是:100003 (我們在此指派的新值)、true (保留自 EmbeddedClassTypeA 的初始化)、BBBabc (未變更的 EmbeddedClassTypeB 預設值)。


如果集合類別是實作 IEnumerable,且具有 Add 與適當簽章以作為執行個體方法或擴充方法,集合初始設定式可讓您在初始化這類集合類別時,指定一或多個項目初始設定式。 項目初始設定式可以是值、運算式或物件初始設定式。 藉由使用集合初始設定式,您就不需要指定多個呼叫,編譯器會自動新增呼叫。


List<int> digits = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
List<int> digits2 = new List<int> { 0 + 1, 12 % 3, MakeInt() };

下列集合初始設定式會使用物件初始設定式來初始化先前範例中所定義 Cat 類別的物件。 每個物件初始設定式會以括號括住並以逗號分隔。

List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>
    new Cat{ Name = "Sylvester", Age=8 },
    new Cat{ Name = "Whiskers", Age=2 },
    new Cat{ Name = "Sasha", Age=14 }

如果集合的 方法允許,您可以將 Add 指定為集合初始設定式中的項目。

List<Cat?> moreCats = new List<Cat?>
    new Cat{ Name = "Furrytail", Age=5 },
    new Cat{ Name = "Peaches", Age=4 },


List<Cat> allCats = [.. cats, .. moreCats];


List<Cat> additionalCats = [.. cats, new Cat { Name = "Furrytail", Age = 5 }, .. moreCats];


var numbers = new Dictionary<int, string>
    [7] = "seven",
    [9] = "nine",
    [13] = "thirteen"

上述範例會產生呼叫 Item[TKey] 以設定值的程式碼。 您也可以使用下列語法來初始化字典及其他關聯容器。 請注意,它會使用具有多個值的物件,而不是使用括弧和指派的索引子語法:

var moreNumbers = new Dictionary<int, string>
    {19, "nineteen" },
    {23, "twenty-three" },
    {42, "forty-two" }

初始設定式範例會呼叫 Add(TKey, TValue) 來將三個項目新增至字典。 由於編譯器所產生的方法呼叫,這兩種初始化關聯集合的方式會有稍微不同的行為。 這兩種方式都可以搭配 Dictionary 類別運作。 其他類型視其公用 API 而定,可能只支援其中一種。


某些類別可能具有唯讀屬性的集合屬性,例如下列案例中 CatsCatOwner 屬性:

public class CatOwner
    public IList<Cat> Cats { get; } = new List<Cat>();


CatOwner owner = new CatOwner
    Cats = new List<Cat>
        new Cat{ Name = "Sylvester", Age=8 },
        new Cat{ Name = "Whiskers", Age=2 },
        new Cat{ Name = "Sasha", Age=14 }

不過,藉由省略清單建立 (Cats),仍然可以使用初始化語法來將新項目新增至 new List<Cat>,如下所示:

CatOwner owner = new CatOwner
    Cats =
        new Cat{ Name = "Sylvester", Age=8 },
        new Cat{ Name = "Whiskers", Age=2 },
        new Cat{ Name = "Sasha", Age=14 }

要新增的項目集會以大括號括住來顯示。 上述程式碼與撰寫以下內容相同:

CatOwner owner = new ();
owner.Cats.Add(new Cat{ Name = "Sylvester", Age=8 });
owner.Cats.Add(new Cat{ Name = "Whiskers", Age=2 });
owner.Cats.Add(new Cat{ Name = "Sasha", Age=14 });



public class InitializationSample
    public class Cat
        // Automatically implemented properties.
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public string? Name { get; set; }

        public Cat() { }

        public Cat(string name)
            Name = name;

    public static void Main()
        Cat cat = new Cat { Age = 10, Name = "Fluffy" };
        Cat sameCat = new Cat("Fluffy"){ Age = 10 };

        List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>
            new Cat { Name = "Sylvester", Age = 8 },
            new Cat { Name = "Whiskers", Age = 2 },
            new Cat { Name = "Sasha", Age = 14 }

        List<Cat?> moreCats = new List<Cat?>
            new Cat { Name = "Furrytail", Age = 5 },
            new Cat { Name = "Peaches", Age = 4 },

        List<Cat> allCats = [.. cats, new Cat { Name = "Łapka", Age = 5 }, cat, .. moreCats];

        // Display results.
        foreach (Cat? c in allCats)
            if (c != null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("List element has null value.");
    // Output:
    // Sylvester
    // Whiskers
    // Sasha
    // Łapka
    // Fluffy
    // Furrytail
    // Peaches
    // List element has null value.

下列範例示範的物件會實作 IEnumerable 以及包含 Add 具有多個參數的方法。 其會使用集合初始設定式,內含在與對應 Add 方法簽章的清單中每個項目的多個元素。

public class FullExample
    class FormattedAddresses : IEnumerable<string>
        private List<string> internalList = new List<string>();
        public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator() => internalList.GetEnumerator();

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => internalList.GetEnumerator();

        public void Add(string firstname, string lastname,
            string street, string city,
            string state, string zipcode) => internalList.Add($"""
            {firstname} {lastname}
            {city}, {state} {zipcode}

    public static void Main()
        FormattedAddresses addresses = new FormattedAddresses()
            {"John", "Doe", "123 Street", "Topeka", "KS", "00000" },
            {"Jane", "Smith", "456 Street", "Topeka", "KS", "00000" }

        Console.WriteLine("Address Entries:");

        foreach (string addressEntry in addresses)
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + addressEntry);

        * Prints:

        Address Entries:

        John Doe
        123 Street
        Topeka, KS 00000

        Jane Smith
        456 Street
        Topeka, KS 00000

Add 方法可以使用 params 關鍵字來接受各種數目的引數,如下列範例所示。 此範例也示範索引子的自訂實作,以使用索引來初始化集合。 從 C# 13 開始,params 參數不限於陣列。 其可以是集合類型或介面。

public class DictionaryExample
    class RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, List<TValue>>> where TKey : notnull
        private Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>> internalDictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>>();

        public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, List<TValue>>> GetEnumerator() => internalDictionary.GetEnumerator();

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => internalDictionary.GetEnumerator();

        public List<TValue> this[TKey key]
            get => internalDictionary[key];
            set => Add(key, value);

        public void Add(TKey key, params TValue[] values) => Add(key, (IEnumerable<TValue>)values);

        public void Add(TKey key, IEnumerable<TValue> values)
            if (!internalDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out List<TValue>? storedValues))
                internalDictionary.Add(key, storedValues = new List<TValue>());

    public static void Main()
        RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string> rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary1
            = new RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string>()
                {"Group1", "Bob", "John", "Mary" },
                {"Group2", "Eric", "Emily", "Debbie", "Jesse" }
        RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string> rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary2
            = new RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string>()
                ["Group1"] = new List<string>() { "Bob", "John", "Mary" },
                ["Group2"] = new List<string>() { "Eric", "Emily", "Debbie", "Jesse" }
        RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string> rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary3
            = new RudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary<string, string>()
                {"Group1", new string []{ "Bob", "John", "Mary" } },
                { "Group2", new string[]{ "Eric", "Emily", "Debbie", "Jesse" } }

        Console.WriteLine("Using first multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer:");

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> group in rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary1)
            Console.WriteLine($"\r\nMembers of group {group.Key}: ");

            foreach (string member in group.Value)

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nUsing second multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer using indexing:");

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> group in rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary2)
            Console.WriteLine($"\r\nMembers of group {group.Key}: ");

            foreach (string member in group.Value)
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nUsing third multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer using indexing:");

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> group in rudimentaryMultiValuedDictionary3)
            Console.WriteLine($"\r\nMembers of group {group.Key}: ");

            foreach (string member in group.Value)

        * Prints:

        Using first multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer:

        Members of group Group1:

        Members of group Group2:

        Using second multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer using indexing:

        Members of group Group1:

        Members of group Group2:

        Using third multi-valued dictionary created with a collection initializer using indexing:

        Members of group Group1:

        Members of group Group2:
