
相依性屬性回呼和驗證 (WPF .NET)

本文說明如何定義相依性屬性及實作相依性屬性回呼。 回呼支援值驗證、值強制型轉,以及屬性值變更時所需的其他邏輯。


本文假設您具備相依性屬性的基本知識,而且已閱讀相依性屬性概觀。 若要遵循本文中的範例,建議您先熟悉 Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML),並了解如何撰寫 WPF 應用程式。


驗證值回呼可讓您在屬性系統套用新的相依性屬性值之前,先檢查該值是否有效。 如果值不符合驗證準則,此回呼將會引發例外狀況。

在屬性註冊期間,驗證值回呼只能指派給相依性屬性一次。 註冊相依性屬性時,您可以選擇傳遞對 Register(String, Type, Type, PropertyMetadata, ValidateValueCallback) 方法的 ValidateValueCallback 參考。 驗證值回呼不是屬性中繼資料的一部分,且無法覆寫。

相依性屬性的有效值就是其套用的值。 有多個屬性型輸入存在時,會透過屬性值優先順序來決定有效值。 如果為相依性屬性註冊了驗證值回呼,屬性系統就會在值變更時叫用其驗證值回呼,並傳入新值作為物件。 在回呼內,您可以將值物件重新轉換為對屬性系統註冊的類型,然後對其執行您的驗證邏輯。 如果值對屬性有效,回呼會傳回 true,否則會傳回 false

如果驗證值回呼傳回 false,則會引發例外狀況,且不會套用新的值。 應用程式撰寫者必須準備好處理這些例外狀況。 驗證值回呼的常見用途是驗證列舉值,或是在數值代表有限制的量值時加以限制。 屬性系統會在不同案例中叫用驗證值回呼,包括:

  • 物件初始化 (會在建立時套用預設值)。
  • 以程式設計方式呼叫 SetValue
  • 指定新預設值的中繼資料覆寫。

驗證值回呼沒有參數會指定新值設定所在的 DependencyObject 執行個體。 DependencyObject 的所有執行個體會共用相同的驗證值回呼,因此無法用來驗證執行個體特定案例。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱ValidateValueCallback

下列範例說明如何防止將類型為 Double 的屬性設定為 PositiveInfinityNegativeInfinity

public class Gauge1 : Control
    public Gauge1() : base() { }

    // Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    // property type, owner type, property metadata, and callbacks.
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentReadingProperty =
            name: "CurrentReading",
            propertyType: typeof(double),
            ownerType: typeof(Gauge1),
            typeMetadata: new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                defaultValue: double.NaN,
                flags: FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure),
            validateValueCallback: new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidReading));

    // CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    public double CurrentReading
        get => (double)GetValue(CurrentReadingProperty);
        set => SetValue(CurrentReadingProperty, value);

    // Validate-value callback.
    public static bool IsValidReading(object value)
        double val = (double)value;
        return !val.Equals(double.NegativeInfinity) && 
Public Class Gauge1
    Inherits Control

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Public Shared ReadOnly CurrentReadingProperty As DependencyProperty =
            typeMetadata:=New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            validateValueCallback:=New ValidateValueCallback(AddressOf IsValidReading))

    Public Property CurrentReading As Double
            Return GetValue(CurrentReadingProperty)
        End Get
        Set(value As Double)
            SetValue(CurrentReadingProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Shared Function IsValidReading(value As Object) As Boolean
        Dim val As Double = value
        Return Not val.Equals(Double.NegativeInfinity) AndAlso
            Not val.Equals(Double.PositiveInfinity)
    End Function

End Class
public static void TestValidationBehavior()
    Gauge1 gauge = new();

    Debug.WriteLine($"Test value validation scenario:");

    // Set allowed value.
    gauge.CurrentReading = 5;
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: {gauge.CurrentReading}");

        // Set disallowed value.
        gauge.CurrentReading = double.PositiveInfinity;
    catch (ArgumentException e)
        Debug.WriteLine($"Exception thrown by ValidateValueCallback: {e.Message}");

    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: {gauge.CurrentReading}");

    // Current reading: 5
    // Exception thrown by ValidateValueCallback: '∞' is not a valid value for property 'CurrentReading'.
    // Current reading: 5
Public Shared Sub TestValidationBehavior()
    Dim gauge As New Gauge1()

    Debug.WriteLine($"Test value validation scenario:")

    ' Set allowed value.
    gauge.CurrentReading = 5
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: {gauge.CurrentReading}")

        ' Set disallowed value.
        gauge.CurrentReading = Double.PositiveInfinity
    Catch e As ArgumentException
        Debug.WriteLine($"Exception thrown by ValidateValueCallback: {e.Message}")
    End Try

    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: {gauge.CurrentReading}")

    ' Current reading: 5
    ' Exception thrown by ValidateValueCallback: '∞' is not a valid value for property 'CurrentReading'.
    ' Current reading 5
End Sub



屬性變更回呼是相依性屬性中繼資料的一部分。 如果是從定義相依性屬性的類別衍生,或是將類別新增為相依性屬性的擁有者,則可以覆寫中繼資料。 覆寫中繼資料時,您可以選擇提供新的 PropertyChangedCallback 參考。 請使用屬性變更回呼,執行屬性值變更時所需的邏輯。

不同於驗證值回呼,屬性變更回呼有參數會指定新值設定所在的 DependencyObject 執行個體。 下一個範例將說明屬性變更回呼如何使用 DependencyObject 執行個體參考來觸發強制轉型值回呼。


強制轉型值回呼可讓您在相依性屬性的有效值即將變更時獲得通知,以便您在套用新值之前先加以調整。 除了由屬性系統觸發外,您也可以透過程式碼叫用強制轉型值回呼。

強制轉型值回呼是相依性屬性中繼資料的一部分。 如果是從定義相依性屬性的類別衍生,或是將類別新增為相依性屬性的擁有者,則可以覆寫中繼資料。 覆寫中繼資料時,您可以選擇提供對新 CoerceValueCallback 的參考。 使用強制轉型值回呼來評估新值,並在必要時加以強制轉型。 如果發生強制型轉,回呼會傳回強制轉型的值,否則會傳回未變更的新值。

與屬性變更回呼類似,強制轉型值回呼有參數會指定新值設定所在的 DependencyObject 執行個體。 下一個範例說明強制轉型值回呼如何使用 DependencyObject 執行個體參考將屬性值強制轉型。


預設屬性值無法強制轉型。 在物件初始化,或是您使用 ClearValue 清除其他值時,相依性屬性有其預設值。


您可以搭配使用強制轉型值回呼和屬性變更回呼,在元素的屬性之間建立相依性。 例如,一個屬性的變更,會導致另一個相依性屬性強制型轉或重新評估。 下一個範例說明常見的案例:三個相依性屬性,分別儲存 UI 元素的目前值、最小值和最大值。 如果最大值有所變更而小於目前值,目前值將會設定為新的最大值。 此外,如果最小值有所變更而大於目前值,目前值將會設定為新的最小值。 在此範例中,目前值的 PropertyChangedCallback 會明確針對最小值和最大值叫用 CoerceValueCallback

public class Gauge2 : Control
    public Gauge2() : base() { }

    // Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    // property type, owner type, property metadata, and callbacks.
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentReadingProperty =
            name: "CurrentReading",
            propertyType: typeof(double),
            ownerType: typeof(Gauge2),
            typeMetadata: new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                defaultValue: double.NaN,
                flags: FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
                propertyChangedCallback: new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCurrentReadingChanged),
                coerceValueCallback: new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceCurrentReading)
            validateValueCallback: new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidReading)

    // CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    public double CurrentReading
        get => (double)GetValue(CurrentReadingProperty);
        set => SetValue(CurrentReadingProperty, value);

    // Validate-value callback.
    public static bool IsValidReading(object value)
        double val = (double)value;
        return !val.Equals(double.NegativeInfinity) && !val.Equals(double.PositiveInfinity);

    // Property-changed callback.
    private static void OnCurrentReadingChanged(DependencyObject depObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    // Coerce-value callback.
    private static object CoerceCurrentReading(DependencyObject depObj, object value)
        Gauge2 gauge = (Gauge2)depObj;
        double currentVal = (double)value;
        currentVal = currentVal < gauge.MinReading ? gauge.MinReading : currentVal;
        currentVal = currentVal > gauge.MaxReading ? gauge.MaxReading : currentVal;
        return currentVal;

    // Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    // property type, owner type, property metadata, and callbacks.
    public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxReadingProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        name: "MaxReading",
        propertyType: typeof(double),
        ownerType: typeof(Gauge2),
        typeMetadata: new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            defaultValue: double.NaN,
            flags: FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
            propertyChangedCallback: new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMaxReadingChanged),
            coerceValueCallback: new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceMaxReading)
        validateValueCallback: new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidReading)

    // CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    public double MaxReading
        get => (double)GetValue(MaxReadingProperty);
        set => SetValue(MaxReadingProperty, value);

    // Property-changed callback.
    private static void OnMaxReadingChanged(DependencyObject depObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    // Coerce-value callback.
    private static object CoerceMaxReading(DependencyObject depObj, object value)
        Gauge2 gauge = (Gauge2)depObj;
        double maxVal = (double)value;
        return maxVal < gauge.MinReading ? gauge.MinReading : maxVal;

    // Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    // property type, owner type, property metadata, and callbacks.
    public static readonly DependencyProperty MinReadingProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
    name: "MinReading",
    propertyType: typeof(double),
    ownerType: typeof(Gauge2),
    typeMetadata: new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
        defaultValue: double.NaN,
        flags: FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
        propertyChangedCallback: new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMinReadingChanged),
        coerceValueCallback: new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceMinReading)
    validateValueCallback: new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidReading));

    // CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    public double MinReading
        get => (double)GetValue(MinReadingProperty);
        set => SetValue(MinReadingProperty, value);

    // Property-changed callback.
    private static void OnMinReadingChanged(DependencyObject depObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    // Coerce-value callback.
    private static object CoerceMinReading(DependencyObject depObj, object value)
        Gauge2 gauge = (Gauge2)depObj;
        double minVal = (double)value;
        return minVal > gauge.MaxReading ? gauge.MaxReading : minVal;
Public Class Gauge2
    Inherits Control

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    ' Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    ' property type, owner type, property metadata, And callbacks.
    Public Shared ReadOnly CurrentReadingProperty As DependencyProperty =
            typeMetadata:=New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                propertyChangedCallback:=New PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf OnCurrentReadingChanged),
                coerceValueCallback:=New CoerceValueCallback(AddressOf CoerceCurrentReading)),
            validateValueCallback:=New ValidateValueCallback(AddressOf IsValidReading))

    ' CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    Public Property CurrentReading As Double
            Return GetValue(CurrentReadingProperty)
        End Get
        Set(value As Double)
            SetValue(CurrentReadingProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Validate-value callback.
    Public Shared Function IsValidReading(value As Object) As Boolean
        Dim val As Double = value
        Return Not val.Equals(Double.NegativeInfinity) AndAlso Not val.Equals(Double.PositiveInfinity)
    End Function

    ' Property-changed callback.
    Private Shared Sub OnCurrentReadingChanged(depObj As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
    End Sub

    ' Coerce-value callback.
    Private Shared Function CoerceCurrentReading(depObj As DependencyObject, value As Object) As Object
        Dim gauge As Gauge2 = CType(depObj, Gauge2)
        Dim currentVal As Double = value
        currentVal = If(currentVal < gauge.MinReading, gauge.MinReading, currentVal)
        currentVal = If(currentVal > gauge.MaxReading, gauge.MaxReading, currentVal)
        Return currentVal
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly MaxReadingProperty As DependencyProperty =
        typeMetadata:=New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            propertyChangedCallback:=New PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf OnMaxReadingChanged),
            coerceValueCallback:=New CoerceValueCallback(AddressOf CoerceMaxReading)),
        validateValueCallback:=New ValidateValueCallback(AddressOf IsValidReading))

    ' CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    Public Property MaxReading As Double
            Return GetValue(MaxReadingProperty)
        End Get
        Set(value As Double)
            SetValue(MaxReadingProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Property-changed callback.
    Private Shared Sub OnMaxReadingChanged(depObj As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
    End Sub

    ' Coerce-value callback.
    Private Shared Function CoerceMaxReading(depObj As DependencyObject, value As Object) As Object
        Dim gauge As Gauge2 = CType(depObj, Gauge2)
        Dim maxVal As Double = value
        Return If(maxVal < gauge.MinReading, gauge.MinReading, maxVal)
    End Function

    ' Register a dependency property with the specified property name,
    ' property type, owner type, property metadata, And callbacks.
    Public Shared ReadOnly MinReadingProperty As DependencyProperty =
        typeMetadata:=New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            propertyChangedCallback:=New PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf OnMinReadingChanged),
            coerceValueCallback:=New CoerceValueCallback(AddressOf CoerceMinReading)),
        validateValueCallback:=New ValidateValueCallback(AddressOf IsValidReading))

    ' CLR wrapper with get/set accessors.
    Public Property MinReading As Double
            Return GetValue(MinReadingProperty)
        End Get
        Set(value As Double)
            SetValue(MinReadingProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Property-changed callback.
    Private Shared Sub OnMinReadingChanged(depObj As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
    End Sub

    ' Coerce-value callback.
    Private Shared Function CoerceMinReading(depObj As DependencyObject, value As Object) As Object
        Dim gauge As Gauge2 = CType(depObj, Gauge2)
        Dim minVal As Double = value
        Return If(minVal > gauge.MaxReading, gauge.MaxReading, minVal)
    End Function

End Class



如果相依性屬性的本機設定值是透過強制型轉變更的,則會將未變更的本機設定值保留為所需值。 如果強制型轉是以其他屬性值為基礎,則每當這些值變更時,屬性系統就會動態重新評估強制型轉。 在強制型轉的條件約束內,屬性系統會套用最接近所需值的值。 如果強制型轉條件不再適用,屬性系統將會還原所需值,前提是沒有更高的優先順序值處於作用中狀態。 下列範例會測試目前值、最小值和最大值案例中的強制型轉。

public static void TestCoercionBehavior()
    Gauge2 gauge = new()
        // Set initial values.
        MinReading = 0,
        MaxReading = 10,
        CurrentReading = 5

    Debug.WriteLine($"Test current/min/max values scenario:");

    // Current reading is not coerced.
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " +
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min: {gauge.MinReading}, max: {gauge.MaxReading})");

    // Current reading is coerced to max value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 3;
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " +
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min: {gauge.MinReading}, max: {gauge.MaxReading})");

    // Current reading is coerced, but tracking back to the desired value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 4;
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " +
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min: {gauge.MinReading}, max: {gauge.MaxReading})");

    // Current reading reverts to the desired value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 10;
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " +
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min: {gauge.MinReading}, max: {gauge.MaxReading})");

    // Current reading remains at the desired value.
    gauge.MinReading = 5;
    gauge.MaxReading = 5;
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " +
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min: {gauge.MinReading}, max: {gauge.MaxReading})");

    // Current reading: 5 (min=0, max=10)
    // Current reading: 3 (min=0, max=3)
    // Current reading: 4 (min=0, max=4)
    // Current reading: 5 (min=0, max=10)
    // Current reading: 5 (min=5, max=5)
Public Shared Sub TestCoercionBehavior()

    ' Set initial values.
    Dim gauge As New Gauge2 With {
        .MinReading = 0,
        .MaxReading = 10,
        .CurrentReading = 5

    Debug.WriteLine($"Test current/min/max values scenario:")

    ' Current reading is not coerced.
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " &
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min={gauge.MinReading}, max={gauge.MaxReading})")

    ' Current reading is coerced to max value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 3
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " &
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min={gauge.MinReading}, max={gauge.MaxReading})")

    ' Current reading is coerced, but tracking back to the desired value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 4
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " &
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min={gauge.MinReading}, max={gauge.MaxReading})")

    ' Current reading reverts to the desired value.
    gauge.MaxReading = 10
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " &
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min={gauge.MinReading}, max={gauge.MaxReading})")

    ' Current reading remains at the desired value.
    gauge.MinReading = 5
    gauge.MaxReading = 5
    Debug.WriteLine($"Current reading: " &
        $"{gauge.CurrentReading} (min={gauge.MinReading}, max={gauge.MaxReading})")

    ' Current reading: 5 (min=0, max=10)
    ' Current reading: 3 (min=0, max=3)
    ' Current reading: 4 (min=0, max=4)
    ' Current reading: 5 (min=0, max=10)
    ' Current reading: 5 (min=5, max=5)
End Sub

如有多個屬性彼此循環相依,可能會發生相當複雜的相依性案例。 就技術上而言,複雜的相依性本身沒有問題,但大量的重新評估可能導致效能降低。 此外,UI 中公開的複雜相依性可能會讓使用者感到困惑。 請盡可能明確處理 PropertyChangedCallbackCoerceValueCallback,且不要過度限制。


藉由從 CoerceValueCallback 傳回 UnsetValue,可以拒絕屬性值變更。 此機制在以非同步方式起始屬性值變更時有其效用,但一旦套用後,對於目前物件狀態即不再有效。 另一個案例是根據值變更的來源選擇性地加以隱藏。 在下列範例中,CoerceValueCallback 會呼叫 GetValueSource 方法,而傳回一個 ValueSource 結構,其中包含可識別新值來源的 BaseValueSource 列舉。

// Coerce-value callback.
private static object CoerceCurrentReading(DependencyObject depObj, object value)
    // Get value source.
    ValueSource valueSource = 
        DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(depObj, CurrentReadingProperty);

    // Reject any property value change that's a locally set value.
    return valueSource.BaseValueSource == BaseValueSource.Local ? 
        DependencyProperty.UnsetValue : value;
' Coerce-value callback.
Private Shared Function CoerceCurrentReading(depObj As DependencyObject, value As Object) As Object
    ' Get value source.
    Dim valueSource As ValueSource =
        DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(depObj, CurrentReadingProperty)

    ' Reject any property value that's a locally set value.
    Return If(valueSource.BaseValueSource = BaseValueSource.Local, DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, value)
End Function
