

Connect E-Documents to external access points

To begin your setup, follow the steps in E-document core app. After you complete those steps, return to this article and complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter E-Document Services, and then select the related link.
  2. In the Service Integration field, select one of the integration codes that are offered for the endpoint service setup.
  3. Select Setup Service Integration.

You can use E-Documents in Business Central to send and receive electronic documents with your business partners. To receive documents, you need to connect E-Documents to an external access point that handles the communication and validation of the documents.


These connections require communication with external service providers who might be subject to additional payment and require contracts with them. To obtain all the necessary credentials, contact the service providers.

The steps to connect E-Documents to an external access point depend on the type of connector you choose.


Ask your service provider for all the necessary details to establish a connection with their access point that follows.

Pagero service

  1. On the E-Document External Connection Setup page, select the Open OAuth 2.0 setup action to open the OAuth 2.0 Setup page.

  2. On the OAuth 2.0 setup page, select the Request Authorization Code action. You're redirected to the external service authorization webpage and prompted for your sign-in details.

  3. Copy the authorization code into the Enter Authorization Code field.

  4. Select Refresh Access Token to make sure that you can refresh the token.

  5. On the E-Document External Connection Setup page, fill in the following fields:

    Field name Description
    FileAPI URL Specify the file API URL.
    Fileparts URL Specify the fileparts URL.
    DocumentAPI URL Specify the document API URL.
    Company ID Specify the company ID.
    Send Mode Specify the send mode. You can select Production, Test, or Certification.
  6. Continue with the nonservice provider setup steps.

Avalara service


The Avalara connector in Business Central is available from version 25.1

  1. On the Avalara Connection Setup page, enter the Client ID and Client Secret fields. In the Send Mode field, choose the Production, Test, or Certification option, based on your plans.
  2. Select the Select Avalara Company Id action, and choose the right company. Make sure you enter values into the Company Name and Company ID fields.
  3. Select the Select Avalara Mandate action, and select the right E-Document Service, and then pick appropriate Country Mandate code on the Avalara Mandate List page.
  4. Navigate back to the E-Document Service page, and validate that the Avalara Mandate field in the Avalara FastTab is set with the value you chose.
  5. Continue with the non-service provider setup steps.

Available service providers

At this moment, Business Central supports Pagero and Avalara access points for e-documents, but more access points are in the process of development. This page is updated with the parameters for new connectors when they're ready. You can also find more connectors on AppSource.


This page doesn't show how to connect with the local service providers. If Business Central support some of them, it will be explained in the country-specific documentation.

Microsoft doesn't have a contractual obligation with Pagero and Avalara. That means, if you want to use their connectors, you must have a contract with them.

See also

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