

recommendation resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a Microsoft Entra ID best practice or improvement action recommended by Microsoft for your Microsoft Entra tenant.

The Microsoft Entra recommendation service runs daily to check your tenant against predefined conditions for every recommendation. If the service detects that a recommendation applies to your tenant, the corresponding recommendation object is generated and its status is set to active.

For more information, see What is Microsoft Entra recommendations?.

Inherits from recommendationBase.


Method Return type Description
List recommendation collection Get a list of the recommendation objects and their properties.
Get recommendation Read the properties and relationships of a recommendation object.
Postpone recommendation Mark the status of a recommendation object as postponed to a specified date and time.
Dismiss recommendation Mark the status of a recommendation object as dismissed.
Complete recommendation Mark the status of a recommendation object as completedByUser.
Reactivate recommendation Mark the status of a recommendation object as active.
Get tenant Secure Score tenantSecureScore collection Get historical Secure Score data for your tenant.


Property Type Description
actionSteps actionStep collection List of actions to take to complete a recommendation. Inherited from recommendationBase.
benefits String An explanation of why completing the recommendation will benefit you. Corresponds to the Value section of a recommendation shown in the Microsoft Entra admin center. Inherited from recommendationBase.
category recommendationCategory Indicates the category of intelligent guidance that the recommendation falls under. The possible values are: identityBestPractice, identitySecureScore, unknownFutureValue. Inherited from recommendationBase.

Supports $filter(eq).
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time when the recommendation was detected as applicable to your directory. Inherited from recommendationBase.
currentScore Double The number of points the tenant has attained. Only applies to recommendations with category set to identitySecureScore. Inherited from recommendationBase.
displayName String The title of the recommendation. Inherited from recommendationBase.
featureAreas recommendationFeatureAreas collection The directory feature that the recommendation is related to. Inherited from recommendationBase.

Supports $filter(eq).
id String The unique identifier for the recommendation object generated for your tenant. This is a concatenation of your tenant ID and a Microsoft Entra ID-assigned nickname for the recommendation. For example, 7918d4b5-0442-4a97-be2d-36f9f9962ece_Microsoft.Identity.IAM.Insights.ThirdPartyApps. Inherited from recommendationBase.
impactStartDateTime DateTimeOffset The future date and time when a recommendation should be completed. Inherited from recommendationBase.
impactType String Indicates the scope of impact of a recommendation. Tenant level indicates that the recommendation impacts the whole tenant. Other possible values include users, applications. Inherited from recommendationBase.
insights String Describes why a recommendation uniquely applies to your directory. Corresponds to the Description section of a recommendation shown in the Microsoft Entra admin center. Inherited from recommendationBase.
lastCheckedDateTime DateTimeOffset The most recent date and time a recommendation was deemed applicable to your directory. Inherited from recommendationBase.
lastModifiedBy String Name of the user who last updated the status of the recommendation. Inherited from recommendationBase.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the status of a recommendation was last updated. Inherited from recommendationBase.
maxScore Double The maximum number of points attainable. Only applies to recommendations with category set to identitySecureScore. Inherited from recommendationBase.
postponeUntilDateTime DateTimeOffset The future date and time when the status of a postponed recommendation will be active again. Inherited from recommendationBase.
priority recommendationPriority Indicates the time sensitivity for a recommendation to be completed. Microsoft auto assigns this value. The possible values are: low, medium, high. Inherited from recommendationBase. Read-only.

Supports $filter(eq).
recommendationType recommendationType Friendly shortname to identify the recommendation. The possible values are: adfsAppsMigration, enableDesktopSSO, enablePHS, enableProvisioning, switchFromPerUserMFA, tenantMFA, thirdPartyApps, turnOffPerUserMFA, useAuthenticatorApp, useMyApps, staleApps, staleAppCreds, applicationCredentialExpiry, servicePrincipalKeyExpiry, adminMFAV2, blockLegacyAuthentication, integratedApps, mfaRegistrationV2, pwagePolicyNew, passwordHashSync, oneAdmin, roleOverlap, selfServicePasswordReset, signinRiskPolicy, userRiskPolicy, verifyAppPublisher, privateLinkForAAD, appRoleAssignmentsGroups, appRoleAssignmentsUsers, managedIdentity, overprivilegedApps, unknownFutureValue, longLivedCredentials, aadConnectDeprecated, adalToMsalMigration, ownerlessApps, inactiveGuests, aadGraphDeprecationApplication, aadGraphDeprecationServicePrincipal, mfaServerDeprecation. Note that you must use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value(s) in this evolvable enum: longLivedCredentials , aadConnectDeprecated , adalToMsalMigration , ownerlessApps , inactiveGuests , aadGraphDeprecationApplication , aadGraphDeprecationServicePrincipal , mfaServerDeprecation. Inherited from recommendationBase.

Currently, only a limited number are available. For more information, see Types of recommendations. Supports $filter(eq).
releaseType releaseType The current release type of the recommendation. The possible values are: preview, generallyAvailable, unknownFutureValue. Inherited from recommendationBase.
remediationImpact String Description of the impact on users of the remediation. Only applies to recommendations with category set to identitySecureScore. Inherited from recommendationBase.
status recommendationStatus Indicates the status of the recommendation based on user or system action. The possible values are: active, completedBySystem, completedByUser, dismissed, postponed, unknownFutureValue. By default, a recommendation's status is set to active when the recommendation is first generated. Status is set to completedBySystem when our service detects that a recommendation which was previously active no longer applies. Inherited from recommendationBase.

Supports $filter(eq).


Relationship Type Description
impactedResources impactedResource collection The list of directory objects associated with the recommendation. Inherited from recommendationBase.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.recommendation",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "actionSteps": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.actionStep"
  "benefits": "String",
  "category": "String",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "currentScore": "Double",
  "displayName": "String",
  "featureAreas": [
  "impactType": "String",
  "impactStartDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "insights": "String",
  "lastCheckedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastModifiedBy": "String",
  "maxScore": "Double",
  "postponeUntilDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "priority": "String",
  "status": "String",
  "remediationImpact": "String",
  "recommendationType": "String"