

Microsoft Teams API implementation differences in national clouds

This article describes Microsoft Teams API implementation differences between the Microsoft Graph global endpoint and the national clouds.

For general information about national cloud availability for Microsoft Graph APIs, see National cloud deployments.

Implementation differences in Microsoft Graph for US Government cloud

This section describes implementation differences in the Microsoft Graph for US Government for all the available environments.

API Details
List apps installed for user Not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Install app for user Not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Get app installed for user Not supported in the application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Get chat between user and app Not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Upgrade installed app for user Not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Uninstall app for user Not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
Provision Email address Not supported.
Channels All channel-based APIs are not supported in the context of shared channels.
Get chat Chats with meetings associated with them are not supported in application context in the GCC High and DOD environments.
List chats The OrderBy OData query parameter is not supported.
Meeting recordings
Get delta by organizer Not supported.
List recordings by organizer Not supported.
Meeting transcripts
Get delta by organizer Not supported.
List transcripts by organizer Not supported.
Soft delete a message Not supported in the GCC High and DOD Environments.
List messages in a chat The OrderBy OData query parameter is not supported in the GCC environment.

Implementation differences in Microsoft Graph for Microsoft Graph China operated by 21Vianet

This section describes implementation differences in the Microsoft Graph for the Microsoft Graph China operated by 21Vianet.

API Details
Apps in Microsoft Teams app catalog APIs to create, update, or delete apps in the catalog are not supported.
App installation APIs to manage app installation are not supported in any scope.
Resource-specific permission grant APIs to list resource-specific permission grants are not supported in any scope.
Activity Feed
Activity Feed notifications APIs to send activity feed notifications are not supported in any scope.
Tabs APIs to manage tabs in chat and channels are not supported.
Channel Channel APIs are not supported in the context of shared channels, which are channels with a channelMembershipType value of shared.
List chats The OrderBy OData query parameter is not supported.
Export content APIs to export chat and channel messages are not supported.
Team Membership
Membership Membership APIs to add and delete guests are not supported.
Change notifications
Change notifications Change notifications are not supported for Microsoft Teams resources.
Meeting transcripts
List transcripts Not supported.
Get transcript Not supported.
Get delta by organizer Not supported.
List transcripts by organizer Not supported.
Hosted Content APIs to manage hosted content are not supported in application context.