This package contains the process cosmos queries
AbstractCosmosQuery |
Abstract class for cosmos query. |
AbstractReactiveCosmosQuery |
Abstract class for reactive cosmos query. |
CosmosParameter |
A single cosmos parameter of a query method. |
CosmosParameterParameterAccessor |
ParametersParameterAccessor implementation and store all special parameters in a List. |
CosmosParameters |
Method parameters that have to be bound to query parameters or applied to the query independently. |
CosmosQueryCreator |
TODO: String based query, based on how cosmosDB provides. |
CosmosQueryExecution.ContainerExecution |
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query |
CosmosQueryExecution.CountExecution |
count operation implementation to execute a count query |
CosmosQueryExecution.DeleteExecution |
delete operation implementation to execute a delete query |
CosmosQueryExecution.ExistsExecution |
exist operation implementation to execute a exists query |
CosmosQueryExecution.MultiEntityExecution |
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items |
CosmosQueryExecution.PagedExecution |
pagination |
CosmosQueryExecution.SingleEntityExecution |
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item |
CosmosQueryExecution.SliceExecution |
slice |
CosmosQueryMethod |
Inherit Query |
PartTreeCosmosQuery |
Cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn. |
PartTreeReactiveCosmosQuery |
Reactive cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn. |
ReactiveCosmosParameterParameterAccessor |
ReactiveCosmosParameterParameterAccessor implementation using a ParametersParameterAccessor instance to find special parameters. |
ReactiveCosmosQueryCreator |
Class for reactive cosmos query creators that create criteria based queries from a PartTree. |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.ContainerExecution |
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.CountExecution |
Count operation implementation to execute a count query |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.DeleteExecution |
Delete operation implementation to execute a delete query |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.ExistsExecution |
Exist operation implementation to execute a exist query |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.MultiEntityExecution |
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution.SingleEntityExecution |
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item |
ReactiveCosmosQueryMethod |
Inherit from Query |
SimpleCosmosEntityMetadata<T> |
Metadata class to describe simple cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information |
SimpleReactiveCosmosEntityMetadata<T> |
Metadata class to describe simple reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information |
CosmosEntityMetadata<T> |
Metadata class to describe cosmos entity includes domain type and container information |
CosmosParameterAccessor |
Interface to access method parameters. |
CosmosQueryExecution |
Interface to execute cosmos query operations |
ReactiveCosmosEntityMetadata<T> |
Metadata class to describe reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and container information |
ReactiveCosmosParameterAccessor |
Interface to access method parameters. |
ReactiveCosmosQueryExecution |
Interface to execute reactive cosmos query operations |