Restrict 陳述式
restrict 語句會限制查詢語句所看見的數據表/檢視實體集合。 例如,在包含兩個數據表的資料庫中,A
restrict 語句的主要案例適用於接受使用者查詢的仲介層應用程式,並想要在這些查詢上套用數據列層級安全性機制。
中介層應用程式可以使用邏輯模型來為用戶的查詢加上前置詞,一組 let 語句定義限制使用者存取數據的檢視,例如 ( T | where UserId == "..."
。 新增最後一個語句時,只會限制用戶的邏輯模型存取權。
restrict 語句可用來限制對另一個資料庫或叢集中實體的存取權(叢集名稱中不支援通配符)。
深入瞭解 語法慣例。
姓名 | 類型 | 必要 | 描述 |
EntitySpecifiers | string |
✔️ | 一或多個逗號分隔的實體規範。 可能的值是: - let 語句定義為表格式檢視的標識碼 - 數據表或函式參考,類似於等位語句所使用的數據表或函式參考 - 模式宣告所定義的模式 |
- 限制語句未指定的所有數據表、表格式檢視或模式,都會變成查詢其餘部分的「不可見」。
- Let、set 和 tabular 語句會串在一起/以分號分隔,否則它們不會被視為相同查詢的一部分。
在 說明叢集中,有一個具有 StormEvents
數據表的 Samples
Let 陳述式
此範例會使用 let 語句, 出現在 restrict
// Limit access to 'Test' let statement only
let Test = () { print x=1 };
restrict access to (Test);
此範例會使用參考 數據表, 或 函式 在資料庫元數據中定義。
// Assuming the database that the query uses has table Table1 and Func1 defined in the metadata,
// and other database 'DB2' has Table2 defined in the metadata
restrict access to (database().Table1, database().Func1, database('DB2').Table2);
此範例使用可比對多個 let 語句的通配符模式, 或數據表/函式。
let Test1 = () { print x=1 };
let Test2 = () { print y=1 };
restrict access to (*);
// Now access is restricted to Test1, Test2 and no tables/functions are accessible.
// Assuming the database that the query uses has table Table1 and Func1 defined in the metadata.
// Assuming that database 'DB2' has table Table2 and Func2 defined in the metadata
restrict access to (database().*);
// Now access is restricted to all tables/functions of the current database ('DB2' is not accessible).
// Assuming the database that the query uses has table Table1 and Func1 defined in the metadata.
// Assuming that database 'DB2' has table Table2 and Func2 defined in the metadata
restrict access to (database('DB2').*);
// Now access is restricted to all tables/functions of the database 'DB2'
// Assume the database has a single table, UserData,
// with a column called UserID and other columns that hold
// per-user private information.
// The middle-tier application generates the following statements.
// Note that "" is something the middle-tier application
// derives per-user as it authenticates the user.
let RestrictedData = view () { Data | where UserID == "" };
restrict access to (RestrictedData);
// The rest of the query is something that the user types.
// This part can only reference RestrictedData; attempting to reference Data
// will fail.
RestrictedData | summarize MonthlySalary=sum(Salary) by Year, Month
// Restricting access to Table1 in the current database (database() called without parameters)
restrict access to (database().Table1);
Table1 | count
// Restricting access to Table1 in the current database and Table2 in database 'DB2'
restrict access to (database().Table1, database('DB2').Table2);
| count
// Restricting access to Test statement only
let Test = () { range x from 1 to 10 step 1 };
restrict access to (Test);
// Assume that there is a table called Table1, Table2 in the database
let View1 = view () { Table1 | project Column1 };
let View2 = view () { Table2 | project Column1, Column2 };
restrict access to (View1, View2);
// When those statements appear before the command - the next works
let View1 = view () { Table1 | project Column1 };
let View2 = view () { Table2 | project Column1, Column2 };
restrict access to (View1, View2);
View1 | count
// When those statements appear before the command - the next access is not allowed
let View1 = view () { Table1 | project Column1 };
let View2 = view () { Table2 | project Column1, Column2 };
restrict access to (View1, View2);
Table1 | count