

RxInTeradata: Generate Teradata In-Database Compute Context


DEPRECATED: Creates a compute context for running RevoScaleR analyses inside a Teradata database.


  RxInTeradata(object, remoteShareDir = "/tmp", connectionString = "", shareDir = "/tmp", 
     revoPath = NULL, controlDB = "revoAnalytics_Zqht2", wait = TRUE, consoleOutput = FALSE, autoCleanup = TRUE, 
     packagesToLoad = NULL,   ...  )



An optional RxInTeradata object.


The share directory in Teradata.


An ODBC connection string used to connect to the Teradata database.


The share directory. This directory must exist on the client with write permission.


The path where Microsoft R Server is installed on Teradata.


The control database name a user can specify for supporting user isolation to enhance security. This requires that stored procedures, stored functions and tables are properly created and initialized in the control database, and access permissions are granted to users.


logical value. If TRUE, the job will be blocking and will not return until it has completed or has failed. If FALSE, the job will be non-blocking and return immediately, allowing you to continue running other R code. The object rxgLastPendingJob is created with the job information. The client connection with Teradata must be maintained while the job is running, even in non-blocking mode.


logical scalar.If TRUE, causes the standard output of the R processes on the AMPS to be printed to the user console. This value may be overwritten by passing a non-NULL logical value to the consoleOutput argument provided in rxExec and rxGetJobResults.


logical scalar. If TRUE, the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the result objects upon retrieval. If FALSE, then the computational results are not deleted, and the results may be acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the results and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to FALSE can result in accumulation of compute artifacts which you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard drive.


NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in this compute context.


additional arguments to be passed to the underlying function. Two useful additional arguments are traceEnabled=TRUE and traceLevel=7, which taken together enable run-time tracing of your in-Teradata computations. traceEnabled and traceLevel are deprecated as of MRS 9.0.2 and will be removed from this Compute Context in the next major release. Please use rxOptions(traceLevel=7) to enable run-time tracing in-Teradata

See Also

RxComputeContext, RxInTeradata-class, RxTeradata, RxInSqlServer, rxOptions.


 ## Not run:

baseTD <- RxInTeradata(
   connectionString = "DSN=TeradataVM64",
   shareDir = "C:/AllShare/myName",
   remoteShareDir = "/tmp/revoJobs",
   revoPath = "/usr/lib64/RRO-8.0.3/R-3.1.3/lib64/R",
   consoleOutput = TRUE,
   wait = TRUE,
   autoCleanup = TRUE)
  ## End(Not run)