Project) (Assignment.PercentWorkComplete 屬性
取得或設定完成工作分派的工時百分比。 讀取/寫入 Variant 。
expression。 PercentWorkComplete
表達 代表 Assignment 物件的變數。
下列範例會將工時完成百分比大於使用者指定百分比將使用中專案內每個任務 Marked 屬性設定為 True 。
Sub MarkTasks()
Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim Entry As String ' Percentage entered by user
' Prompt user for a percentage.
Entry = InputBox$("Mark tasks that exceed what percentage of work complete? (0-100)")
If Not IsNumeric(Entry) Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a number only.")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Entry < 0 Or Entry > 100 Then
MsgBox ("You did not enter a percentage from 0 to 100.")
Exit Sub
End If
' Mark tasks with percentage of work complete greater than user entry.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
If T.PercentWorkComplete > Val(Entry) Then
T.Marked = True
T.Marked = False
End If
Next T
End Sub
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