

Upload or replace the contents of a DriveItem

The simple upload API allows you to provide the contents of a new file or update the contents of an existing file in a single API call. This method only supports files up to 4MB in size.

To upload large files see Upload large files with an upload session.


One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.

Permission type Permissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account) Files.ReadWrite, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Files.ReadWrite, Files.ReadWrite.All
Application Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All

HTTP request (to replace an existing item)

PUT /drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/content
PUT /groups/{group-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/content
PUT /me/drive/items/{item-id}/content
PUT /sites/{site-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/content
PUT /users/{user-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/content

HTTP request (to upload a new file)

PUT /drives/{drive-id}/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content
PUT /groups/{group-id}/drive/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content
PUT /me/drive/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content
PUT /sites/{site-id}/drives/{drive-id}/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content
PUT /users/{user-id}/drive/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content

Request body

The contents of the request body should be the binary stream of the file to be uploaded.


If successful, this method returns a driveItem object in the response body for the newly created or updated file.

Example (upload a new file)

This example uploads the string "The contents of the file goes here." to a file in the signed-in user's drive under FolderA named FileB.txt.

PUT /me/drive/root:/FolderA/FileB.txt:/content
Content-Type: text/plain

The contents of the file goes here.


If successful, this method returns an driveItem resource in the response body for the newly created file.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "0123456789abc",
  "name": "FileB.txt",
  "size": 35,
  "file": { }

Example (updating an existing file)

This example replaces the contents of a file with a known ID.

PUT /me/drive/items/{item-id}/content
Content-Type: text/plain

The contents of the file goes here.


If successful, this method returns an driveItem resource in the response body for the newly created file.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "0123456789abc",
  "name": "FileB.txt",
  "size": 35,
  "file": { }


Blocked File Types

SharePoint Server 2016 blocks several file extensions from being uploaded to the server.

  • .ashx - ASP.NET Web handler file
  • .asmx - ASP.NET Web Services source file
  • .json - JavaScript Object Notation file
  • .soap - Simple Object Access Protocol file
  • .svc - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service file
  • .xamlx - Visual Studio Workflow service file

See Types of files that cannot be added to a list or library for more information on blocked file extensions.

Conflict Resolution Behavior

By default, this API will replace an existing item with the same name. To customize the conflict resolution behavior, add a query parameter named @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior with values fail, replace, or rename, to the request.

Error responses

See Error Responses for details about how errors are returned.