

Authorizing your app to access OneDrive

Before your app can make requests to OneDrive, it needs a user to authenticate and authorize the application to have access to their data. The method for obtaining authorization differs depending on if your app is targeting OneDrive and SharePoint online, or SharePoint Server 2016.

Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, and SharePoint support using a standard OAuth2 or Open ID Connect authorization flow. Requests to Microsoft Graph are authenticated using bearer tokens obtained from one of these flows.

Microsoft Graph (OneDrive and SharePoint online)

Microsoft Graph uses Azure Active Directory to authenticate accounts and authorize applications. Using the v2.0 endpoint your application can sign in consumer users with Microsoft accounts and work/school users with Azure Active Directory accounts with a single authentication flow. To get started, take a look at using OAuth with Microsoft Graph:

Method Description
Sign in Sign in to Microsoft account and OneDrive personal.
Refresh Refresh your access token.
Sign out Sign out of Microsoft account and OneDrive personal.

For more details about the full list of authentication scenarios for Microsoft Graph, see App authentication with Microsoft Graph.

SharePoint Server 2016

The OneDrive API supports authentication mechanisms provided in SharePoint Server 2016 including Microsoft Azure Access Control Service (ACS), Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), for user and application authentication. Hybrid customers also have the option to use AAD authentication.

AAD authentication

Hybrid customers, or on-premises customers who have integrated their on-premises identities with AAD can use the OneDrive API with the standard OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme to authenticate users and generate access tokens. OneDrive for Business uses Azure Active Directory to authenticate users and applications.

Method Description
Sign in Sign in to an AAD account and OneDrive for Business.
Refresh Refresh your access token.

ACS authentication

SharePoint Server 2016 supports claims-based authentication. The result of a claims-based authentication is a claims-based security token, which the SharePoint Security Token Service (STS) generates. SharePoint Server 2016 supports Windows, forms-based, and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)-based claims authentication.

To perform ACS app authentication, the application needs to obtain an access token from either the Microsoft Azure Access Control Service (ACS), or by self-signing an access token with a certificate that SharePoint Server 2016 trusts. Then, the access token asserts a request for access to a specific SharePoint resource and contains information that identifies the app and the associated user, instead of validating only the user’s credentials.

AD FS authentication

The OneDrive API can also use AD FS authentication in SharePoint Server 2016 to authenticate users and applications. AD FS in Windows Server 2016 (AD FS 2016) enables you to add industry standard OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 based authentication and authorization to your applications, and have those applications authenticate users directly against AD FS.

You can add AD FS modern authentication to your application by using the same set of tools and libraries you already use to authenticate users against Azure AD. In AD FS scenarios, it is AD FS and not Azure AD that serves as the identity provider and authorization server. Otherwise the concepts are exactly the same: users provide their credentials and obtain tokens, either directly or via an intermediary, for access to resources.

Find more details about AD FS authentication in ADFS Scenarios for Developers.