
IsValidStateTransition Function

Determines whether the state transition is valid.


Parameters allow for data to be passed to the function.

Name Type Nullable Unicode Description
crmbaseentity False True

The entity reference for the record whose transition state is validated.

Edm.String False False

The proposed new state for the record.

Edm.Int32 False True

The proposed new status for the record.

Return type

Type Nullable Description
IsValidStateTransitionResponse False Contains the response of the IsValidStateTransition function.


Use the IsValidStateTransition function with these entity types:

Name Display name Description
account Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
activityfileattachment Activity File Attachment Attachment entity with data stored in file type attribute
adx_externalidentity External Identity
adx_invitation Invitation Send invitations to existing contacts or email addresses and assign them to web roles upon redemption.
adx_inviteredemption Invite Redemption Holds information about the redemption of an invite.
adx_portalcomment Portal Comment An activity which is used to share information between the user and the customer on the portal.
adx_setting Setting
adx_webformsession Multistep Form Session Serves as a mechanism to log the occurrence of an incomplete multistep form entry for a given user so they can return and complete it later.
aicopilot AICopilot AI Copilot
aiplugin AIPlugin AIPlugins component
aipluginauth AIPluginAuth Entity to store AIPlugin Auth Information
aipluginconversationstarter AI Plugin Conversation Starter Conversation Starters for AI Plugins.
aipluginconversationstartermapping AI Plugin Conversation Starter Mapping AIPlugins component
aipluginexternalschema AIPluginExternalSchema AIPluginExternalSchemas component
aipluginexternalschemaproperty AIPluginExternalSchemaProperty AIPluginExternalSchemaProperties component
aiplugingovernance AI Plugin Governance
aiplugingovernanceext AI Plugin Governance Extended
aiplugininstance AIPluginInstance AI Plugin Instances Component
aipluginoperation AIPluginOperation AIPluginOperations component
aipluginoperationparameter AIPluginOperationParameter Parameter overrides for AI Operation
aipluginoperationresponsetemplate AIPluginOperationResponseTemplate Content for the AI Plugin Operation Response Template
aiplugintitle AIPluginTitle AIPlugin Title
aipluginusersetting AIPluginUserSetting
appaction App Action Contains Modern Command Information
appactionmigration App Action Migration
appactionrule App Action Rule
applicationuser ApplicationUser Application User that has non-interactive access to the CDS system
bot Copilot Represents a copilot created in Copilot Studio. https://copilotstudio.microsoft.com/
botcomponent Copilot component Holds key authoring components of a Copilot such a topics, entities, variables, etc.
botcomponentcollection Copilot component collection
card Card Card
catalog Catalog Entity for cataloging records to make it easier for your customers to find them on portals and through search.
catalogassignment Catalog Assignment Entity for assigning records to a specific catalog
chat Teams chat For internal use only. Entity which stores association data of Dynamics 365 records with Microsoft Teams chat
connectioninstance Connection Instance
connectionreference Connection Reference
connector Connector Connector Entity to support Solutioning Integration
contact Contact Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.
conversationtranscript ConversationTranscript Contains the transcripts of conversations between participants such as customers, Virtual Agents or Human agents.
copilotexamplequestion CopilotExampleQuestion CopilotExampleQuestions Component
copilotglossaryterm CopilotGlossaryTerm CopilotGlossaryTerm Component
copilotsynonyms CopilotSynonyms CopilotSynonyms Component
credential Credential
customapi Custom API Entity that defines a custom API
datalakefolder Data Lake Folder A folder is a place to store data in Azure Data Lake.
datalakeworkspace Data Lake Workspace A workspace is a place to store data in Azure Data Lake.
datalakeworkspacepermission Data Lake Workspace Permission
dataprocessingconfiguration Data Processing configuration
delegatedauthorization DelegatedAuthorization Context for delegated authorization.
desktopflowbinary Desktop Flow Binary
desktopflowmodule Desktop Flow Module
dvfilesearch DVFileSearch DVFileSearches Component
dvfilesearchattribute DVFileSearchAttribute
dvfilesearchentity DVFileSearchEntity DVFileSearchEntities component.
dvtablesearch DVTableSearch DVTableSearches component
dvtablesearchattribute DVTableSearchAttribute DVTableSearchAttribute component
dvtablesearchentity DVTableSearchEntity DVTableSearchEntities component
entityrecordfilter EntityRecordFilter RecordFilter Object Type Codes
environmentvariabledefinition Environment Variable Definition Contains information about the settable variable: its type, default value, and etc.
environmentvariablevalue Environment Variable Value Holds the value for the associated EnvironmentVariableDefinition entity.
exportedexcel Exported Excel A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests.
exportsolutionupload ExportSolutionUpload
fabricaiskill Fabric AISkill AISkills published from Fabric.
featurecontrolsetting FeatureControlSetting featurecontrolsetting
federatedknowledgeconfiguration FederatedKnowledgeConfiguration FederatedKnowledgeConfigurations component
federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfiguration FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfigurations component
flowcapacityassignment Flow Capacity Assignment Capacity assignment for usage in Power Automate
flowcredentialapplication Flow Credential Application
flowevent Flow Event Entity to store the events that happen during usage of Power Automate.
flowmachine Flow Machine
flowmachinegroup Flow Machine Group
flowmachineimage Flow Machine Image
flowmachineimageversion Flow Machine Image Version
flowmachinenetwork Flow Machine Network
flowsession Flow Session Entity to store the information that is generated when a Power Automate Desktop flow runs.
fxexpression FxExpression
keyvaultreference Key Vault Reference Contains data that refers to an Azure Key Vault containing credentials used to connect to secure web-hosted resources.
mainfewshot MainFewShot This fewshot entity will only be updated during solution installation.
makerfewshot MakerFewShot This fewshot is updated by maker for testing the queries and by the NL2SQ with the results
managedidentity Managed Identity Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources.
metadataforarchival MetadataForArchival Holds metadata values of tables for retention
mobileofflineprofileextension MobileOfflineProfileExtension
mobileofflineprofileitemfilter MobileOfflineProfileItemFilter
msdyn_aibdataset AI Builder Dataset
msdyn_aibdatasetfile AI Builder Dataset File
msdyn_aibdatasetrecord AI Builder Dataset Record
msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer AI Builder Datasets Container
msdyn_aibfeedbackloop AI Builder Feedback Loop
msdyn_aibfile AI Builder File
msdyn_aibfileattacheddata AI Builder File Attached Data
msdyn_aievent AI Event
msdyn_aifptrainingdocument AI Form Processing Document
msdyn_aimodel AI Model
msdyn_aiodimage AI Object Detection Image
msdyn_aiodlabel AI Object Detection Label
msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox AI Object Detection Bounding Box
msdyn_aiodtrainingimage AI Object Detection Image Mapping
msdyn_aitemplate AI Template
msdyn_analysiscomponent Analysis Component
msdyn_analysisjob Analysis Job
msdyn_analysisoverride Analysis Override
msdyn_analysisresult Analysis Result
msdyn_analysisresultdetail Analysis Result Detail
msdyn_appinsightsmetadata App Insights Metadata Metadata for App Insights Platform components
msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings Custom Control Extended Setting
msdyn_dataflow Dataflow
msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder Dataflow DatalakeFolder
msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference Dataflow Connection Reference Intersecting table between Dataflow and Connection Reference
msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory DataflowRefreshHistory
msdyn_dataflowtemplate Dataflow Template An entity to store information about dataflow templates
msdyn_dmsrequest Data Movement Service Request Table for Data Movement Service Requests
msdyn_dmsrequeststatus Data Movement Service Request Status Table for Data Movement Service Request Status
msdyn_dmssyncrequest DMS Sync Request An entity to save DMS sync requests.
msdyn_dmssyncstatus DMS Sync Status An entity to save DMS sync statuses.
msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration Entity link chat configuration
msdyn_entityrefreshhistory EntityRefreshHistory
msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle Favorite knowledge article Entity for favorite knowledge articles
msdyn_federatedarticle Knowledge Federated Article
msdyn_federatedarticleincident Knowledge Federated Article Incident
msdyn_fileupload File Upload
msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel Action Approval Model The action approval model data attached to an action approval.
msdyn_flow_approval Approval An approval.
msdyn_flow_approvalrequest Approval Request An individual request for approval.
msdyn_flow_approvalresponse Approval Response An individual response to an approval.
msdyn_flow_approvalstep Approval Step
msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel Await All Action Approval Model The await all action approval model data attached to an action approval.
msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel Await All Approval Model The await all approval model data attached to an approval.
msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel Basic Approval Model Data The basic approval model data attached to an approval.
msdyn_flow_flowapproval Flow Approval Microsoft Flow data attached to an approval.
msdyn_helppage Help Page
msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity Insights Store Virtual Entity Insights Store Virtual Entity
msdyn_integratedsearchprovider Integrated search provider Ingest and search files, documents, or articles from data sources outside of your current Dynamics 365 organization with a unified ranking.
msdyn_kalanguagesetting Knowledge article language setting Allows you to select default language for knowledge authoring.
msdyn_kbattachment Knowledge Article Attachment
msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig Search provider
msdyn_kmpersonalizationsetting Knowledge personalization Allows users to personalize their knowledge search filters and knowledge authoring language.
msdyn_knowledgearticleimage Knowledge Article Image
msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate Knowledge Article Template Organizational Knowledge Article Template for Internal and external creation of Knowledge Articles.
msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration Knowledge Asset Configuration Knowledge asset configurations for data sources configured in knowledge hub.
msdyn_knowledgeconfiguration Knowledge Configuration Represents the possible settings used in Knowledge management
msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight Knowledge Interaction Insight Knowledge Interaction Insight
msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting Knowledge Management Setting Setup knowledge management for your organization.
msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter Knowledge search personal filter config Allows you to configure and manage personal filter settings.
msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter Knowledge search filter Allows you to configure and manage filter settings.
msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight Knowledge Search Insight Knowledge Search Insight
msdyn_mobileapp Mobile App Mobile App
msdyn_modulerundetail Module Run Detail Result of execution of a MEF model
msdyn_pmanalysishistory PM Analysis History
msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig PM Business Rule Automation Config
msdyn_pmcalendar PM Calendar
msdyn_pmcalendarversion PM Calendar Version
msdyn_pminferredtask PM Inferred Task
msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion PM Process Extended Metadata Version
msdyn_pmprocesstemplate PM Process Template
msdyn_pmprocessusersettings PM Process User Settings
msdyn_pmprocessversion PM Process Version
msdyn_pmrecording PM Recording
msdyn_pmsimulation PM Simulation
msdyn_pmtemplate PM Template
msdyn_pmview PM View
msdyn_richtextfile Rich Text Attachment Image or file attached to a rich text field
msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject Salesforce Structured Object Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured Object.
msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig Salesforce Structured QnA Config Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured QnA Config.
msdyn_schedule Schedule Generic refresh schedule
msdyn_serviceconfiguration Service Configuration
msdyn_slakpi SLA KPI
msdyn_solutionhealthrule Solution Health Rule
msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument Solution Health Rule Argument
msdyn_solutionhealthruleset Solution Health Rule Set Represents a set that owns a number of solution health rules.
msdyn_tour Tour
msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate Virtual Table Column Candidate
msdyn_workflowactionstatus Workflow Action Status PA Workflows action processing status
msdynce_botcontent BotContent
mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles Catalog Submission Files Files associated with the package that will be used as part of the submission to the catalog system.
mspcat_packagestore Package Submission Store Manages submissions to the Catalog and provisioning
organizationdatasyncfnostate OrganizationDataSyncFnoState Information regarding data synchronization state
organizationdatasyncstate OrganizationDataSyncState Information regarding data synchronization state
organizationdatasyncsubscription OrganizationDataSyncSubscription
organizationdatasyncsubscriptionentity OrganizationDataSyncSubscriptionEntity
organizationdatasyncsubscriptionfnotable OrganizationDataSyncSubscriptionFnoTable
package Package
packagehistory Package History
plannerbusinessscenario Planner Business Scenario For internal use only. The Business Scenario record to be created in Planner.
plannersyncaction Planner Sync Action The Planner Sync Action to be executed.
pluginpackage Plugin Package
powerbidataset Power BI Dataset
powerbidatasetapdx powerbidatasetapdx PowerBI Dataset appendix entity - for unmanaged technical attributes
powerbimashupparameter Power BI Mashup Parameter
powerbireport Power BI Report
powerbireportapdx powerbireportapdx PowerBI Report appendix entity for unmanaged technical attributes
powerfxrule PowerfxRule
powerpagecomponent Site Component
powerpagesite Site
powerpagesitelanguage Site Language
powerpagesitepublished Power Pages Site Published
powerpagesscanreport Power Pages Scan Report Power Pages Scan Report
privilegecheckerrun Privilege Checker Run Entity to keep track of privilege checker tool runs. Parent entity of privilege checker log.
processstageparameter ProcessStageParameter
provisionlanguageforuser ProvisionLanguageForUser
recordfilter Record Filter Record Access Filter
recyclebinconfig Restore Deleted Records Configuration Holds Restore Deleted Records configuration for entities
retaineddataexcel RetainedData Excel A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests.
retentionconfig RetentionConfig Holds retention policies for a table.
retentionfailuredetail RetentionFailureDetail Retention failure details.
retentionoperation RetentionOperation Retention policy execution details.
retentionoperationdetail RetentionOperationDetail Table level details of retention execution.
roleeditorlayout RoleEditorLayout
searchattributesettings SearchAttributeSettings
searchcustomanalyzer SearchCustomAnalyzer
searchrelationshipsettings SearchRelationshipSettings
sharedlinksetting Shared Link Setting Shared Link Setting
sideloadedaiplugin SideloadedAIPlugin Sideloaded AIPlugins metadata.
solutioncomponentattributeconfiguration Solution Component Attribute Configuration
solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration Solution Component Batch Configuration
solutioncomponentconfiguration Solution Component Configuration
solutioncomponentrelationshipconfiguration Solution Component Relationship Configuration
stagesolutionupload StageSolutionUpload
synapsedatabase Synapse Database This entity represents an external Synapse database and its associated datalake folder link.
synapselinkexternaltablestate Synapse Link External Table State Synapse Link external table states
synapselinkprofile Synapse Link Profile Synapse Link Profile
synapselinkprofileentity Synapse Link Profile Entity Entities associated with the Synapse Link profile
synapselinkprofileentitystate Synapse Link Profile Entity State Runtime state of the Synapse Link entity
synapselinkschedule Synapse Link Schedule Synapse link schedules
userrating User Rating
viewasexamplequestion ViewAsExampleQuestion This fewshot is converted by view
virtualentitymetadata Virtual Entity Metadata Holds metadata values for virtual entities
workflowbinary Workflow Binary
workqueue Work Queue
workqueueitem Work Queue Item

See also