postregarding EntityType
Represents which object an activity feed post is regarding. For internal use only.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/postregardings
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- Post Regarding
- Primary key:
- postregardingid
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details |
latestautopostmodifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date of Latest Auto Post on the Regarding entity Display name: Latest Auto Post Read only
latestmanualpostmodifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date of Latest Manual Post on the Regarding entity Display name: Latest Manual Post Read only
postregardingid | Edm.Guid |
Shows the ID of the record that the post is referring to. Display name: PostRegardingId |
regardingobjecttypecodeforsharing | Edm.String |
Indicates the entity type of the regarding object for sharing. Display name: RegardingObjectTypeCodeForSharing Read only
Lookup properties
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_regardingobjectid_value | regardingobjectid_account regardingobjectid_contact regardingobjectid_knowledgearticle regardingobjectid_processsession regardingobjectid_queue regardingobjectid_systemuser regardingobjectid_team |
Choose the record that the post relates to. |
_regardingobjectowningbusinessunit_value | regardingobjectowningbusinessunit |
Select the business unit that owns the regarding object. |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
regardingobjectid_account | account | account_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_appointment | appointment | appointment_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_contact | contact | contact_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_phonecall | phonecall | phonecall_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_processsession | processsession | processsession_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_queue | queue | queue_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_recurringappointmentmaster | recurringappointmentmaster | recurringappointmentmaster_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_systemuser | systemuser | systemuser_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_task | task | task_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_team | team | team_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectowningbusinessunit | businessunit | business_unit_PostRegarding |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
post_PostRegardings | post | postregardingid |