PSReadLine 2.1.0 藉由實作預測性 IntelliSense 功能引進智慧命令行預測器的概念。 PSReadLine 2.2.2 透過新增外掛程式模型來擴充該功能,讓您建立自己的命令行預測器。
預測性 IntelliSense 會在您輸入時提供建議,藉此增強索引標籤完成。 預測建議會顯示為游標後面的彩色文字。 這可讓您根據命令歷程記錄或其他網域特定外掛程式的比對預測,探索、編輯和執行完整命令。
- PowerShell 7.2 (或更新版本) - 提供建立命令預測器所需的 API
- PSReadLine 2.2.2 (或更新版本) - 可讓您設定 PSReadLine 使用外掛程式
預測器是PowerShell二進位模組。 模組必須實作 System.Management.Automation.Subsystem.Prediction.ICommandPredictor
介面。 這個介面會宣告用來查詢預測結果的方法,並提供意見反應。
當卸除時,預測器模組必須 CommandPredictor
向PowerShell的 SubsystemManager
若要建立預測值,您必須為平臺安裝 .NET 6 SDK。 如需 SDK 的詳細資訊,請參閱 下載 .NET 6.0。
使用命令行工具來建立 starter classlib 專案。dotnet new classlib --name SamplePredictor
編輯 以包含下列資訊:<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>net6.0</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK" Version="7.2.0" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
刪除 所
複製到專案資料夾中的檔案。using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Subsystem; using System.Management.Automation.Subsystem.Prediction; namespace PowerShell.Sample { public class SamplePredictor : ICommandPredictor { private readonly Guid _guid; internal SamplePredictor(string guid) { _guid = new Guid(guid); } /// <summary> /// Gets the unique identifier for a subsystem implementation. /// </summary> public Guid Id => _guid; /// <summary> /// Gets the name of a subsystem implementation. /// </summary> public string Name => "SamplePredictor"; /// <summary> /// Gets the description of a subsystem implementation. /// </summary> public string Description => "A sample predictor"; /// <summary> /// Get the predictive suggestions. It indicates the start of a suggestion rendering session. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="PredictionContext"/> object to be used for prediction.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token to cancel the prediction.</param> /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="SuggestionPackage"/>.</returns> public SuggestionPackage GetSuggestion(PredictionClient client, PredictionContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { string input = context.InputAst.Extent.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) { return default; } return new SuggestionPackage(new List<PredictiveSuggestion>{ new PredictiveSuggestion(string.Concat(input, " HELLO WORLD")) }); } #region "interface methods for processing feedback" /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the predictor accepts a specific kind of feedback. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="feedback">A specific type of feedback.</param> /// <returns>True or false, to indicate whether the specific feedback is accepted.</returns> public bool CanAcceptFeedback(PredictionClient client, PredictorFeedbackKind feedback) => false; /// <summary> /// One or more suggestions provided by the predictor were displayed to the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="session">The mini-session where the displayed suggestions came from.</param> /// <param name="countOrIndex"> /// When the value is greater than 0, it's the number of displayed suggestions from the list /// returned in <paramref name="session"/>, starting from the index 0. When the value is /// less than or equal to 0, it means a single suggestion from the list got displayed, and /// the index is the absolute value. /// </param> public void OnSuggestionDisplayed(PredictionClient client, uint session, int countOrIndex) { } /// <summary> /// The suggestion provided by the predictor was accepted. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="session">Represents the mini-session where the accepted suggestion came from.</param> /// <param name="acceptedSuggestion">The accepted suggestion text.</param> public void OnSuggestionAccepted(PredictionClient client, uint session, string acceptedSuggestion) { } /// <summary> /// A command line was accepted to execute. /// The predictor can start processing early as needed with the latest history. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="history">History command lines provided as references for prediction.</param> public void OnCommandLineAccepted(PredictionClient client, IReadOnlyList<string> history) { } /// <summary> /// A command line was done execution. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Represents the client that initiates the call.</param> /// <param name="commandLine">The last accepted command line.</param> /// <param name="success">Shows whether the execution was successful.</param> public void OnCommandLineExecuted(PredictionClient client, string commandLine, bool success) { } #endregion; } /// <summary> /// Register the predictor on module loading and unregister it on module un-loading. /// </summary> public class Init : IModuleAssemblyInitializer, IModuleAssemblyCleanup { private const string Identifier = "843b51d0-55c8-4c1a-8116-f0728d419306"; /// <summary> /// Gets called when assembly is loaded. /// </summary> public void OnImport() { var predictor = new SamplePredictor(Identifier); SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, predictor); } /// <summary> /// Gets called when the binary module is unloaded. /// </summary> public void OnRemove(PSModuleInfo psModuleInfo) { SubsystemManager.UnregisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, new Guid(Identifier)); } } }
下列範例程式代碼會針對所有使用者輸入的預測結果傳回字串 「HELLO WORLD」。 由於範例預測值不會處理任何意見反應,因此程式代碼不會從 介面實作意見反應方法。 變更預測和意見反應程序代碼,以符合預測工具的需求。
PSReadLine 的清單檢視不支援多行建議。 每個建議都應該是單行。 如果您的程式代碼有多行建議,您應該將這幾行分割成個別的建議,或將行聯結為分號 (
dotnet build
以產生元件。 您可以在項目資料夾的位置中找到bin/Debug/net6.0
為了確保回應式用戶體驗,ICommandPredictor 介面有 20 毫秒的逾時回應預測器。 您的預測程式代碼必須傳回小於 20 毫秒的結果才能顯示。
若要試用新的預測值,請開啟新的 PowerShell 7.2 工作階段,然後執行下列命令:
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource HistoryAndPlugin
Import-Module .\bin\Debug\net6.0\SamplePredictor.dll
在工作階段中載入元件時,您會在終端機中輸入時看到 「HELLO WORLD」 文字。 您可以按 F2 在檢視和List
如需 PSReadLine 選項的詳細資訊,請參閱 Set-PSReadLineOption。
Get-PSSubsystem -Kind CommandPredictor
Kind SubsystemType IsRegistered Implementations
---- ------------- ------------ ---------------
CommandPredictor ICommandPredictor True {SamplePredictor}
是 PowerShell 7.1 中引進的實驗性 Cmdlet,您必須啟用 PSSubsystemPluginModel
實驗性功能才能使用此 Cmdlet。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 使用實驗性功能。