Monitor 物件會公開同步處理程式碼區域之存取的能力,其方式是使用 Monitor.Enter、Monitor.TryEnter 和 Monitor.Exit 方法來鎖定及解除鎖定特定的物件。 一旦您已鎖定程式碼區域,就可使用 Monitor.Wait、Monitor.Pulse 和 Monitor.PulseAll 方法。 如果 Wait 被保留並等候通知,則會解除鎖定。 當通知 Wait 時,它會傳回並且再次鎖定。 Pulse 和 PulseAll 都會發出訊號,通知等候佇列中的下一執行緒繼續執行。
Visual Basic SyncLock 和 C# lock 陳述式 (Statement) 使用 Monitor.Enter 來取得鎖定,以及使用 Monitor.Exit 來釋放它。 使用語言陳述式的好處在於,lock 或 SyncLock 區塊中的所有項目都會包含在 Try 陳述式中。 Try 陳述式具有 Finally 區塊,可以確保鎖定已釋放。
Monitor 會鎖定物件 (也就是參考型別),但不會鎖定實值型別 (Value Type)。 雖然您可以將實值型別傳遞給 Enter 和 Exit,但每項呼叫會對它個別進行 Boxed 處理。 由於每項呼叫會建立個別的物件,以致 Enter 永遠不會封鎖,並且不會真的同步處理應該要保護的程式碼。 此外,傳遞給 Exit 的物件與傳遞給 Enter 的物件不同,因此 Monitor 擲回 SynchronizationLockException 時,會發出訊息「從程式碼的未同步化區塊呼叫物件同步化方法」。下列範例說明這些問題。
Dim x As Integer = 1
' The call to Enter() creates a generic synchronizing object for the value
' of x each time the code is executed, so that Enter never blocks.
' Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
' Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
' The call to Exit() will FAIL!!!
' The synchronizing object created for x in Exit() will be different
' than the object used in Enter(). SynchronizationLockException
' will be thrown.
End Try
Catch SyncEx As SynchronizationLockException
Console.WriteLine("A SynchronizationLockException occurred. Message:")
End Try
int x = 1;
// The call to Enter() creates a generic synchronizing object for the value
// of x each time the code is executed, so that Enter never blocks.
// Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
// Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
// The call to Exit() will FAIL!!!
// The synchronizing object created for x in Exit() will be different
// than the object used in Enter(). SynchronizationLockException
// will be thrown.
catch (SynchronizationLockException SyncEx)
Console.WriteLine("A SynchronizationLockException occurred. Message:");
int x = 1;
// The call to Enter() creates a generic synchronizing object for the value
// of x each time the code is executed, so that Enter never blocks.
// Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
// Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
// The call to Exit() will FAIL!!!
// The synchronizing object created for x in Exit() will be different
// than the object used in Enter(). SynchronizationLockException
// will be thrown.
catch (SynchronizationLockException^ SyncEx)
Console::WriteLine("A SynchronizationLockException occurred. Message:");
雖然您可以如下列範例所示,在呼叫 Enter 和 Exit 之前先對實值型別變數進行 Box 處理,並且傳遞同一個 Boxed 物件到這兩個方法,但是這樣做卻沒有好處。 變數的變更並沒有反映在包裹的複本上,並且無法變更包裹複本的值。
Dim x As Integer = 1
Dim o As object = x
' Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
' Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
End Try
int x = 1;
object o = x;
// Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
// Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
int x = 1;
Object^ o = x;
// Code that needs to be protected by the monitor.
// Always use Finally to ensure that you exit the Monitor.
務必注意 Monitor 和 WaitHandle 物件之間的差異。 Monitor 物件是純粹 Managed、完全可移植,並且就作業系統資源需求而言更具高效率。 WaitHandle 物件表示作業系統可等候的物件,對 Managed 與 Unmanaged 程式碼之間的同步處理非常有用,並且公開某些進階的作業系統功能,如一次等候許多物件的功能。
下列程式碼範例示範組合使用 Monitor 類別 (使用 lock 和 SyncLock 編譯器陳述式實作)、Interlocked 類別和 AutoResetEvent 類別。
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
' Note: The class whose internal public member is the synchronizing
' method is not public; none of the client code takes a lock on the
' Resource object.The member of the nonpublic class takes the lock on
' itself. Written this way, malicious code cannot take a lock on
' a public object.
Class SyncResource
Public Sub Access(threadNum As Int32)
' Uses Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
SyncLock Me
' Synchronized: Despite the next conditional, each thread
' waits on its predecessor.
If threadNum Mod 2 = 0 Then
End If
Console.WriteLine("Start Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum)
Console.WriteLine("Stop Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum)
End SyncLock
End Sub
End Class
' Without the lock, the method is called in the order in which threads reach it.
Class UnSyncResource
Public Sub Access(threadNum As Int32)
' Does not use Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
' The next call throws the thread order.
If threadNum Mod 2 = 0 Then
End If
Console.WriteLine("Start UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum)
Console.WriteLine("Stop UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class App
Private Shared numAsyncOps As Int32 = 5
Private Shared asyncOpsAreDone As New AutoResetEvent(false)
Private Shared SyncRes As New SyncResource()
Private Shared UnSyncRes As New UnSyncResource()
Public Shared Sub Main()
For threadNum As Int32 = 0 To 4
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf SyncUpdateResource), threadNum)
Next threadNum
' Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console.WriteLine(vbTab + vbNewLine + "All synchronized operations have completed." + vbTab + vbNewLine)
' Reset the thread count for unsynchronized calls.
numAsyncOps = 5
For threadNum As Int32 = 0 To 4
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf UnSyncUpdateResource), threadNum)
Next threadNum
' Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console.WriteLine("\t\nAll unsynchronized thread operations have completed.")
End Sub
' The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
' System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
' parameter and returns void).
Shared Sub SyncUpdateResource(state As Object)
' This calls the internal synchronized method, passing
' a thread number.
SyncRes.Access(CType(state, Int32))
' Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
' This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
' will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
' value has been stored into the variable.
If Interlocked.Decrement(numAsyncOps) = 0 Then
' Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
End If
End Sub
' The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
' System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
' parameter and returns void).
Shared Sub UnSyncUpdateResource(state As Object)
' This calls the unsynchronized method, passing a thread number.
UnSyncRes.Access(CType(state, Int32))
' Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
' This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
' will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
' value has been stored into the variable.
If Interlocked.Decrement(numAsyncOps) = 0 Then
' Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
End If
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Threading;
// Note: The class whose internal public member is the synchronizing
// method is not public; none of the client code takes a lock on the
// Resource object.The member of the nonpublic class takes the lock on
// itself. Written this way, malicious code cannot take a lock on
// a public object.
class SyncResource
public void Access(Int32 threadNum)
// Uses Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
lock (this)
// Synchronized: Despite the next conditional, each thread
// waits on its predecessor.
if (threadNum % 2 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Start Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
Console.WriteLine("Stop Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
// Without the lock, the method is called in the order in which threads reach it.
class UnSyncResource
public void Access(Int32 threadNum)
// Does not use Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
// The next call throws the thread order.
if (threadNum % 2 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Start UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
Console.WriteLine("Stop UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
public class App
static Int32 numAsyncOps = 5;
static AutoResetEvent asyncOpsAreDone = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static SyncResource SyncRes = new SyncResource();
static UnSyncResource UnSyncRes = new UnSyncResource();
public static void Main()
for (Int32 threadNum = 0; threadNum < 5; threadNum++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SyncUpdateResource), threadNum);
// Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console.WriteLine("\t\nAll synchronized operations have completed.\t\n");
// Reset the thread count for unsynchronized calls.
numAsyncOps = 5;
for (Int32 threadNum = 0; threadNum < 5; threadNum++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(UnSyncUpdateResource), threadNum);
// Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console.WriteLine("\t\nAll unsynchronized thread operations have completed.");
// The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
// System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
// parameter and returns void).
static void SyncUpdateResource(Object state)
// This calls the internal synchronized method, passing
// a thread number.
SyncRes.Access((Int32) state);
// Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
// This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
// will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
// value has been stored into the variable.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numAsyncOps) == 0)
// Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
// The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
// System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
// parameter and returns void).
static void UnSyncUpdateResource(Object state)
// This calls the unsynchronized method, passing a thread number.
UnSyncRes.Access((Int32) state);
// Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
// This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
// will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
// value has been stored into the variable.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numAsyncOps) == 0)
// Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
// Note: The class whose internal public member is the synchronizing
// method is not public; none of the client code takes a lock on the
// Resource object.The member of the nonpublic class takes the lock on
// itself. Written this way, malicious code cannot take a lock on
// a public object.
ref class SyncResource
void Access(Int32 threadNum)
// Uses Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
// Synchronized: Despite the next conditional, each thread
// waits on its predecessor.
if (threadNum % 2 == 0)
Console::WriteLine("Start Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
Console::WriteLine("Stop Synched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
// Without the lock, the method is called in the order in which threads reach it.
ref class UnSyncResource
void Access(Int32 threadNum)
// Does not use Monitor class to enforce synchronization.
// The next call throws the thread order.
if (threadNum % 2 == 0)
Console::WriteLine("Start UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
Console::WriteLine("Stop UnSynched Resource access (Thread={0})", threadNum);
public ref class App
static Int32 numAsyncOps = 5;
static AutoResetEvent^ asyncOpsAreDone = gcnew AutoResetEvent(false);
static SyncResource^ SyncRes = gcnew SyncResource();
static UnSyncResource^ UnSyncRes = gcnew UnSyncResource();
static void Main()
for (Int32 threadNum = 0; threadNum < 5; threadNum++)
ThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(gcnew WaitCallback(SyncUpdateResource), threadNum);
// Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console::WriteLine("\t\nAll synchronized operations have completed.\t\n");
// Reset the thread count for unsynchronized calls.
numAsyncOps = 5;
for (Int32 threadNum = 0; threadNum < 5; threadNum++)
ThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(gcnew WaitCallback(UnSyncUpdateResource), threadNum);
// Wait until this WaitHandle is signaled.
Console::WriteLine("\t\nAll unsynchronized thread operations have completed.");
// The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
// System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
// parameter and returns void).
static void SyncUpdateResource(Object^ state)
// This calls the internal synchronized method, passing
// a thread number.
SyncRes->Access((Int32) state);
// Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
// This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
// will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
// value has been stored into the variable.
if (Interlocked::Decrement(numAsyncOps) == 0)
// Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
// The callback method's signature MUST match that of a
// System.Threading.TimerCallback delegate (it takes an Object
// parameter and returns void).
static void UnSyncUpdateResource(Object^ state)
// This calls the unsynchronized method, passing a thread number.
UnSyncRes->Access((Int32) state);
// Count down the number of methods that the threads have called.
// This must be synchronized, however; you cannot know which thread
// will access the value **before** another thread's incremented
// value has been stored into the variable.
if (Interlocked::Decrement(numAsyncOps) == 0)
// Announce to Main that in fact all thread calls are done.
int main()