HOW TO:指定時刻表是否會自動反轉
時間表的 AutoReverse 屬性會決定它在完成向前反覆項目後是否以反向順序播放。 下列範例會顯示幾個持續時間和目標值完全相同、但 AutoReverse 設定不同的動畫。 為示範 AutoReverse 屬性在 RepeatBehavior 設定不同之下的行為,部分動畫會設定重複播放。 最後一個動畫顯示 AutoReverse 屬性在巢狀時間表上如何運作。
<!-- AutoReverseExample.xaml
This example shows how to use the AutoReverse property to make a timeline
play backwards at the end of each iteration.
Several rectangles are animated by DoubleAnimations with
identical durations and target values, but with different
AutoReverse and RepeatBehavior settings.-->
<Page xmlns=""
WindowTitle="AutoReverse Example">
<StackPanel Margin="20">
<!-- Create some rectangles to animate. -->
<Rectangle Name="withoutAutoReverseRectangle"
Width="100" Height="20" Fill="Blue" />
<Rectangle Name="autoReverseRectangle"
Width="100" Height="20" Fill="Blue" />
<Rectangle Name="autoReverseRectangleWithRepeats"
Width="100" Height="20" Fill="Blue" />
<Rectangle Name="complexAutoReverseExample"
Width="100" Height="20" Fill="Blue" />
<!-- Use a button to restart the animations. -->
<Button Margin="30" Content="Start Animations">
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
<!-- Create an animation that does not automatically play in reverse.
This animation plays for a total of 2 seconds. -->
Duration="0:0:2" From="100" To="400" AutoReverse="False" />
<!-- Create an animation that automatically reverses at the end of each iteration.
This animation plays for a total of 4 seconds. -->
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="autoReverseRectangle"
Duration="0:0:2" From="100" To="400" AutoReverse="True" />
<!-- Create an animation that automatically reverses at the end of each iteration.
Set the animation to repeat twice. As a result, then animation plays forward,
the backward, then forward, and then backward again.
This animation plays for a total of 8 seconds. -->
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="autoReverseRectangleWithRepeats"
Duration="0:0:2" From="100" To="400" AutoReverse="True" RepeatBehavior="2x" />
<!-- Set the parent timeline's AutoReverse property to True and set the animation's
RepeatBehavior to 2x. As a result, the animation plays forward twice and then
backwards twice.
This animation plays for a total of 8 seconds. -->
<ParallelTimeline AutoReverse="True">
Duration="0:0:2" From="100" To="400" RepeatBehavior="2x" />