
Observable.Window < TSource > 方法 (IObservable < TSource > 、TimeSpan、TimeSpan、IScheduler)


裝配: System.Reactive.dll) 中的 System.Reactive (


<ExtensionAttribute> _
Public Shared Function Window(Of TSource) ( _
    source As IObservable(Of TSource), _
    timeSpan As TimeSpan, _
    timeShift As TimeSpan, _
    scheduler As IScheduler _
) As IObservable(Of IObservable(Of TSource))
Dim source As IObservable(Of TSource)
Dim timeSpan As TimeSpan
Dim timeShift As TimeSpan
Dim scheduler As IScheduler
Dim returnValue As IObservable(Of IObservable(Of TSource))

returnValue = source.Window(timeSpan, _
    timeShift, scheduler)
public static IObservable<IObservable<TSource>> Window<TSource>(
    this IObservable<TSource> source,
    TimeSpan timeSpan,
    TimeSpan timeShift,
    IScheduler scheduler
generic<typename TSource>
static IObservable<IObservable<TSource>^>^ Window(
    IObservable<TSource>^ source, 
    TimeSpan timeSpan, 
    TimeSpan timeShift, 
    IScheduler^ scheduler
static member Window : 
        source:IObservable<'TSource> * 
        timeSpan:TimeSpan * 
        timeShift:TimeSpan * 
        scheduler:IScheduler -> IObservable<IObservable<'TSource>> 
JScript does not support generic types and methods.


  • TSource



類型:System.IObservable<IObservable< TSource>>


在 Visual Basic 和 C# 中,您可以在IObservable< TSource > 類型的任何物件上呼叫這個方法作為實例方法。 使用執行個體方法語法呼叫這個方法時,請省略第一個參數。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱


Window 運算子會將來源序列分成緩衝子集,例如序列的視窗檢視。 timeSpan 參數會控制每個視窗緩衝區中有多少專案,方法是讓視窗在該時間範圍的持續時間保持開啟狀態。 timeShift 參數會指出時間範圍,從上一個視窗的開頭開始,必須在新視窗開啟之前完成。 這會根據該時間範圍的持續時間,將檢視移入序列。 排程器參數會控制執行與 timeSpan 和 timeShift 參數相關聯之計時器的位置。


在此範例中,Window 運算子是用來觀察間隔運算子每秒的整數序列。 每個整數序列都會透過視窗檢視。 每個視窗都會開啟 2.5 秒,然後關閉。 timeShift 參數設定為 5 秒。 這表示新的視窗會每隔 5 秒開啟一次前一個視窗開啟一次。 最終結果是我們開啟了 2.5 秒的視窗,然後關閉 2.5 秒。 因此,序列會包含從每 5 個以 0 開頭的第 5 個整數開始的兩個整數。

using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;

namespace Example
  class Program
    static void Main()
      //*** The mainSequence produces a new long integer from the Interval operator every sec but  ***//
      //*** this sequence is broken up by the Window operator into subsets like a windowed         ***//
      //*** view of the sequence.                                                                  ***//
      //***                                                                                        ***//
      //*** The timeSpan parameter controls how many items are placed in each window buffer by     ***//
      //*** keeping the window open for the duration of the time span.                             ***//
      //***                                                                                        ***//
      //*** The timeShift parameter indicates the time span which must complete before a new       ***//
      //*** window opens. This shifts the view into the sequence based on the duration of the time ***//
      //*** span.                                                                                  ***//
      //***                                                                                        ***//
      //*** The ThreadPool scheduler is used to run the timers on a .NET thread pool thread. This  ***//
      //*** prevents the main thread from being blocked so pressing enter can exit the example.    ***//
      //***                                                                                        ***//
      //*** In this example each window will be open for 2.5 seconds. This will allow each window  ***//
      //*** to hold some items from the sequence starting with the first item (0). Then the        ***//
      //*** timeShift parameter shifts the next window opening by 5 seconds from the beginning of  ***//
      //*** the previous window. The result is that a window is open for 2.5 seconds then closed   ***//
      //*** for 2.5 seconds.                                                                       ***//

      var mainSequence = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

      TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5);
      TimeSpan timeShift = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
      var seqWindowed = mainSequence.Window(timeSpan, timeShift, Scheduler.ThreadPool);

      //*** A subscription to seqWindowed will provide a new IObservable<long> for some items in  ***//
      //*** the main sequence starting with the first item. Then we will receive a new observable ***//
      //*** for every window.                                                                     ***//
      //***                                                                                       ***//
      //*** Create a subscription to each window into the main sequence and list the values.      ***//

      Console.WriteLine("Creating the subscription. Press ENTER to exit...\n");
      seqWindowed.Subscribe(seqWindow =>
        Console.WriteLine("\nA new window into the main sequence has been opened\n");

        seqWindow.Subscribe(x =>
          Console.WriteLine("Integer : {0}", x);



Creating the subscription. Press ENTER to exit...

A new window into the main sequence has been opened

Integer : 0
Integer : 1

A new window into the main sequence has been opened

Integer : 5
Integer : 6

A new window into the main sequence has been opened

Integer : 10
Integer : 11

A new window into the main sequence has been opened

Integer : 15
Integer : 16

A new window into the main sequence has been opened

Integer : 20
Integer : 21



Observable 類別


System.Reactive.Linq 命名空間