
Observable.Defer < TValue > 方法


裝配: System.Reactive.dll) 中的 System.Reactive (


Public Shared Function Defer(Of TValue) ( _
    observableFactory As Func(Of IObservable(Of TValue)) _
) As IObservable(Of TValue)
Dim observableFactory As Func(Of IObservable(Of TValue))
Dim returnValue As IObservable(Of TValue)

returnValue = Observable.Defer(observableFactory)
public static IObservable<TValue> Defer<TValue>(
    Func<IObservable<TValue>> observableFactory
generic<typename TValue>
static IObservable<TValue>^ Defer(
    Func<IObservable<TValue>^>^ observableFactory
static member Defer : 
        observableFactory:Func<IObservable<'TValue>> -> IObservable<'TValue> 
JScript does not support generic types and methods.


  • TValue


  • observableFactory
    類型:System.Func<IObservable< TValue>>


類型:System.IObservable< TValue>


Defer 運算子可讓您延遲或延遲建立序列,直到觀察者訂閱序列的時間為止。 這很適合讓觀察者輕鬆取得序列的更新或重新整理版本。


此範例示範 Defer 運算子,方法是建立商務或消費者所使用的可觀察產品資訊序列。 可觀察的序列可讓您存取目前的清查層級。 藉由建立延後可觀察序列,應用程式可以藉由重新訂閱可觀察序列,將更新的清查層級推送至應用程式。

using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;

namespace Example

  class Program

    static void Main()
      //*** Product inventories change from time to time. This example demonstrates the Defer operator    ***//
      //*** by creating an observable sequence of the Product class. The creation of the sequence is      ***//
      //*** deferred until the observer calls Subscribe and a new observable sequence is always generated ***//
      //*** at that time with the latest inventory levels to be sent to the observer.                     ***//
      ProductInventory myInventory = new ProductInventory();
      IObservable<Product> productObservable = Observable.Defer(myInventory.GetUpdatedInventory);

      //*** Generate a simple table in the console window. ***//
      Console.WriteLine("Current Inventory...\n");
      Console.WriteLine("\n{0,-13} {1,-37} {2,-18}", "Product Name", "Product ID", "Current Inventory");
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-13} {1,-37} {2,-18}", "============", "====================================",

      //*** Each product in the sequence will be reported in the table using the       ***//
      //*** Observer's OnNext handler provided with the Subscribe method.              ***//
      productObservable.Subscribe(prod => Console.WriteLine(prod.ToString()));

      //*** To get the updated sequence from the deferred observable all we have to do is subscribe again. ***//
      Console.WriteLine("\n\nThe updated current Inventory...\n");
      Console.WriteLine("\n{0,-13} {1,-37} {2,-18}", "Product Name", "Product ID", "Current Inventory");
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-13} {1,-37} {2,-18}", "============", "====================================",

      productObservable.Subscribe(prod => Console.WriteLine(prod.ToString()));

      Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit...\n");

    //***                                                                                            ***//
    //*** The Product class holds current product inventory information and includes the ability for ***//
    //*** each product to display its information to the console window.                             ***//
    //***                                                                                            ***//
    class Product
      private readonly string productName;
      private readonly string productID;
      private int currentInventory;

      public Product(string name, int inventory)
        productName = name;
        productID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        currentInventory = inventory;

      public void RemoveInventory(int delta)
        currentInventory -= delta;

        if (currentInventory < 0)
          currentInventory = 0;

      public override string ToString()
        return String.Format("{0,-13} {1,-37} {2,-18}", productName, productID, currentInventory);

    //***                                                                                               ***//
    //*** The ProductInventory class initializes all our product information and provides an Observable ***//
    //*** sequence of the product inventories through the GetUpdatedInventory() method. This method     ***//
    //*** is provided to our call to Observable.Defer() so that all subscriptions against the deferred  ***//
    //*** observable get the lastest inventory information whenever Subscribe is called.                ***//
    //***                                                                                               ***//
    class ProductInventory
      private Product[] products = new Product[5];
      private Random random = new Random();

      public ProductInventory()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
          //*** Initial inventories will be a random count under 1000 ***//
          products[i] = new Product("Product " + (i + 1).ToString(), random.Next(1000));

      public IObservable<Product> GetUpdatedInventory()
        //*** When inventory for each product is updated up to 50 of each product is consumed or shipped. ***//
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

        //*** This updated observable sequence is always provided by this method when Subscribe is called. ***//
        IObservable<Product> updatedProductSequence = products.ToObservable();
        return updatedProductSequence;


Current Inventory...

Product Name  Product ID                            Current Inventory
============  ====================================  =================
Product 1     04e76657-c403-4208-a300-a3ba42fbe218  808
Product 2     3bc7f823-6624-4803-b673-ec2e7d8802b7  114
Product 3     1e5755f3-6301-4faa-8e1b-35765dc73bce  2
Product 4     f691ddef-b679-42a2-99c7-83651fbf1cc5  894
Product 5     df1f331b-8a52-4a54-a2fb-63d69dda6c1a  467

The updated current Inventory...

Product Name  Product ID                            Current Inventory
============  ====================================  =================
Product 1     04e76657-c403-4208-a300-a3ba42fbe218  761
Product 2     3bc7f823-6624-4803-b673-ec2e7d8802b7  81
Product 3     1e5755f3-6301-4faa-8e1b-35765dc73bce  0
Product 4     f691ddef-b679-42a2-99c7-83651fbf1cc5  890
Product 5     df1f331b-8a52-4a54-a2fb-63d69dda6c1a  440

Press ENTER to exit...



Observable 類別

System.Reactive.Linq 命名空間