ReplaySubject < T > .Subscribe 方法
裝配: System.Reactive.dll) 中的 System.Reactive (
Public Function Subscribe ( _
observer As IObserver(Of T) _
) As IDisposable
Dim instance As ReplaySubject
Dim observer As IObserver(Of T)
Dim returnValue As IDisposable
returnValue = instance.Subscribe(observer)
public IDisposable Subscribe(
IObserver<T> observer
virtual IDisposable^ Subscribe(
IObserver<T>^ observer
) sealed
abstract Subscribe :
observer:IObserver<'T> -> IDisposable
override Subscribe :
observer:IObserver<'T> -> IDisposable
public final function Subscribe(
observer : IObserver<T>
) : IDisposable
- 觀測 器
類型: System.IDisposable
IDisposable 物件,可用來取消訂閱主旨的觀察者。
IObservable < T > .訂閱 (IObserver < T >)
呼叫 Subscribe 會建立 ReplaySubject IObservable 介面的訂用帳戶。 ReplaySubject 會透過其 IObservable 介面,從自己的訂用帳戶 (s) 發佈它收到的專案。
在此範例中,我們已建立 NewsHeadlineFeed 類別,其只是字串可觀察序列形式的模擬新聞摘要。 它會使用 Generate 運算子,在三秒內持續產生隨機新聞標題。
系統會建立 ReplaySubject 來訂閱 NewsHeadlineFeed 類別的兩個新聞摘要。 在主旨訂閱摘要之前,時間戳記運算子會使用時間戳每個標題。 因此,ReplaySubject 實際訂閱的順序是 IObservable < Timestamped < 字串 >> 類型。 在標題序列時間戳記之後,訂閱者可以訂閱主體的可觀察介面,以根據時間戳記觀察資料流程 () (或資料流程子集 () 。
ReplaySubject 會緩衝接收的專案。 因此,稍後建立的訂用帳戶可以存取已緩衝和發佈的序列中的專案。 系統會建立 ReplaySubject 的訂閱,該訂閱只會接收在建立本機新聞訂閱前 10 秒發生的本機新聞標題。 因此,我們基本上會有 ReplaySubject 「replay」 稍早發生 10 秒的情況。
當地新聞標題只包含 newsLocation 子字串 (「在您的區域中」。) 。
using System;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Threading;
namespace Example
class Program
static void Main()
//*** A subject acts similar to a proxy in that it acts as both a subscriber and a publisher ***//
//*** It's IObserver interface can be used to subscribe to multiple streams or sequences of data. ***//
//*** The data is then published through it's IObservable interface. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** In this example a simple ReplaySubject is used to subscribe to multiple news feeds ***//
//*** that provide random news headlines. Before the subject is subscribed to the feeds, we use ***//
//*** Timestamp operator to timestamp each headline. Subscribers can then subscribe to the subject ***//
//*** observable interface to observe the data stream(s) or a subset of the stream(s) based on ***//
//*** time. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** A ReplaySubject buffers items it receives. So a subscription created at a later time can ***//
//*** access items from the sequence which have already been published. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** A subscriptions is created to the ReplaySubject that receives only local news headlines which ***//
//*** occurred 10 seconds before the local news subscription was created. So we basically have the ***//
//*** ReplaySubject "replay" what happened 10 seconds earlier. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** A local news headline just contains the newsLocation substring ("in your area."). ***//
//*** ***//
ReplaySubject<Timestamped<string>> myReplaySubject = new ReplaySubject<Timestamped<String>>();
//*** Create news feed #1 and subscribe the ReplaySubject to it ***//
NewsHeadlineFeed NewsFeed1 = new NewsHeadlineFeed("Headline News Feed #1");
//*** Create news feed #2 and subscribe the ReplaySubject to it ***//
NewsHeadlineFeed NewsFeed2 = new NewsHeadlineFeed("Headline News Feed #2");
//*** Create a subscription to the subject's observable sequence. This subscription will filter for ***//
//*** only local headlines that occurred 10 seconds before the subscription was created. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** Since we are using a ReplaySubject with timestamped headlines, we can subscribe to the ***//
//*** headlines already past. The ReplaySubject will "replay" them for the localNewSubscription ***//
//*** from its buffered sequence of headlines. ***//
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 10 seconds before subscribing to local news headline feed.\n");
Console.WriteLine("\n*** Creating local news headline subscription at {0} ***\n", DateTime.Now.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("This subscription asks the ReplaySubject for the buffered headlines that\n" +
"occurred within the last 10 seconds.\n\nPress ENTER to exit.", DateTime.Now.ToString());
DateTime lastestHeadlineTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime earliestHeadlineTime = lastestHeadlineTime - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
IDisposable localNewsSubscription = myReplaySubject.Where(x => x.Value.Contains("in your area.") &&
(x.Timestamp >= earliestHeadlineTime) &&
(x.Timestamp < lastestHeadlineTime)).Subscribe(x =>
Console.WriteLine("\n************************************\n" +
"***[ Local news headline report ]***\n" +
"************************************\n" +
"Time : {0}\n{1}\n\n", x.Timestamp.ToString(), x.Value);
//*** Cancel the subscription ***//
//*** Unsubscribe all the ReplaySubject's observers and free resources. ***//
//*** ***//
//*** The NewsHeadlineFeed class is just a mock news feed in the form of an ***//
//*** observable sequence in Reactive Extensions. ***//
//*** ***//
class NewsHeadlineFeed
private string feedName; // Feedname used to label the stream
private IObservable<string> headlineFeed; // The actual data stream
private readonly Random rand = new Random(); // Used to stream random headlines.
//*** A list of predefined news events to combine with a simple location string ***//
static readonly string[] newsEvents = { "A tornado occurred ",
"Weather watch for snow storm issued ",
"A robbery occurred ",
"We have a lottery winner ",
"An earthquake occurred ",
"Severe automobile accident "};
//*** A list of predefined location strings to combine with a news event. ***//
static readonly string[] newsLocations = { "in your area.",
"in Dallas, Texas.",
"somewhere in Iraq.",
"Lincolnton, North Carolina",
"Redmond, Washington"};
public IObservable<string> HeadlineFeed
get { return headlineFeed; }
public NewsHeadlineFeed(string name)
feedName = name;
//*** Using the Generate operator to generate a continous stream of headline that occur ***//
//*** randomly within 5 seconds. ***//
headlineFeed = Observable.Generate(RandNewsEvent(),
evt => true,
evt => RandNewsEvent(),
evt => { Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(3000)); return evt; },
//*** Some very simple formatting of the headline event string ***//
private string RandNewsEvent()
return "Feedname : " + feedName + "\nHeadline : " + newsEvents[rand.Next(newsEvents.Length)] +
下列輸出是使用範例程式碼所產生。 新的摘要是隨機的,因此您可能必須多次執行,才能看到當地新聞標題。
Waiting for 10 seconds before subscribing to local news headline feed.
** 在 2011 年 5 月 9 日建立當地新聞頭條訂閱 4:07:48 **
This subscription asks the ReplaySubject for the buffered headlines that
occurred within the last 10 seconds.
Press ENTER to exit.
********************************** [ 當地新聞標題報告 ]**********************************時間:2011/5/9 4:07:42 AM -04:00 Feedname : 頭條新聞摘要 #2 標題:我們在您的區域中有一位優勝者。
********************************** [ 當地新聞標題報告 ]**********************************時間:2011/5/9 4:07:47 AM -04:00 Feedname : 標題新聞摘要 #1 標題:區域中發出的雪雨天氣watch。