SetStateRequest 類別
Contains the data that’s needed to set the state of an entity record.
命名空間: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages
組件: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy (在 Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll 中)
<DataContractAttribute(Namespace:="")> _
Public NotInheritable Class SetStateRequest
Inherits OrganizationRequest
public sealed class SetStateRequest : OrganizationRequest
The following example shows how to use this message. For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService interface. For the complete sample, see the link later in this topic.
// Create the Request Object
SetStateRequest state = new SetStateRequest();
// Set the Request Object's Properties
state.State = new OptionSetValue((int)IncidentState.Active);
state.Status =
new OptionSetValue((int)incident_statuscode.WaitingforDetails);
// Point the Request to the case whose state is being changed
state.EntityMoniker = caseReference;
// Execute the Request
SetStateResponse stateSet = (SetStateResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(state);
// Check if the state was successfully set
Incident incident = _serviceProxy.Retrieve(Incident.EntityLogicalName,
_caseIncidentId, new ColumnSet(allColumns: true)).ToEntity<Incident>();
if (incident.StatusCode.Value == (int)incident_statuscode.WaitingforDetails)
Console.WriteLine("Record state set successfully.");
Console.WriteLine("The request to set the record state failed.");
重要事項 |
This message request is deprecated. Consider using the UpdateRequest instead. For more information see Perform specialized operations using Update. |
Message Availability
不論呼叫端是連線至伺服器還是離線狀態,此訊息都會正常運作。 Not all entity types support this message offline. See Supported Entities later in this topic.
Pass an instance of this class to the Execute method, which returns an instance of the SetStateResponse class.
Privileges and Access Rights
To perform this action, the caller must have privileges on the specified entity in the EntityMoniker property.
For a complete list of the required privileges, see SetState Privileges.
Valid State and Status value combinations
The valid combinations of state and status code values varies for many entities. For a list of default values for specific system entities, see Default status and status reason values.
For a list of the state and status values valid for custom entities in your organization, refer to the entity metadata.
若要檢視組織的實體中繼資料,請安裝瀏覽組織的中繼資料 (英文) 中敘述的中繼資料瀏覽器解決方案。您也可以下載 SDK 後開啟其頂層資料夾內所附名為 EntityMetadata.xlsx 的 Excel 檔案,從中檢視未經自訂組織的中繼資料。
Supported Entities
下表顯示支援此訊息的預設實體,以及當呼叫端連線至伺服器 (Server) 時、中斷伺服器連線 (Offline) 時或兩者 (Both),訊息是否可用。
Entity | Availability |
Account |
2 (Both) |
Appointment |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnit |
2 (Both) |
Campaign |
2 (Both) |
CampaignActivity |
2 (Both) |
CampaignResponse |
2 (Both) |
Connection |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRole |
2 (Both) |
Contact |
2 (Both) |
Contract |
2 (Both) |
ContractDetail |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRule |
2 (Both) |
DiscountType |
2 (Both) |
DynamicProperty |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
EmailServerProfile |
2 (Both) |
Entitlement |
2 (Both) |
Fax |
2 (Both) |
Goal |
2 (Both) |
GoalRollupQuery |
2 (Both) |
ImportMap |
2 (Both) |
Incident |
2 (Both) |
IncidentResolution |
2 (Both) |
Invoice |
2 (Both) |
KbArticle |
2 (Both) |
Lead |
2 (Both) |
Letter |
2 (Both) |
List |
2 (Both) |
Mailbox |
2 (Both) |
MailMergeTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Metric |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
2 (Both) |
Opportunity |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityClose |
2 (Both) |
OrderClose |
2 (Both) |
PhoneCall |
2 (Both) |
Position |
2 (Both) |
PriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
ProcessSession |
2 (Both) |
Product |
2 (Both) |
ProductAssociation |
2 (Both) |
Queue |
2 (Both) |
QueueItem |
2 (Both) |
Quote |
2 (Both) |
QuoteClose |
2 (Both) |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRole |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRule |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrder |
2 (Both) |
SavedQuery |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStep |
2 (Both) |
ServiceAppointment |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
2 (Both) |
SharePointSite |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
SocialActivity |
2 (Both) |
SocialProfile |
2 (Both) |
SystemUser |
2 (Both) |
Task |
2 (Both) |
TransactionCurrency |
2 (Both) |
UoMSchedule |
2 (Both) |
UserQuery |
2 (Both) |
Workflow |
2 (Both) |
此類型的任何公用靜態 (Visual Basic 中的 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。任何執行個體成員都不保證具備執行緒安全。
Development Platforms
The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2008、Windows Server 2012、Windows 7
Change History
SetStateRequest 成員
Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages 命名空間
SetState Privileges
Sample: Validate Record State and Set State of the Record
How Role-Based Security Can Be Used to Control Access to Entities In CRM
How Instance-Based Security Can Be Used to Control Access to Entity Instances (Records) In CRM
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